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East End - Permanant ?


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Judging by Colin sextones response to a thread on the SL forum, reading between the lines , it appears that the east end will be open again, maybe with more stewards and he talks about QPR and Plymouth games too.

Maybe I'm making 2 and 2 = 5


who knows!!

it would be a lot better if we swapped sides with the away fans

in the east end then they can open up that little no mans land

of seating in the grandstand and those stewards can come across

to help police the east end.. it would make a even better atmosphere

with east end and the end of the grand stand singing :unsure:

it would make a difference if a few police officers were to show some

presence in there along with stewards as it would look more offical

and lads may well fear more of getting arrested than ejected

lets hope the east end stays open. :D

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It would be fanstastic if it was to be permanent, but if we go up and away teams start bringing more away fans (on average) we will need to think of a permanent area for them.

Is the EE open for city fans for the Wrexham game?

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Why should we look after the away fans so much?

I recon that even if we have half of the East End we will still sell out on the Plymouth on QPR games. so why give them more than half and let us have the other half?

Also as for police presence is almost certainly going to be availiable at Plymouth and QPR games if we have the East End or not. Quite a amount of police precence too i would expect. If they were to go in the East End this would almost certainly stop the trouble or at least give the stewards that added power to eject the knobs that try to cause trouble.

So really in a way we have more of a cause to have it for the Plymouth and QPR games as it would inflict no extra costs than what it would anyway.

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It appears that the east end will be open again, maybe with more stewards and he talks about QPR and Plymouth games too.

Maybe I'm making 2 and 2 = 5

I may be wrong but doesn't the East End hold 2,000 fans? In which case, when CS predicts QPR and Plymuff will bring 2,000 fans he's effectively ruling out the East End for City fans because it'd mean giving the whole end to the visitors.

Realistically, with the best will in the world we won't sell out the stadium with home fans for those games, so I'm sure the club would prefer to squeeze the City fans into three stands, give the away fans the whole of the East End and make as much money from the fixtures as possible.

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

Whats all the fuss about opening the eastend against Plymuth and QPR they opened it last year for the Cardiff playoff game and if there was ever going to be any trouble surely that would happen then.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

Yes it holds 5,5000


Meaning 2,000 for them 1,500 segregation and 2,000 for us :unsure:

Please do not tell me more than 1,500 seats are needed to segregate the fans because i simply cannot believe that.

Imagine 4,000 fans battling it out in the East End to be the loudest. Mental it would be, expecially if we got help from the Ateyo and Dolman a bit too.

If we get 2,000 seats and they get 2,000 seats then Ashton Gate would be buzzing again and our venture to get an atmosphere back will be very nearly completed.

As for it being opened last year for the big games, the East End was opened this year and only 50 or so of us went in there but look at the interest now!

Also we was given about 500 seats at the end which is pointless really. Also nothing was said before the match that i recall it was opened on the day of the match as overflow.

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If they were to go in the East End this would almost certainly stop the trouble or at least give the stewards that added power to eject the knobs that try to cause trouble.

Havent you been arrested before Tommycideregghead at a football match?

Or is that just my imagination? :unsure: :Hmm, yeah that's really funny Tarquin.: :Party27: :sport18:

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

OMG what a Linda Barker wannabe, go back to your mansion and eat your caviar while playing croquet on horse back because I'm going to get rodger the rabbit on you.

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