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Did Anybody Hear?

Port Said Red

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I had to leave very early for work yesterday morning :D and happened to have TS on for a change. The very Mad (and Bad) Mike Parry was taking calls on the Internationals the night before.

On come's this old guy from Bath, who started suggesting that a chap who used to play for Bristol City might be the answer to Scotlands problems. The person he was suggesting was TOM RITCHIE! ;), and he didn't mean as coach or manager either.

Mad Mike did his best to politely suggest that as TR had finished playing 30 years ago that maybe he wasn't in the best shape now, but this guy kept going on about what a class player hewas etc,etc. until he got cut off.

It was a great laugh, it's not often there is someone madder than Mr "Bristol City and Rovers should merge" Parry on the show.

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I know!

There seems to be a bit of a Rovers "love in" going on at present - all this mutual back slapping and respect nonsense...what is the world coming to?!

They'll be comparing us both to Liverpool and Everton next!


Mind you, I don't consider Rovers to be the second club in the region anymore - maybe thats the problem; the Gas just aren't relevent anymore.

One Team

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