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Holloway As City Manager


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From the threads on this forum it seems that most of us have a grudging respect for Ian Holloway and it occurred to me that would we ever accept him as City manager if the opportunity came around?

I think I probably would... :)

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Guest malaggro

Get real. The bloke doesn't like us and most of us don't like him.

Agreed his vile gas ways have somewhat diluted with age, but he isn't going to live long enough to fully redeem himself.


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Guest cider gliders
From the threads on this forum it seems that most of us have a grudging respect for Ian Holloway and it occurred to me that would we ever accept him as City manager if the opportunity came around?

I think I probably would... :)

We aint sure if it be you or we who should go

an have a lie down!

No ruddy way do we want

he down the gate! :)

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Guest budbcfc

for gods sake dont turn into one like i almost did when i was looking after them. thats why i got out. uuuugh! uuuugh! uuuugh! whaaaaaaaay! :)

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Guest comeonyoureds

there is no ####ing way i would ever accept that gas lovin' hollowheaded ##nker to be be citys manager! id rather have benny L back and thats saying something!

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No problem,was actually disappointed he did'nt play for us.When Rob Newman left for Norwich he would have been a great signing for us at 50% of the Newman fee,instead he went off to QPR and distinguished himself really well.

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Guest Red_Rat

I havent really noticed much grudging respect for Hollowhead, i like his passion towards his club.But i would never have him as manager.

Look at the squad he's got at QPR, they should be winning the league.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

The manager that's never won anything - Even QPR fans are getting fed up of him now!

I got respect for his commitment and no nonsense approach, but would hope City would aim their sights abit higher

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I havent really noticed much grudging respect for Hollowhead, i like his passion towards his club.But i would never have him as manager.

I think many City fans, myself included always respected (even admired) him particularly as a player and also as a manager, for his attitude as much as anything else. But don't confuse respect and admiration for actually liking the guy!

As for having him as City manager...nah! All the passion and motivational skill in the world won't compensate a lack of tactical knowhow. Though 1 out of 2 aint bad. :)

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there is no ####ing way i would ever accept that gas lovin' hollowheaded ##nker to be be citys manager!
not a fan then?! ha ha!

Nope i have to agree with this one, i would never ever ever have him as manager, i would be disgusted...

Gerry Francis as well.... not a bad manager, but too many wins against us back in the days have distorted my opinion of him...

Looking forward to Tinman being the next manager... well i hope so anyway!

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there is no ####ing way i would ever accept that gas lovin' hollowheaded ##nker to be be citys manager! id rather have benny L back and thats saying something!

I can see you put a lot of thought and reason into this response...... :dunno:

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I have grudging respect for Hollowhead yes, and I was disgusted at the way theGas sacked the bloke, however I wouldn't want Hollowhead to be City manager, I think he'd get as much stick as Pulis from certain sections of the crowd, and you know how rational football supporters can be at times.....

No I'd suggest staying clear of ex-Gas players as managers. Tinman maybe in a few years once he's learned the ropes; Martin o'Neill would be my choice if I had to plump for one. God imagine his histrionics on the touchline??? Marked difference from DW who was once described on here as having the emotions of a pop-up toaster.

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Had no respect for Hollowhead until i met him in person at Frenchay Hospital a few years ago. His daughter came in with a broken arm and he was the go between communication wise between myself and his daughter who is deaf. Anyway, treated his daughter and got onto the subject of football and the man is football through and through. His main concern was the fans and the way they are treated by football clubs, his passion was the gas and even admired city. The man was genuine and open throughout our conversation and my opinion of him changed instantly. Last season i was looking after a young man who had been involved in a car accident and had severe learning disabilities and was an avid QPR fan. I told this young lad that i was going to see City v QPR and he asked would i be able to get holloways autograph. When the team coach arrived at the Gate, Holloway acknowledged me and i asked if he would do me a favour and sign my programme for this lad. He told me to hang on and went into the dressing room and returned several minutes later with all the teams signtures and best wishes for the young lad.

Even though he is a gashead i admire the guy and think if he were a manager at this club he would take our team far, he has commitment and i believe he's a pretty decent motivator - just imagine if he wasn't forced to get rid of the likes of Zamora et al when he was at the gas - it doesn't even bear thinking about.

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Guest little un

He may be a nice guy "guernsey taffy red" but he is hollowhead and ex gas now at QPR he's got the worst reputation any guy could have. No way would I have him as manager.

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Guest nobby

it wouldnt matter even if he wasnt a gashead,hes never done anything as a manager[apart from getting the gas relegated] and judging how QPR have slipped up of late he never will,dispite having some excellent players under him[ zamora,roberts,ellington,gallen,furlong,shittu etc] and spending a fair bit of cash over the years

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as nobby said, until he's proved himself a good manager then, no. i think he wins over the fans with his undoubted passion, but i don't think he's anything special as a manager, most capable managers should be able do to a decent job with a big team like Qpr.

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The manager that's never won anything - Even QPR fans are getting fed up of him now!

I got respect for his commitment and no nonsense approach, but would hope City would aim their sights abit higher

As much as I think that Guernsey Taffy Reds story sums the MAN up, I'm afraid that if he fails to get QPR up this season the "choker" tag will get applied and will stick.

The City fans wont accept him for that more than anything else.

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He's not exactly setting the world alight with his QPR team is he? And his judgement has really got to be called into question when his defence starts to look a bit thin and he goes out and signs more strikers!

Perhaps we should do a defence<>attack loan swap with QPR til the end of the season? :dunno:

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Guest citysnumber7

i would not like it for ian hollaway to come to the gate.

but then again did anyone reali want peter beadle at the gate??

was everyone happy about that at first??

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Guest Hodges17

If Ollie ever managed you lot he'd get disowned by us like Wardy nearly did.

Ps - why go to city when he's getting QPR promoted automatically? :dunno:

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Guest citysnumber7

but i remember when he came on the pitch with the 95/96 team i think it was, and you all was cheering him!!

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Guest Hodges17
but i remember when he came on the pitch with the 95/96 team i think it was, and you all was cheering him!!

I'll take your word for that CN7, but i can't say i remember it.

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Guest citysnumber7

it wasnt that long ago, it was cheap that night for kids to get in, so i went with a few of my mates. even me and my mates joined in and was cheerin on beadle

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  • Admin
"Sneaking respect" - you have got to be kidding, the guys an imbecile, no way would I want him here!

Now Gordon Strachan maybe, or Peter Reid! :blush:  :dunno:

but I thought your support for our club (& its manager - whoever that may be) was, lemme find your exact word, "unconditional"?
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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass


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Guest markiedangerous
Nah!  I'm trained to treat people with serious mental disorders... :dunno:

if thats true rubhard, take a look mate :blush:

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Guest trublu

I'm sure the majority of you wouldn't want him anyway, but there's no way that he will ever come to you. Even though he's at QPR he's blue through and through.

Sorry to ruin it for some of you :dunno:

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I'm sure the majority of you wouldn't want him anyway, but there's no way that he will ever come to you. Even though he's at QPR he's blue through and through.

Sorry to ruin it for some of you  :dunno:

Thats OK, I'll get over the traumatic loss, of Comical Olly, no really :blush::D:o
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