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We Missed Aaron Brown


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Today city missed Aaron Brown down the left. Firstly Brian Tinnion was there no pace, Mickey Bell did alright I suppose, Marc Goodfellow bottled it, Christian Roberts not really.

Fans on here said how inconsistent Aaron was but I would rather have an inconsistent left winger with pace than 4 other left winger hopefuls.

Still City play badly but I am still optimistic that City will secure that second place

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

Yea, even though he has bad games he brings pace and all ways gets man-marked. We're going to miss him big time!

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CITYRGR8 Posted on Mar 20 2004, 06:05 PM

  Today city missed Aaron Brown down the left. Firstly Brian Tinnion was there no pace, Mickey Bell did alright I suppose, Marc Goodfellow bottled it, Christian Roberts not really.

Fans on here said how inconsistent Aaron was but I would rather have an inconsistent left winger with pace than 4 other left winger hopefuls.

Still City play badly but I am still optimistic that City will secure that second place

Yes, wasn't it going to be obvious?

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Guest little un

We definately missed Aaron Brown. His crossing is far better than the crosses today. They were all into the keepers arms! First game without him and we loose and don't score. Bristolcityup don't you realise that he set up most of our goals this season?

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bristolcityup Posted on Mar 20 2004, 07:02 PM

  What an earth are you talking about we missed Brown, what would he have done today, crossed in 10 rubbish balls, passed the ball badly 10 times, failed to tackle opposition players 10 times, shot off target 10 times, hes flipping useless.

What more useless than what was on offer today?

How many goals did he set up during our winning run ? 50%?

What more commitment does he need to show, chasing a ball all the way to the byline and breaking his leg fighting to the last? Rock on Tommy , Getting sent off for petulance!

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Guest dez_gimred

bristolcityup who would you like to see on the left?

aaron brown has done well for us...you must be watching a different game

he may shoot balls high and wide....but have you seen miller/peacock score recently? both have had decent chances and wasted them!

open your eyes

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Guest little un
At least the crosses stayed on the pitch then!
Ha ha ha you are funny!

Not bad if he sets up most our goals. If I remember he scored the winner away to Grimsby in our 11 match winning run. :P

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Guest Topbuzz

If we had started with Goodfellow he wouldnt be missing him quite as much .

Poor matty hill looked like he was playing lb n lw tday no support first half...Start Goodfellow on the left it will go some way 2 replace Aaron

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If we had started with Goodfellow he wouldnt be missing him quite as much.

I think the reason Danny Wilson did not start with Marc Goodfellow on the left because it would of been a weak midfield


But on wednesday against Tranmere i can see either tinnion or wilkshire dropped for Tommy Doherty

So it would be:


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Today city missed Aaron Brown down the left. Firstly Brian Tinnion was there no pace, Mickey Bell did alright I suppose, Marc Goodfellow bottled it, Christian Roberts not really.

Fans on here said how inconsistent Aaron was but I would rather have an inconsistent left winger with pace than 4 other left winger hopefuls.

Still City play badly but I am still optimistic that City will secure that second place

100% agree with you there! :angry:

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I thought I bring this topic back to the top.

Today City had Brian Tinnion on the left then we brought Craig Woodman onto play on the left.

So I make it that since Aaron Brown has been missing city have tried 5 players to play on the left in only 2 matches!

And people from this forum thought Aaron Brown was useless - they are so wrong.

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Guest H Block Drum n' Bass

I've always liked him, hes always man-marked becasue hes pacy! Which leaves gaps else-where!

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