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A few points from Donny

Guest jesst

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Guest jesst

1,Firstly the ticket problems-The Corners of the ground are £15 behind the goal is £18,thats for home and away fans.I cant understand why you sent the tickets up on the bus though.I have to say our ticket situation at donny is a fiasco since weve changed grounds.

2,On to the trouble,i had a few beers with some of your fans before the game,place was packed with both sets of fans.All good humour,good conversation and no trouble to be seen.However after the game ive heard of incidents were families were swore at and spat on as they walked down stadium way,wether this was by the group of chavs i don't know.Thats disapointing to hear.Clubs like ours needs all the fans it can get and its expensives for families,they need to enjoy it to keep comeing back.We all have idiots though don't we.

3,At belle vue we never had any problems at all however since we have moved there have been problems with Rotherham,Scunny,and now yourselves.Ok there were chavs in the corner (as your seat puncher proved)but the police and stewards who have to police the rules of the hated SMC (our landlords)don't help themselves at all I'm afraid.

4,The Match-two decent footballing sides not quite fireing,Obviousley haveing our 3 strikers out doesnt help our cause.In some ways and I'm sure you will disagree,i find it a shame when two decent teams who play proper football cant score and the winner comes from a set piece with a 6ft4 centreback,sort of proves teams like Lincolns tacticts.

5,All in all though half decent game to watch despite the defeat,i think your better than Forest and can see you doing it now so good luck and i hope we can beat your rivals on sunday,although were we will score from is anybodies guess.

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Guest Topbuzz

2,On to the trouble,i had a few beers with some of your fans before the game,place was packed with both sets of fans.All good humour,good conversation and no trouble to be seen.However after the game ive heard of incidents were families were swore at and spat on as they walked down stadium way,wether this was by the group of chavs i don't know.Thats disapointing to hear.Clubs like ours needs all the fans it can get and its expensives for families,they need to enjoy it to keep comeing back.We all have idiots though don't we.

To be honest everyone seems to have heard of spitting outside the ground but not 1st hand

Although in person we were friendly n had a laugh I had a drink in the Beefeater before the game n had a chat with some donny fans who seemed to be well at ease with us

Is it just chinese whispers

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Over the years I've learned to believe all I see, very little of what I read and about 25% of what I hear.

As far as Football goes, make that 10%.

Few examples:

When Millwall were in our fair City they had: :disapointed2se::rofl2br::rofl2br:

500 Turned Back at Paddington-BS

Set Fire To/Burned down a pub-BS

Smashed the Plasma TV's-BS

Had 500 in an escort (Try 80-120)

and it'll be the same on Saturday when Forest come here.

Why people find the need to justify their sad existence by making up these stories,I'll never know.

I saw nothing but banter and I spoke to about twenty Donnie Fans on my way back down the road to my car and they were all nice people.Not an ounce of trouble.Same at Crewe last week when we had about 1,600 there.

I've also seen thousands of City Fans "invade the pitch" in home games-win & lose and applaud the away fans after walking the length of the pitch (PNE & Hartlepool)

It's a pity that we don't hear more about that.

Good luck Saturday mate.

The Gas are awful and you're a far better football team.The problem, as you have said, is without Heff, Price & McGammon you're light up front.

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Guest jesst

Oh i agree things do get blown up out of all proportion.the media doesnt help either.Anyone watching the Championship would have felt there was a full blown riot.People get caught up in the emotion.for example when the trouble started i looked over to your end and watched 3 lads who were sat in the opposite corner to the trouble run down the steps to the bottom and try and get over there.The stewards stopped them,so they dissapeared down the concourse,30 seconds later they reapeared out the other concourse next to the trouble.Again they were stopped and got in a tussle with the stewards.They were looking for trouble pure and simple and for people like that ive no problems with the Stewards chucking them out and if they get a clip in the process so be it.

However on the other hand there have been far to many tales from visiting fans about our stewards heavy approach for doing very little for it not to have some merit,and without a doubt they inflame the situation.

Personally i go to the footy to watch well footy,i like a pint before the match and i often have a natter to opposition fans.In all the years ive followed Rovers ive never felt the need to fight anyone.I admit i once got turfed out at Forest Green Rovers for foul and abusive language but even that was aimed at one of our players not the opposition fans, but to be fair there is something surreal about sinking into the conference and getting mullered by a team like that it can turn anyone mad :innocent06:

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Jesst, we had a chat with some Donny fans in the Cheswold, and walking to the ground, what struck me was that the frustrations of a lot of us City fans are shared by you Donny fans. Football supporters with a common bond while the law makers do their best to spoil our enjoyment. Don't know if it was you (the ones we chatted with are leaving at 5.30 on Sunday in their minibus for the Millenium), but the atmosphere was good.

Think all you Donny fans liked "Drink up Thee Cider" and especially liked our singing for Donny.

There will always be a few idiots, they have to be managed. If any were spitting at Donny fans, that is disgusting, they deserve anything they get. Mind you, there were a few lads trying to wind up the City after the game, but thats all they were, lads, so mostly people were just laughing.

From what you say, your stewards have been to blame for problems at other games since moving to the Keepmoat, which backs up what a lot of us felt.

Good luck for Sunday, have a great day.

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outside the ground all i seen was city fans saying to donny fans good luck against the gas

and at full time in the ground you see 1 person punch a chair in anger but what about the

rest of the city fans singing, cheering and even hugging each other (in that corner) when

we won.

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1,Firstly the ticket problems-The Corners of the ground are £15 behind the goal is £18,thats for home and away fans.I cant understand why you sent the tickets up on the bus though.I have to say our ticket situation at donny is a fiasco since weve changed grounds.

2,On to the trouble,i had a few beers with some of your fans before the game,place was packed with both sets of fans.All good humour,good conversation and no trouble to be seen.However after the game ive heard of incidents were families were swore at and spat on as they walked down stadium way,wether this was by the group of chavs i don't know.Thats disapointing to hear.Clubs like ours needs all the fans it can get and its expensives for families,they need to enjoy it to keep comeing back.We all have idiots though don't we.

3,At belle vue we never had any problems at all however since we have moved there have been problems with Rotherham,Scunny,and now yourselves.Ok there were chavs in the corner (as your seat puncher proved)but the police and stewards who have to police the rules of the hated SMC (our landlords)don't help themselves at all I'm afraid.

4,The Match-two decent footballing sides not quite fireing,Obviousley haveing our 3 strikers out doesnt help our cause.In some ways and I'm sure you will disagree,i find it a shame when two decent teams who play proper football cant score and the winner comes from a set piece with a 6ft4 centreback,sort of proves teams like Lincolns tacticts.

5,All in all though half decent game to watch despite the defeat,i think your better than Forest and can see you doing it now so good luck and i hope we can beat your rivals on sunday,although were we will score from is anybodies guess.

To be honest we walked up the drive to our car and there was no problems on show at all.I think someone was is storytelling,Donny fans we spoke to were top people.

Go beat the gas play like you did Saturday you will have no problems.

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Guest jesst

Sorry mate,didnt see you lot cheering when you scored.My head was in my hands for the third time this week.aka cheltenham,chesterfield.

There is frustration at Donny the new stadium has been a disapointment to us really.For years we played in a hole that all visiting fans took the urine out of.Finally we get our shiny new ground and ok its not the best in the world but from what were used too its like wembley.However its run by an independant company appointed by the council.There sole aim is to get us in,rip us off,get us out as quickly as they can.They don't want an atmosphere they want you to sit down and shut up.The club cant do nothing about it.

anybody don't like there rules , then in come the gestapo stewards.I have read posts from city fans saying they don't target home fans,believe me they do but were sadly used to it although there was fighting between our fans and stewards when darlo came,they hand out life bans like paper.

There was a discusion on our board the other day and the concensus was we would rather be back at Belle Vue which says it all really!!!.

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