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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Equally: Brian, you said that Liam and Chris were "brilliant" coaches on the grass, quite a word to use there. From what we've seen so far, are they equally good at in-game management? Surely the practical application of coaching and game planning is not down to the players alone when the whistle blows? Do you think they should shoulder more responsibility for performances of late?
  2. What would be your first question?
  3. Have to hope that the journo goes beyond the banal, such as, "can you understand the fans frustration?".
  4. Even if we can, you won't get a straight answer. Typically craven BCFC approach to fan engagement. With good behaviours.
  5. Prepare for Bristol Sport buzzword/phrase bingo.
  6. Coincidence that it follows a win?
  7. Re: above, he was very happy with what he had when he walked in the door: Manning said: "The big bit is the playing group that is currently here." - "The big attraction is the current group that are in place".
  8. He thought he was right when he came in, tbought the squad was good and the balance good.
  9. what about our desperation and the hole in our souls?
  10. Force them to watch Manning on the grass for 10 weeks and listen to his PowerPoint presentations.
  11. For what it is worth, Pearson saw Cornick as playing centrally, something he's hardly ever done previously nor here. His most effective role is left of a front three. Either way, we have MUCH, MUCH bigger problems than Cornick, who I do not see as a problem. For the money spent (buttons today), a valuable squad player for me.
  12. Josh Murphy could be a type that might fit the Manning bill of older but with knowledge of him directly. Contract up in the summer, experience at this level and higher (albeit limited). Better than L1. Caveat: Not advocating, just musing on possibles.
  13. I think age and injury record will be an additional factor in the decision. I'm not judging any of these players, just thinking about what might happen.
  14. May well move on a free in lieu of a fee with wages covered.
  15. Naismith came on a free and one year to go (?), so I suspect a modest fee might move him on. Bonnie Scotland might beckon again.
  16. I don't see "unless he was lying" as a reasonable question (or indeed statement) in this context. The thread takes them at face value, there are countless other threads about believability, credibiltiy, conspiracy, etc (we've all pitched in therein). I was merely hoping for a debate about the possible blend of older heads into what we have into pre-season/next season, from where they might be drawn and who they might be.
  17. With respect, there are plenty of other threads for such speculation.
  18. Take your point, but as I have pointed out twice now, he has stated it quite clearly as something that he is "BIG" on "a core of senior players". To me that means more than Rob and Zac, and I can't see him keeping many of the current older lot unless he has to. Ergo, who comes in, from what level and what blend will we be left with?
  19. Yes, June 2025, so corrected. I can still see him going to a relegated club, Sheff Weds or Birmingham being two obvious contenders.
  20. Manning said he wanted them himself, to reiterate his words: "Important for any group ... a core of senior players ... I'm big in terms drawing out that experience and that knowledge." If some do not come in, then it is item 1. in my post above.
  21. Re: your paragraph 2, read what I said again. I said that I could see him doing that (older heads from lower leagues), I did not say that I agreed with it. Re: Cornick, he came through the divisions but is an established Championship player, but let's not go down that hole, I like him, others do not.
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