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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Look at the attendances then as well, around 12/13K at home. People will walk.
  2. I called it when we beat Barnsley 5-3 around the same time in 2013. We were all over the place in so many ways on field and off. You can see it and sense it. You don't need maths for that.
  3. Nutshell for you. Momentum is downward. A killer in team sport.
  4. Check this out, as a reminder. Very much was the last time we effed up massively: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012–13_Bristol_City_F.C._season 1 win in last 12.
  5. Manning only won 2 of last 10 for Oxford after appointed, and those were against Forest Green and Cheltenham. Much of this debacle down to timing. He ain't a mid / late season guy. Equally, he struggled at MK with a 5 game losing run near to the end of his time. The accusation again that he was too rigid with his "plans". The evidence for me is that he is a coach who needs a pre season and a lot of recruitment. We were never in that position. We can't gamble on his credentials to recruit at this level either. Whatever happens, he should go in the summer.
  6. It is bleak, but I honestly think we've got a good chance in the next 2.
  7. Positive: In our hands to a very large degree. Negative: Very bad record against these teams. Will Sunderland, Plymouth and Blackburn still be so bad when we get to them? The next 2 games are huge. I think both are winnable games because of how they will play. Will Manning get it right? Will he learn to change when needed or react when obvious? Will he field fit players? How many fit players have we got?
  8. Read it online, or heard it from bloke down the pub, ergo, must be true.
  9. Positives, but very wooden in his interview and clearly influened to be on message with comments about staff & "manager".
  10. No chance NP would do that.
  11. True, Midas touch season, but not getting in trouble/relegated THIS season. Winning next game utterly crucial for us now.
  12. Was searching for positives! Keep it up Mackems!
  13. Only Sunderland really going for it like us ... 5 losses in a row now.
  14. Sunderland now lost 5 in a row so giving it a good go as well. Sure their fans not impressed with their hiring and firing either.
  15. Simply have to win that game, for all our sakes.
  16. Newsflash: he did not lose us the game.
  17. Whichever extreme you are following tonight, we ARE massively in the brown stuff. HAVE to beat Swansea but do we have a truly fit 11?
  18. Trump stats. They are tremendous.
  19. F me, not at fault for any of them Bigger problems elsewhere.
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