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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Said with enthusiasm and genuine warmth I thought.
  2. "Happy for Anis to have a stormer tracking back and winning tackles.". One man's "drop" is another man's tactical decision.
  3. Rather have Roberts in front of Pring or vice verse.
  4. Mehmeti worries me here. This is a game for discipline. Him in front of Roberts? That is our weakness right there for a team that kills teams down the flanks. Happy for Anis to have a stormer tracking back and winning tackles.
  5. Pack the midfield, 5 across, balls in behind and don't waste set pieces. Stop them building wide so can't leave gaps by bombing on. Through balls early rather than too much width in our attack. All easier said than done. Could be a good game for TC if played this way.
  6. Looking forward to the half and half shirt as our third kit next season.
  7. Hope Tymon goes to AEK one day.
  8. They do keep 2 hugging the touchline (Swans).
  9. Bit about Todd Boehly: "needed adult supervision in that (de facto sporting director role) before throwing all that money around". Need people who know what they are doing!
  10. actually, the best bits are on the radio, audio link: Wed, Mar 13, 2024 ( 12:00 - 12:30 ) https://talksport.com/radio/listen-again/1710324000/1710331200/ 12:30 - 13:00 https://talksport.com/radio/listen-again/1710324000/1710333000/
  11. Interesting overview of the professionalism at an elite club, but also the emphasis on fans, community and togetherness. The type of issues (succession planning, for example) discussed should be an aspiration though. For clarity, before the usual suspects jump, no, I'm not a Liverpool "fan", only ONE TEAM form me, and no, not advocating American ownership. Just thought it would interest some. The audio link has more of the substance but you'll have to wind past the adverts: few extra bits in the longer audio version: https://talksport.com/radio/listen-again/1710324000/
  12. Yes I know that! Attendances clearly is not true. Should have said TICKETS SOLD are up.
  13. Tickets sold true, but ATTENDANCES, not so true
  14. They won't be able to cope with a last minute dash in such numbers.
  15. Murphy's law is active at this club ay the moment.
  16. Why not just be honest? We're not trying to hoodwink an opponent about an upcoming fixture, etc. AlI I can imagine is that they do not now want an injury back story if he us underwhelming and they might move him on.
  17. In other news, Birmingham slip closer to oblivion. Could it be this year at last?
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