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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Probably not but was making the general point to all about naming threads better. Taken to be an insult by some, when clumsy (as listed) often the reason. Pointing that out is not an insult, albeit the face palmers disagree. As you say, each to their own.
  2. I gave a range of reasons, naming threads better would be to the benefit of all. It is often merely clumsy, but worthy of note nonetheless.
  3. No need for direct rudeness or insult.
  4. Click bait mentality/ laziness/ attention seeking/ill concieved, clumsy, etc, quite common here unfortunately.
  5. Everything I heard tells me he is reading this forum at length. Almost aimed some comments as direct responses.
  6. Think overall it showed a fairly happy camp. Manning is quite wooden though, and an odd ending.
  7. Seems to be a decent spirit, Kal a character and c!early a leader. Odd ending, a bit amateurish and not necessary.
  8. Time to put the charts away for this week Dave. Man management is the key at the moment, not info overload.
  9. Yes, a rookie, so now is the time to do just that. Manage the men and their current, individual and collective talents, don't just rely on textbooks and stats. Time to prove yourself. I wonder how much of the Pro Licence is actually about people and psychology.
  10. Without elite or far superior players, it is hard to implement a one size fits all approach. In short, Manning needs to be adaptable and to an extent pragmatic until the end of the season.
  11. That is why senior pros are so important as the link to knit things together as well as leading by voice and example. Newer style coaches like maleable and receptive as they expect it rather than understanding different learning styles and character
  12. Yes, but what of ther here and now and prospect for upturn?
  13. play with a bit of freedom, indeed, one of the things we are/were quite good at already.
  14. There is a possibility that things might go on an upward trend fron now until seasons end (yes, I know ....). Anyway, what single thing (or perhaps a few) would bring that about from this moment forth? For me, this stuff is cobblers: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/liam-manning-bristol-city-season-9125248 The reality, generally is: ""You can have all the coaching manuals, all the university degrees, and all this, and all that. You modern guys, you youngsters, it's all data and all that. But do you know 90-95% of being successful is man management... getting the best out of what you've got." Notwithstanding the reported comments, will our Head Coach actually work on the above? If not, will the players urge that to be the course, with some tweaks? I think it might happen with a combination of the two. That usually works best when strong minded, senior players are close to the Head Coach / Manager. Some signs suggest that ours is fearful or at least mistrustful of those strong characters. That may be incorrect, but we shall see. This situation somewhat smacks of the need for a bridge between players and coaches. That usually starts with the senior pros. Being down one significant one in Andi does, in my opinion, make a difference. One less alternative voice. This isn't the time for coaches/managers to come out with doom laden comments about hard work and standing up and being counted. Yes, good on paper, but you also need to raise esteem, spirit and drive in more subtle ways. That is man management. Does LM do it on his own or with the senior pros? To me, that is how it might go right, along with less of the data and drills and more of doing what we are good at already.
  15. Milton Keynes local news, Dec 2022, post LM sacking. Sound familiar? "This season's crop of players has not looked at home in the system they have been playing in, and the dogged, unmoving approach to the style of play has not helped."
  16. I suspect it is currently at the bewilderment stage. This is a bunch of lads that need simple messages, clear messages and leadership. How long before the LJ line of picking players "I can trust". That's when the wheels truly come off.
  17. Comes over as I'm clever, you are not. Feels a bit like Tinnion's "look into my eyes" moment. Take some responsibility man. I suspect quite a few of the players are seeing through the B.S. now (and I don't mean Bristol Sport!).
  18. Reactive Dave, not reactionary. The latter means something else, unless you are American and inclined to invent meaning based on misuse. Sorry, but I can't stand misuse of that word.
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