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Posts posted by BrizzleRed

  1. 21 minutes ago, RedM said:

    That's why for me it was so refreshing to see Twine, even if it was only for one match. It really made me realise how predictable and stale our fk and corner routines are.

    Quite so RedM and for Manning’s sake, I hope the reason he didn’t play Twine yesterday was that he wasn’t quite ready, rather than by choice.  

    That free kick by Nakhi just summed up why there’s no point in us getting excited about us winning a fk in a dangerous area!

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    Thanks Pop! What the chances of you going to Derby away next season?

    You and I are about the same age. I’m a season ticket holder but watch the vast majority of games via BCTV as I live in North America. 

    I was exactly the same. I thought aye aye we may have turned the corner, but no back to being utter crap.

    Getting beat is something as City fans we are well used to but the way our top six squad keeps losing all belief in their individual skill set and descends into indescribably excruciating performances is something that Mr Manning has taken to a wholly new level. 

    You know when it’s become really bad when posters you have never heard of cant be bothered to come on here. 

    I just wonder how Mr Manning explains that to Brian and Jon. 

    I wish I lived in North America mate, as I wouldn’t keep buying ST’s to watch this shit!!!  I’ll be honest and say I suspected a bad result yesterday, but I hadn’t anticipated quite the depths of shitness we were actually capable of achieving.

    We keep getting threads on here about lack of atmosphere at the Gate, but I’m not surprised by it at all.  Obviously younger fans are more optimistic, as they haven’t had the decades of let-downs we’ve had.  Even on the rare occasions we get a bit of a run of results going, I can’t get past the thoughts of WHEN, rather than WILL we balls it all up.  

    It’s hard to get excited when you know what’s just around the corner ….. we’re Bristol City and it’s what we do!!!

    • Haha 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Do you know what he’s trying to do?…….nobody on here seems to know including those who are students of the game.

    No I really don’t know RR.  I’m just hoping he’s trying to find a way of bringing some kind of consistency of performance, but there’s certainly no sign of him achieving that so far.

    Who knows what City will turn up at any game and the only clue we have is if a team are going to attack us, we’re probably more likely to give them a game ….. unless they’re called Leeds obviously!

    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    Don't put this on Manning - our throw ins have been terrible since NP. Under NP last season I think I counted something like 15 consecutive throw ins that went backward one match. It should be fundamental - no one should have to teach a professional footballer how to take a throw in. This is something that was ingrained under the previous regime, and seemingly not challenged. Anyway, they might be cr@p, but at least we put a few in the right direction yesterday. Which is more than some matches this season.

    Oh you’re right, this throw in shit has been going on for years, much like crap corner kick routines and piss poor free kicks.

    This certainly isn’t on Manning, but it seems whoever comes in, nobody gets to the root of the problems and it just continues, regardless of the players and coaches we have at the club.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

    QPR played well. They are struggling with no money and a very mediocre squad. Nevertheless They should have beaten us 3/0 comfortably and looked very threatening in the latter stages so I don’t go along with “park the bus” syndrome. 

    We could not/did not pass, compete or  show any individuality.

    The players looked scared to try something/anything where we could possibly lose the ball in order to retain possession. This is the fourth or fifth time this has happened. The obsession with maintaining possession is costing us as teams will hunt down the player in possession and play on the break to counter act that, which is what happened.

    We were served up the exact same rubbish against Leeds and no one accused them of parking the bus. The excuses on here after that game were mind blowing, we can’t compete against premier league parachute money outclassed by a premier league team in waiting etc etc etc were vomit making. We were just shit, like we were yesterday. 

    Manning seems to put fear in the team by insisting we try to keep possession at all costs which inevitably leads to us losing the ball  

    Unfortunately football match’s are not won by possession stats, they are won by skill and creating chances in order to score goals! 

    I listened to the first twenty minutes of FBC this morning and after Ian got his obligatory dig in about Pearson, the young lad got it spot on. Fear is the key! Manning has created a team that is petrified of risk and is insistent that is the way he will play, regardless of whom he has available! This needs to change  



    Completely with you.  QPR played well, but we certainly aided their cause.  They were understandably a bit cagey early on, but in the second half in particular, they could see we offered no threat and pushed on and could and should have scored more.  

    That was the worry for me, as with them going forward more, we should then have been looking to get behind them, but we offered bugger all.

    Our performance really was dogshit and there was no excuse whatsoever.  I can’t believe after 60 years of following this lot, I stupidly allowed myself to get a little optimistic prior to the game, even though experience taught me me we were more likely to follow up the Southampton performance with crap like this.  

    I’ll definitely go back to keeping any misplaced optimism in check in future, as it makes the inevitable let-downs more bearable!!!

    • Like 3
  6. 17 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    Manning said they worked on throws for 15 minutes in the build up to Southampton . 
    I know the games have been thick and fast and most of the time between games would have been recuperation, but I would have thought they could have they could have done some classroom talk throughs . 
    Anyway , they have 2 weeks with one game , so some decent training ground time and I hope to see improvement on throw ins apart from anything else , that 11 men back for corners bugs me.

    Let’s hope they make the most of the time available 🤞

    In the end though, it isn’t rocket science we’re talking about and you’d hope that by the time footballers reach Championship level and a fair few grand a week in wages, they’d have a basic grasp of how to make a meaningful effort at throw in routines.  

    It really makes you wonder about what actually goes on during their coaching sessions!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Ashton Fete said:

    I buy into what Manning is doing and I think after a summer turnover I think next season is going to be the best for some years

    But yesterday he got pretty much everything key wrong from starters to subs to formation/tactics chasing the game

    Hopefully he’ll learn a lot from it!!!

    I really want to buy in to what Manning is doing, but I won’t be converted until I see what his solution is for teams who just park the bus. 

    Until he can prove he has some answers to combat this problem, we really don’t have a reason to look up the table, as we won’t be occupying those places any time soon.

    This is a big challenge for Manning and he doesn’t appear to have a solution so far.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Back of the Dolman said:

    We always bring everyone back for corners ! I might be old fashioned but leave a man up which then forces the opposition to leave a couple of players back.

    As it is now the opposition are able to push everyone up, have a couple of players edge of the box to pick up loose balls and the keeper can push up to the half way line.


    We do usually but I’m pretty sure there were a few occasions against Southampton that we left someone higher up for a quick break.

    It just seems to indicate a lack of enterprise on our part, with throw in’s and free kicks far more likely to go sideways or backwards and rarely troubling the opposition.

    Another of those ‘small margins’ we fail to turn in our favour.

  9. While we can speculate a bit of tiredness contributed to the total lack of intensity yesterday, you have to be super-optimistic to think those tactics are going to work against teams who come to contain us.

    To be fair to QPR, they were so comfortable in the second half that they started to push on more for a second.  We totally failed to respond to that and try and counter.  Even when we were defending corners we brought everyone back, so where was the chance of a quick break?

    That for me was negative tactics, not fatigue.

    • Like 2
  10. 16 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    I note the "Cult of Nige" are quiet tonight?  Ha!     PS.Not that i have anything against Uncle Nigel.

    Fantastic performance and result tonight, so it’s a pity you’ve got to pipe up with a ******* stupid comment like that. Grow up ffs

    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, BS3_RED said:

    I've never seen so many people moan as I have since manning took charge.  Some of the flack he has took is a joke. New to this standard and club it would always take a bit of time.  We have put good performances in the cup and if we can replicate that in the league we will do well.  Watford away was outstanding and today was also pretty spot on from the small part i watched ( I was working today)

    I really think that people are giving him the flack for decisions that are beyond his control (NP sacking).

    We are safe this season, so just sit back, shut the fck up and lets see what happens in August.





    Oh and if you want to slag me off for daring to see things different, go ahead. I could not give a shit. 

    If watching City really pisses you off that much, you can always go and watch the sags. You wont be missed. 




    Steady on Liam, it’s not a good look if you get on the piss on the team bus on a long journey back home 😏

  12. 59 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    For me, trying something new shows ambition.   Ambition is -  "A strong wish to achieve something"               Maybe it will be successful , maybe it will fail?........but the powers that be, decided to try something new and different. .  Like it or Not, and you may consider it foolhardy, but it cannot be denied that it is ambitious?   

    As has been mentioned earlier, it’s all about personal pov’s.  

    My take on us trying something new yet again isn’t ambition, it’s an indication of an owner who really doesn’t know what he wants and is constantly flip flopping between strategies, in the hope of eventually finding a winning formula.

    I’m wracking my brain to try and remember just one new managerial appointment that SL which has been a continuity appointment, rather than a lurch in one direction or another and requiring substantial changes in playing staff to accomodate the new manager/head coach’s style.

    I think I’ll settle for foolhardy when referring to Lansdown Snr, as he’s definitely found a surefire way of losing £millions of his fortune on a consistent basis, whilst the club stand still at best!

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  13. Tbh, the stuff mentioned on this thread so far pales into insignificance, compared to the female Newcastle fan, who’s just got a 2 year ban from the ground.  

    All she did was post online that men transitioning to women aren’t women!  None of the club’s business and they’re owned by Saudi’s anyway, so not exactly  famous for their human rights record.


    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    You and me both.

    Fuming, baffled and frankly worried that the strategy is heading towards a mess again.

    Goes to show, you can get an experienced head in to sort out deep rooted mis-management, but if it’s then handed over to a pair of idiots, it can turn to shit pretty quickly.

    Hopefully they don’t wreck all the heavy lifting done with the finances too.

    • Like 8
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  15. 1 hour ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I did pick up on that - wondering whether there was some “dumping bias” but it was made amongst what looked like reasonably considered posts.

    I agree SD and don’t think it was dump biase and they seemed to be pretty balanced to be fair.

    What I find interesting is that in spite of them having their HC nicked and us doing the nicking, both sets of fans seem similarly meh about their new appointments though and pretty scathing of their club’s ownership.

    Reading that made me feel like we haven’t actually come out any better than they have, as it currently stands.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, One Team said:

    I think that’s true actually and representative of most football fans.

    Thinking about fans of other clubs I know I think we’re relatively patient with our managers actually. 

    Oh, we’re certainly patient here, but that comes after years of practice of constantly lowering our expectations.

  17. 26 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    Its really simple.

    That tiny closed forum of theirs and their tin pot little club is full of envious, small minded, cretins.

    That explains everything about them.


    Christ they’re special.  

    Can’t manage to beat us on any conventional stats, so try to create this best lowest bollux with cherry-picked dates to try to conjour up something they may possibly be able to twist in their favour.

    Sad, pathetic ****wits!!!

  18. 36 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    Poor old DES!   It's almost a mirror reflection of our own wonderful forum?   Some want Des to succeed, and others believe he is tactically inept?    It's the same old, same old, which is a mixture of intelligent insight, and knee jerk stupidity.  I would imagine Fan forums are pretty much  similar everywhere,    (apart from the club name),  where ever you choose to delve into?

    Was thinking exactly the same.  Change the individual names and the background colour to red and it could easily be here.

    Interesting it was mentioned that they felt 2nd place was a falsely high position at the point when LM left.

    • Like 1
  19. 3 hours ago, mason said:

    Why do you think Conway isnt very interested in signing a new contact? fully expect a few others to be head hunted this summer. Mediocre City is us, with little to no desire to at least try to move forward.

    The happy clappers might buy into the bs put out by the club, but the players know what’s really happening here.  They’ll know that if they want to progress their careers, it’s not worth waiting around here to do it.

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    • Haha 1
  20. 11 minutes ago, Back of the Dolman said:

    I’m glad I scrolled through the thread before just posting this exact point !

    Don’t get me wrong in that one game his dead ball quality was better than we’ve seen all season and he looked suited to dropping into pockets to pick up the ball and try to make this system work.

    But if there’s no option to buy and is unlikely to be here next season then all we’re doing is increasing his value for Burnley or keeping him sharp for them next season if they come down and choose to use him.

    I get if he drove us to the play offs it may be worth it but have the club shown that desire do we think ?

    We’ve supposedly built for the future this window which the nature of the deal means Twine won’t be around for.

    I reckon loans like Twine only make sense by accepting we are being set up to just maintain Championship status, no more.

    I suspect the Lansdowns are more than happy at this level, as they can afford to keep bringing on young players to get some experience and exposure at a level that will attract Prem clubs to come and buy.

    They probably think that they just have to chuck out the odd bs comment that we’re focused on getting to the Premier League and we’ll all swallow it hook, line and sinker.

    • Like 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Ian 6920 said:

    I’m not trying to cause trouble pal but being honest, he’s shite!. We need him back because we still can’t buy players so owt that has come in is old timers or freebies which some work out but a lot don’t.

    Fair enough.  

    Had a quick look at your forum and it sounds like he needs a fresh start, to recapture his previous Championship form.  Also appears that team mates and tactics have changed and the current set up doesn’t bring the best out of him.

    Hopefully he’ll find our midfield will suit him better and playing under a new head coach can also help.

    Just don’t break him though, as we can do that very well ourselves!😄

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  22. 4 minutes ago, Ian 6920 said:


    Sorry to hear you have signed Max, Jason knight was a good player who gives 100 percent every game.Max is poor, doesn’t do much in a game and when he does the pass is either square or backwards, very few Derby fans sorry he’s gone. 
    Hope it works out for him and yourselves but will be very surprised if it does.

    Oh well, if he’s that bad, your club won’t want him for the rest of the season, so let’s take him off your hands now then🙂

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  23. 30 minutes ago, FNQ said:

    Well I get what you’re saying but were we bidding against anybody else except ourselves? Can’t imagine that any team who were genuinely interested in the player and  could outbid us with wages in the summer weren’t as smart as us in January and therefore have missed out? You’d think that the players agent would be abreast of any potential interest now and what would be likely interest in the summer. 

    Anyway hopefully it’s a good addition.

    Fair enough, but maybe many clubs are just put off by the often mentioned inflated January prices and prefer to wait it out until the summer.

    In the case of Bird, I believe he’s out of contract in the summer and wasn’t re-signing, so I’m guessing it was just down to us agreeing the compo with Derby and terms with the player.

    He seems a very well regarded and you’d have thought his agent would be keeping name out there.   Haven’t a clue if we had competition for his signature but for me, it’s great to see us land one of our targets without getting into a bidding war with bigger hitters and eventually missing out.

    I never thought I’d use the words ‘smart’ and ‘our board’ in the same sentance, but maybe with this window being particularly quiet, they saw an opportunity and grabbed it!

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