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Posts posted by BrizzleRed

  1. 2 hours ago, DirtySanchez said:

    Don't you think they are trying to get new investors, see press releases around the summer? Don't think many people are queueing up to buy many clubs in this climate. You can see how little clubs are spending across any of the leagues, even we have broke the mould and got a loan in.

    Oh they may be trying, but as has been said so many times, SL’s dropped a massive bollock tying everything up into Bristol Sport.  He’s just made the club less attractive to potential buyers.

    There are plenty of people buying into football, but it has to be an attractive proposition.  Doesn’t it make you wonder why it hasn’t happened with us, especially with the discussion by the commentstors last night that everything is in place for this club to take off, but we’ve underachieved for so long?

    The club may be attractive, but I’ll bet the tangled web it’s tied into isn’t!

  2. 1 hour ago, reddoc said:

    Problem is, when did you last see a penalty given when the player didn't go down? If you're fouled and don't go down in the box nothing is given. Totally different outside the box. The referees are their own worse enemy. Moan about players diving but then force them to do so.

    A sad reflection on the quality of officials we’re stuck with these days, unfortunately.

  3. 1 hour ago, reddoc said:

    Problem is, when did you last see a penalty given when the player didn't go down? If you're fouled and don't go down in the box nothing is given. Totally different outside the box. The referees are their own worse enemy. Moan about players diving but then force them to do so.

    A sad reflection on the quality of officials we’re stuck with these days, unfortunately.

  4. Just now, cheese said:

    But if he'd gone down maybe Fabianski might have been sent off.  

    True.  Call me old fashioned though, but I will always go for those honest pros who’ll stumble to stay on their feet after being clattered, rather than go down like they’ve been shot.

    It may give your team an advantage to go down, but the line between gamesmanship and downright cheating has all but disappeared.

    If Tommy had missed the opportunity, I may have thought differently, but as it stands, he’s only gone up in my estimation for his honesty and drive to get the ball in the back of the net.

    • Like 5
  5. 24 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    Premier League is now really a non contact sport. The fans of the club's and players have lost touch of the reality of the actual sport. It's a physical game.

    Couldn’t agree more. 👍

    In the Prem, it appears to be a form of pseudo football, rather than the real thing.  A kind of ‘stand back and watch all the fancy tricks I can do’, rather than actually playing in the true spirit of football.

    I want to see us get a taste of the top flight, but that’s a part I actually dread.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Crackers Corner said:

    That's the issue with the prem,with both var and diving it's been pushed to the point as you mention of almost non contact. The west ham of old would have shown far more guts and gave us back as good as they got. Their team last night and the first game genuinely didnt know what to do when a team got stuck into them and looked frightened to death. Imagine them against some of the more physical champ sites. 

    Every prem striker would have gone down if in Conways shoes when keeper made contact with him but he stayed on his feet for the goal as they would know var would show contact and a pen. It's ruining the game.

    I feel for true west ham fans as apart from one or two of thiern players the rest really didn't want to be there.


    Absolutely this.  Massive credit to Tommy and he got his just rewards for staying on his feet.  

    So refreshing to see some honesty in football, rather than the cheating b*starts who hit the deck without even being touched.  

    How many times have we heard the comment “there was contact, so he was entitled to go down”.  That one incident last night gave me flashbacks to the old days when there was far more honesty on football.

    Well done Tommy!!! 👏👏👏

    • Like 4
  7. 58 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    Why was my favourite moment of last night seeing TGH turn around and smack Cresswell 😂 I love that we have a few in our team who can get amongst it. 

    They looked scared s***less every time Pring went 50/50 with any of their players, and Williams getting stuck in like an old Tommy Doc. Brilliant.

    It was brilliant.  City have been a soft touch for far too long in the past, but definitely not any more.

    Shows how pathetic the Prem has got, if they reckon we were dirty. Tenacious yes, but dirty definitely not, so they just need to man up.

    Love it City and proud of every one of them last night.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

    Everybody is, but perhaps that wasn't on the table from Burnley. As others have said, they may consider him to be their plan B in the championship, if they get relegated. They can also negotiate a better fee if he has a stormer

    So the option may have been "You can have twine until the end of the season, then we will see where we are - Yes or No (BTW others are interested) - what do you do?

    Its a Yes all day long surely

    It would be interesting to see who else we had our eye on.  If there was someone we could get on a perm who we could improve for our own benefit, not for someone else, I would have preferred that.  If that option wasn’t there, then maybe the ST deal was the best option available.

    It’s been obvious we’re crying out for a creative spark in this side.  ST looks well equipped to provide that, so looking forward to see what he can do for us.  It would also be a bonus if he can have a positive influence on the players around him too which benefits us, even if he returns to Burnley at the end of the season.

    Hopefully some more exciting football to look forward to now🤞


  9. 48 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

    Leaving aside the black and white opinion club politics of the signing.

    Is Twine a signing that improves the team, yes.

    Is Twine a signing that develops the squad, potentially no.

    That’s the thing for me now with new signings, it’s not about a shiny new thing, a few more points this season and more ‘feel good’ down the gate factor for a few games - we’ve been trying to do that for years and getting nowhere.

    It’s about the strategy and the plan. I don’t quite see where he fits in that yet, with the current info we have around the deal.

    Under RG and NP we didn’t have loans for the sake of it and the development of our squad benefitted from that.

    If Twine is one of 2 or 3 signings this window that help us push on for 6th, brilliant I absolutely love and welcome that. However if he’s the only 1, IMO he will not be the player that makes the difference.

    So, what’s the point? Suppose it depends if you think we still have a chance this season at 6th or not, personally I’m looking at next. Call me Negative Nancy. Let’s see how the rest of the window goes.

    Therefore I’m asking the question - how does he fit in the team with regards to development for next season?

    Drop Bell or Mehmeti? Or is it Williams or TGH? If LM’s decided Williams doesn’t get a new contract, fine. Harsh maybe but there’s a plan there.

    If he plays Twine for 15 plus games (then he leaves us in the summer) having dropped TGH or Bell or Mehmeti, all players who are contracted to play next season, I’d be asking questions.

    Does that make me an ungrateful Karen? Well I don’t think so. IMO I’m looking more long term because it’s going to be a long term strategy (one we seemed to be on) that will get us out this division.

    We know we can’t buy our way out so we need that long term thinking. There’s a place for a good loan if it’s a “final piece of the jigsaw” type but not one or two Prem loans here and there to maybe finish 10th instead of 14th. 

    Cracking post and exactly as I see it👏

    Really disappointed there seems to be no option to buy on this loan, but still looking forward to seeing what we can do with some much needed creativity at long last.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Cov 77 said:

    God this forum has the most miserable bunch of angry ***** I have ever seen , just signed a decent player for our football team, and it implodes 

    Get some perspective and a f••••g life 

    ok, you want some perspective???

    If it was a loan to buy, then I’d be celebrating, but the only real beneficiaries under this deal are Burnley.  We’ll be paying his wages, probably with a loan fee on top and just keeping him warm for them until next season.  

    Whoopie for them!

    • Facepalm 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, johnheadbcfc said:

    Let's not try to go up until we have a team better than Leicester just incase we get beat in the prem,  heard it all now



    Sorry, but you’re talking like some wet behind the ears kid who doesn’t look at the bigger picture.

    There are plenty of teams in this division who are way better equipped to go up, but if the seemingly impossible happened, would you be happy to see us go up and get humiliated every week, because I certainly wouldn’t.

    Derby’s low points record would be under a massive threat, so I’ll use that popular phrase with the Lansdown apologists, be careful what you wish for!

  12. Just now, johnheadbcfc said:

    How on earth can you just throw away the season for christ sakes we are 4 points off playoffs, there's plenty of points left I pray we start pushing on in the coming weeks so I can bring these comments back up.

    Oh come on, give your head a wobble mate.  If by some miracle, we managed to ‘do a Luton’ with this squad, we’d get absolutely rinsed every week in the Prem.

    We aren’t even close to the quality needed for the step up, so some serious realism, rather than rose tints needed, I reckon!

    • Facepalm 1
  13. 1 minute ago, johnheadbcfc said:

    You lot must be a right laugh at partys😂😂

    What’s to be happy about then?  

    We’re going nowhere this season anyway, so we’ll just be keeping one of Burnley’s players match fit for them next season.  Would rather see us pick jp a young player from the lower leagues and bring them on for ourselves, rather than helping out what will be a Championship rival next year.

    How can you possibly be happy with this situation??

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  14. Thanks for everything Andi.  
    You’ve been an absolutely top pro for us and a fantastic example for all the young players at our club to look up to .

    Players come and go, though some live on in the memory far longer than others.  You are definitely one of the latter and I’m positive you’ll have the warmest of welcomes when we see you again.

    Wishing you every success in the future and thank you for giving 100% every time you pulled on our shirt 👍👏👏

  15. 1 hour ago, Homer Simpson said:

    Coventry away in 77 was my first ever away game so I remember it very well. My Dad would not go unless we got tickets as he new it was possibly going to hit capacity. Tickets were only issued for the stands in those days, not terracing. The initial allocation was 4500 tickets, I remember being gutted when they sold out. City then obtained another 3000 tickets in the Sky Blue stand, luckily we got a couple before they also sold out. So 7500 in the stands plus those on the terraces at both ends. I think a good 50% of the attendance was a realistic estimate. Not bad for a Thursday evening. A previous poster asked how so many got there. I remember the Evening Post reporting that coaches had been hired from as far away as plymouth. On the M5 we passed cement mixers with city scarves hanging from the wing mirrors and even a tarring truck with heat vapour still coming from the tar. It really was a surreal day, probably never to be repeated.

    Only got in for the last 20 mins because our coach broke down, but wouldn’t have missed that for the world.  Unforgettable night!

    • Like 1
  16. 13 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    What I found surprising from the Fan’s Forum, was there was obvious frustration from several (might just be those who shout the loudest) that the way we house our fans is sub-optimal.

    Nobody thinks you can just shift people around.

    But a good “business” would’ve taken these views on board and proactively kicked off a consultation….or at least committed to doing so.  Even if they then sub-contracted that the Supporters Trust to do on their behalf.

    They’d then know the true feeling and could take onboard to decide of some form of change was required.

    For me (and the seating has absolutely no impact for me in A4) the fact that they didn’t commit during that meeting, shows most of the FF is really lip-service (wasted PR exercise).  That was a really easy win, for JL to state - “I’m gonna kick off a survey” or whatever.  He didn’t.  Epic fail imho. That’s letting supporters down.

    I’d add to that, even though Blagdon Red put a lot of work into potential future safe standing if it was subsequently approved, it never felt like SL was ever ‘on board’.

    It would have been very easy when people were choosing their seats in the new stands, to tell them which rows were potentally earmarked for safe standing at a later date.  People could then have chosen their seats with that in mind.

    • Like 3
    • Flames 1
  17. 2 hours ago, riggers said:

    Went to West Ham yesterday and experienced my 1st safe standing at a football match. It was brilliant and much better than sitting. I’m in my 60’s and a season ticket holder for longer than I can remember. I would love to see the whole South stand become safe standing, which would bring back the atmosphere that we saw yesterday. 

    for those that have not experienced it, I will try to explain why I preferred it to sitting. 

    You still get your allocated seat so this is your position and yours alone, so will be next to your mates or partner. You can see easily over the person in front as modern stands are much steeper that the old terraces the we used to stand on. The railing in front of you is at a good height to lean on and when someone wants to go to the toilet or get food etc, they just walk past you. No having to stand up or swing your knees to one side to let them past. Also, when celebrating a goal it much safe than having a seat at knee height in front of you (granted yesterday’s celebrations were due to the occasion) as you could jump and not fear of falling over. You can sit before the match starts, during half time & during long delays when the physio comes on.

    we should allow all fan’s currently sitting in the south stand who would not like to experience safe standing to be relocated to the Dolman stand or upper tier of the West stand and I’m sure there’s some fans from those areas would swap for safe standing in the South stand.

    I know this is unlikely to happen, but I’m sure if we did get to the premiership. Most people in the South stand would be standing unsafely anyway.

    I’m with you all the way👍  

    I’m mid 60’s and with dodgy knees, but loved it yesterday.  As you say, the barriers are the perfect height for leaning on, which was great for giving my knees a break.

    All seating is like being in a cinema and I’m certain it badly affects the atmosphere …… let’s be honest, who goes to a cinema and sings?!!!

    love to see at least the back half of the SS made safe standing, but completely understand it wouldn’t suit everyone.  After all the shifting of seats that were done during the stadium rebuild, I don’t know how safe standing could be introduced, without pissing off a significant number of supporters, sadly.

    • Like 9
  18. 46 minutes ago, Feral Williams said:

    True there’s a tube strike but it’s not affecting the whole of the underground at least before the game, according to the TFL journey planner.

    I’m travelling from Chiswick and you can get from Chiswick Park on the district line to Mile End then the central line to Stratford though you’re advised to complete journeys before 17.30 so fine before the game but have to get on your toes after.

    Not sure if this was covered in a post earlier but anyways…

    Yes thanks for expanding on that.  

    I was mainly looking at people parking up near one of the  outer Tube stations and then tubing it in.  They’ll get to the match, maybe have a few beers after, then have hell’s work getting back to their car afterwords.  

    I think Uxbridge for the Piccadilly Lane is a popular one, when travelling from Bristol, but I pity someone trying to get back there after the game, with a belly full of beer and no Piccadilly Line running.  That’s why I flagged that up, just in case anyone hadn’t realised.

    Really knackered my plans, as I’m staying up there a couple of nights and planning to travel around a fair bit and always use the Tube.  Just my bleeding luck they’re striking until Thursday!😡

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
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