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Posts posted by BrizzleRed

  1. 1 hour ago, Port Said Red said:

    I am not talking about when he first came here, of course comparatively experienced and well compensated players needed to be shown the door. I am talking about kids recently who surely would have benefitted more from an arm around them and a discussion about how to get back in the frame. Who benefits from picking two goalkeepers on the bench? Not even the goalkeepers surely?

    The use of the youngsters recently has been scattergun at best, I don't see any benefit to anyone to the way they have been handled, not the kids, the Academy staff who have to pick up the pieces and not to the team.

    Fair enough.  I’ve got absolutely no insider knowledge of the club, but all I’ve heard is what a good man manager Nige is.  

    The way I’ve looked at it is, maybe certain young players have got a little above themselves when they made the first team squad and needed a bit of a wake up call.  I’d much rather that than have a manager who tries to be mates with everyone, as you’ll always get some who’ll then take liberties.

    In addition to the above, he also seems the sort of bloke who would avoid destroying the confidence of a young player who he felt wasn’t ready yet.

    Tbh, some of Nige’s substitutions and team selections could be puzzling, but I certainly appreciated the fact that whover was picked appeared to play with pride and for the shirt and his team mates.  There would be no place for a Lee Tomlin type character in one of his sides and we were all the better for that.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

    My Marina cost me a fortune in filler. I tried to tell myself it was worth it as some form of homage to the Dolman family but that theory didn't work any better than the car.

    Never had the misfortune of owning a Morris Marina thankfully, but remember driving one a couple of times.  

    Worst gearshift I’ve ever experienced and trying to select gears was like stirring a spoon in a bowl of lumpy custard.  There was absolutely no indication if it had gone into gear or not and that was a fairly new car!

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, CliftonCliff said:

    That was then, and this is now. The flaw in the argument, with respect, is that NP's zero tolerance of under-performing individuals was necessary and appropriate, given the culture of the club at the time. Marley Watkins? Tyreeq Bakinson? Not wanted on voyage, and rightly so.

    Pearson has left the club and the squad in a place where Manning won't need to do anything similar, which is yet one more reason why the previous manager shouldn't have been sacked in the first place. 

    Nail squarely whacked on head!

    We’ve been crying out for years for the passengers and wasters at this club to be kicked out.  We then get someone come in and attack the problem head-on and immediately the team spirit and workrate improves massively.

    Amazing how this can then be turned round by someone as a criticism of Nige.  If a player wasn’t on the bench, even when there was a place available, you can bet they didn’t deserve to be there at that time.

    • Like 3
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  4. 30 minutes ago, Spud21 said:

    I have seen almost no (would say 0 but sure there has been one) anti Nige post on here. I've seen people saying he didn't do a great job and have no beef with him being sacked but I wouldn't call that anti Nige, I haven't seen anyone who has been positively happy with him being sacked (Happy to be proven wrong, have seen lots of accusations at people who haven't though it was a terrible decision) but not actually seen any specifics other than Phantom pointing out that some people registered with BS emails, but didn't  think he named names, assume there would be some data protection issues if he did. 

    There have also been a number of people who have "come back" (wrong word but people who've been around a while but haven't posted much) since Nige has been binned, doesn't mean they were sleeper agents, could just be you are more likely to get some posters who maybe weren't big fans of Nige who are more optimistic now so are posting or have things to say. 

    Not saying there isn't some kind of BS operation to infiltrate the forum either but it just doesn't seem likely to me and makes little sense when you can completely ignore OTIB, let's be honest if this place were truly representative there would have been mass protests on Saturday. 

    Your points of view would carry far more weight, if it wasn’t for the fact that many of these ‘returning’ or very low posting number forum contributors all seem to be singing a very similar tune!

    Coincedence, or just a little suspicious??

    • Like 3
  5. 7 minutes ago, CliftonCliff said:

    Exactly this. Not too intellectually challenging to distinguish between those two positions, is it? Some people will choose to willfully misunderstand or conflate the two in order to provoke an argument. It's tiresome.

    Completely CC, but there are certainly a few prize plums on here who seem incapable, or unwilling to grasp that concept.

    Bristol (cough) Sport connections possibly🤔

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, italian dave said:


    When we talk about ‘the Lansdowns’, or a generic ‘Lansdown’, I think it’s generally been with the understanding that it’s Steve who’s the power behind the throne. I’m assuming that’s who you were thinking of as ‘he’ milo? But as your post reflects Redoxo it’s definitely Jon who’s fronted this one up.

    My recollection is that it’s always been Steve who’s fronted up big decisions and events in the past. I can’t believe that he’s genuinely handed all the power and decision making to Jon. But maybe the fact that he wasn’t here to face the cameras is a reflection of his waning interest? Or it could have just been storm Ciaran?

    I think Jon’s made some daft comments in that statement. Personally I’m not sure we are top 6 anyway, but even if we were, a time of transition changes that.  I put those daft comments down to either the general shocking state of the comms at Ashton Gate at the moment, or the fact that the real reasons (right or wrong) were things they couldn’t talk about publicly (Pearson’s health, broken relationships) so they just had to bullshit about something else. Or both.

    It’s conceivable that Jon is now the real power broker and that he doesn’t share his father’s patience, means what he said about expecting top 6, and we’re about to become the new Watford! More likely, Steve still makes the calls and the decisions and he’ll have more realistic expectations, as he always has had.

    Or they’ll find a buyer and then who knows?!!!

    It really feels like SL is now tired of the Bristol City project and is desperate to transfer as much as possible over to his son.  I can’t imagine any major decisions are made without JL consulting with SL though, as it’s obviously SL’s investment at stake.

    I’ll venture that given SL’s apparent lack of interest and the right pig’s ear his son has made of the NP debacle, he may decide that enough is enough and he lowers his asking price to get the club sold now.

    It’s been speculated that SL’s aim is to hit the Prem, so the maximum sale price can be achieved.  I’d say that, in spite of what Jon said, SL surely couldn’t be daft enough to believe this could be achieved without very serious investment in this squad?

    Added to that, during the last couple of weeks, Jon has done everything possible to prove he’d struggle to run a bath, let alone be capable of leading this football club to the Premiership.

    Given that SL is such an experienced and hardened financier, he may just resign himself to City not returning as much of his investment as he’d originally hoped for.  He may be thinking that at his age, it just isn’t worth the hassle any more and get out sooner, rather than wait and hope for the best price.

    • Facepalm 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    I agree with the first highlighted statement. And ,tbf, SL succeeded in his aim so maybe not so clueless as his critics believe.

    The second bit re his sacking is more murky and I don't agree that it was definitely "the real reason". IMO- there is more about NP's health issues that will emerge . He can't have been sacked on recent results alone. However he held the record for some of the worst records including only just beating Sunderland to not have the longest record of no home wins.

    I remember ( just now) walking out through  the Dolman with my sons singing " we won at home (etc)" - it was genuinely uplifting. In hindsight we just won a home match which really shouldn't be a cup final feeling. 

    Nigel didn't give me any real moments thatI'll treasure or remember.

    Johnson snr did

    Cotterill did and is the best ever

    Johnson Jnr gave me the best night of my football life v Man U. Who'd have thought at the age of almost 50, I'd invade the pitch like I did to hug Rob Newman on the final match of the season v Brentford ( 3-1 or 4-1??)

    The only thing I'll ever remember about an NP game is winning at home after a million years.

    Some interesting points, though I’d have to say, if it was due to his health, why couldn’t they have agreed a severance and pay up the remainder of his contract?  They will have to do that anyway and at least it would have avoided the bitterness at his dismissal.

    Yes, the football has been dull, but to me, it’s been survival tactics, mainly due to an unbalanced squad for much of his time here, so I didn’t expect much more.

    Looking at results, team spirit and general attitude of supporters, the timing of him going was all wrong.  It’s a subject that’s been done to death now, but looking at it as a fan, he really should have been given enough time to at least show what he could do with closer to his full squad.

    In the end though, it’s clear Lansdown wasn’t offering him an extended contract, so it just boils down to who’s at fault for that.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    A question for anyone has watched his live press conference - 

    do you think he comes across as a yes man?







    (I don’t)

    He certainly appears confident in his own ability, without seeming arrogant and doesn’t come across as passive, so certainly positive signs.

    Hopefully he’s his own man and just knows the right things to say at an interview to get the job.

    It’ll certainly be interesting to see how things develop if he’s willing to stand up and fight his corner.

  9. 1 minute ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    It's not so black and white. If you genuinely think it's a case of "job done" please explain fully.

    I strongly suspect that helping us get back onto a steady financial footing, whilst keeping us in the Championship was Lansdown’s main aim for NP.  

    Seems like we’ve made big strides on that front, so he was then binned at the earliest opportunity.

    He clearly isn’t a Lansdown type manager, so that’s the only reason I can find for him initially being employed and would also explain the timing and real reason for his sacking.

    • Like 4
  10. 39 minutes ago, Red DNA said:

    …and we also appointed Nige - so where’s your logic?

    There was a tough and dirty job Lansdown needed doing and NP was the best person available for that job.  

    Lansdown couldn’t wait to bin him after the job was done though, could he?!

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  11. 1 minute ago, ralphindevon said:

    I make that my 23rd appointed full time, not caretaker/interim manager as an attending City fan.

    If you started supporting City between Oct 1967 and September 1980 you’ll have the same number as me, such was the longevity of Alan Dicks.

    The first man on that list took us to the top, good luck Liam, here’s hoping you become the next. 

    Christ, hoping you succeed where 22 of your predecessors have fallen short ….. that puts  the size of the task facing our Liam into sharp perspective.

    Best of luck mate, you’re likely going to need it!

    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, Ashtongreight said:

    It didn’t transfer well that’s for sure, as you said though he was hung out to dry, we’ll never know how it would’ve gone if instead he’d been backed in the way LJ was. 

    Absolutely and I’m sure we’ll still be speculating the same thing about Nige in years to come.

    This club (owner) makes you want to tear your hair out at times 😡

  13. Good luck Liam and we’re all rooting for you to do well here.  

    One bit of friendly advice which will help you out no end though …… ffs, don’t come out with any Lee Johnson style gobbledygook bullshit during your pressers, otherwise we’ll be down on you like a pack of wolves.  

    Nige was a welcome relief to that crap, so please let’s keep it that way, there’s a good chap!

    All the best mate and hope we all enjoy your time here.

    • Flames 2
  14. 4 minutes ago, Atticus said:

    "We wanna be on the front foot, we wanna be aggressive, hard to beat"


    Tinnion or Lansdown wrote that line for our head coach to say?

    I’ve got a pretty crap memory, but didn’t Tinns say something pretty similar when he was appointed manager?  

    Pretty sure he also added that he knew what the fans wanted and was going to give it to them, or words to that effect🤦‍♂️


  15. 14 minutes ago, Ron W said:

    Fair enough, but would you not say Manning already has a more accomplished CV than all of those at the time of their appointment?

    When you look at it that way, what about Cott’s record in our double winning season?  Didn’t transfer to the Championship very well did it, though admittedly like Nige, he was hung out to dry by Guernsey.

    Wishing LM all the best, but imho, it’s a hell of a punt and I really hope his skills at League 1 level are transferable to the Championship.  It proved too much for Cott’s so let’s hope LM has a bit more in the tank🤞

    • Like 1
  16. 13 minutes ago, GrumpyGit said:

    As an Oxford fan, I hope he gets you relegated and he ends up sacked.
    Manning has shown he’s got no loyalty. He was doing nothing prior to his appointment, the Oxford board took him on and backed him to the hilt in the close season, now he’s shown that a sniff at the Championship and he’s off, leaving Oxford in the shit.  13 games where he managed to keep us up, just, then got us to 2nd in League One in what is a poor division.

    If he’d left at the end of the season, fair enough, but to do it a third of the way through is galling. 

    Hope QPR beat you Saturday.


    See you’re taking it well then! 😇

    This is football for you.  If he does shit, he’ll be looking for a new job and if he does well, he’ll probably join the procession to Bournemouth.  

    It’s a pain in the arse, but it all comes down to the pecking order in the game.  There’s very little loyalty on either side of the fence, so we just have to accept it and suck it up, just like when we lost Alex Scott.

    Good luck for the rest of the season and and if he’s as good as some of your fans have claimed, he’s left you with some solid foundations to work with.

    • Like 1
  17. Good luck for the future Curtis and thanks for everything you’ve done for our club.  

    Move on with your head held high, as you and the rest of the management team have done everything asked of you …… unlike the pathetic, incompetant  mob at the top.

    Take care, hang in there and you’ll eventually get the rewards you deserve 👍

    • Like 4
  18. 6 minutes ago, TomThumb84 said:

    As the dust settles on a bizarre 10 days or so, and as we await the arrival of our new Head Coach, I have read that Pat Mountain will be retained in the new regime.

    Mountain has now survived the Johnson (Lee), Holden, and Pearson eras.

    With the brutal chop/change mentality of the board around personnel and strategy, and the “wheel of fortune” approach to culture and “identity”, does this mean:

    a) Pat is the worlds best goalkeeping coach

     b) The role of goalkeeping coach is not one that can be failed at

    c) Pat Mountain is running the club hidden in plain sight?

    Food for thought surely.

    ….. or d)  he’s a grade 1 yes man!!! 😁

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