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Posts posted by BrizzleRed

  1. 29 minutes ago, wayne allisons tongues said:

    If you read  my comment I said HNM does as much work as Scott, but gets belters on here for lack of end product. 

    Scott has played 2nd most minutes I think for us this season and has 4 assists, I think only 3 from open play. For a player who has a lot of talent and ability to only have 3 assists all season from  open play is a disappointing return. 
    Weimann has more assists this season from open play. 

    People are saying Scott is worth £20 million and heading for the premier league but personally at the moment think he isn’t producing enough end product for someone with such talent.

    Is the formation we are playing holding him back or he just isn’t performing at the moment and not producing the end product he should be.

    Scott looked very good first half yesterday, though admittedly he faded badly second half.  Not really surprising though, considering Stoke’s cynical treatment of anyone who looked to be threatening them in any way in the 2nd half in particular.

    In contrast, HNM seems incapable of putting in a meaningful goal attempt, has no pace, offers very little in terms of creative passing, and has no aerial presence.  Imho, the only real thing he offers in a nuisance factor to the opposition when he’s on his game.  That said, when he does win the ball, he’s more likely than not to hang on to it too long, get caught in posession and lose it again.

    He’s certainly a frustrating player and is showing no sign of kicking on with us and looks to be be just another large wedge of money down the drain with precious litlle return when he does actually leave.

    • Confused 1
  2. 1 hour ago, wayne allisons tongues said:

    For the amount of minutes he has played this season, I can’t see what he brings to the team currently.

    Keeps getting booked on the verge of a second ban this season, 

    HNM personally I think does as much work as him and doesn’t get booked as much and is constantly slated on here. I feel as he’s come through the youth team he seems to get off lightly from criticism.

    Are we playing him in the wrong role at the moment and are not getting the best out of him, seems like we are playing with 10 men sometimes when he’s on the pitch.

    I was hoping after the summer and him playing for England that he was tired and the rest from the the World Cup would of helped but seems to be playing the same.

    Really bizarre comment.  

    Would be really interested to know what you think HNM actually brings to the side?  

    He looked promising when he first came here and was busy and had good energy, but he’s really gone backwards and about the only thing he’s maintained is his ‘massive’ hair!

    I can’t think of anything he actually excells in, or adds to the side when he’s on the pitch and is way behind in Alex Scott in terms of end product or potential imho.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, The Bard said:

    Stop it with your rational posts.

    Obvious that we are in a difficult financial situation and it seems likely that this is the most difficult year.  

    Whoever is the manager over the summer will have leeway to sign players, but we won't be signing any more than 2 or 3 proven championship players plus a few more Sykes type signings. 

    I trust Pearson to guide us through this. It is obviously an extremely competitive division with very little separating teams. However, the rest of the season looks less taxing.  There are far less evening games meaning less tired players. 

    It seems to me that one of his weak points is managing the heavier workloads and this is because he doesn't like rotation.  He is therefore more reactive when changing sides.  This will be less of an issue for the rest of the season.  We've got 5 out of 25 league games midweek, whereas we've already had 7 out of 21 midweek so far.  It is time for holding our nerve, making sure the players are well rested and fit and we will be fine.

    Totally agree.  
    We’ve been stuck with a small squad and that’s been severely tested with injuries and the understandable inconsistent form of some of the younger players.  

    Anyone  expecting more than an roller-coaster of a season in this unforgiving division really needs to have a stern word with themselves.

    A totally different situation if we see a repeat next season, with more freedom in terms of recruitment.  That’s when I reckon NP should really be judged.

    • Like 8
  4. 14 hours ago, BCFCGav said:

    Forgive me for a negative post. I was really upset by Tuesday, the Carabao is wide open this year with many big teams drawing one another. Good opportunity for a club of our calibre to try and do something great. But we fielded a poor side and played awful, and for me it was Pearson’s last straw.

    We all know about his awful win rate. We all know about our seemingly ‘unsolvable’ defensive frailties. We all know about his ‘bombing out’ of players off one bad game (Pring, Massengo, so unnecessary). 

    Looks like we’re sticking with him… so what if we lose to Rotherham? Is that the last straw? Because his replacement then has 3 days to prepare for his first match rather than 3 weeks. He should go now. Financial restrictions due to Ashton’s negligence mean our squad is thin, but is it one point above relegation in quality? No it’s not. So the problem for me lies with the manager.

    Howpfully many of you will have seen my many posts on this forum and know I’m not a doom merchant or a knee-jerk nay sayer. I just truly believe Pearson’s removal is now in the best interest of the club. 


    Sorry, but have to say this, but if we were having a vote for the daftest post in the first half of the season, this would have to be a very strong candidate!  So you’re actually asking if we should sack a manager, just in case we lose the next match???

    The number of people who have it in for NP is baffling, considering the pedigree of manager we normally go for and the mess this one has to vlear up.  That discussion has been done to death though, so let’s just look at the following important point.

    There are whispers that we may get through FFP by the skin of our teeth.  If this is the case, what if the costs of bringing in a new manager and their associated coaching team pushes us over the edge and we fall foul of FFP after all?

    If that actually happened, would you be confident that the new team could accumulate the additional points compared to NP to compensate for the points deduction we’d probably get??

    I know this is all iff’s and but’s, but you started that with your original post!!!

    • Like 5
  5. 31 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    …and losing some of the audience / being laughed at for it.

    When you worked in your office role…if someone started using “fancy” terms, you’d have been marking your “bullshit bingo” card.


    He’ll mostly get away with it while the club are doing well.  It would be interesting revisiting the Hibs forum to check out his new fans’ views on it when the customary losing streak happens.

    He just can’t see that he’s setting himself up for a fall when he spouts this stuff.  He’s just supplying a stick to beat him with when things go wrong.


    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I think the biggest issue currently is lack of money to invest into the squad, that would put off a lot of managers.

    Trouble is Dave, that lack of money and our current FFP issues appears to be due to downright wastefulness, rather than from any overspend due to us being over-ambitious.  

    Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be much here to tempt a really ambitious manager, particularly with our historical lack of success.  

    We’ve all laughed at Forest, but you can put most of their crazy decisions down to an underlying yearning to achieve success.  Our decisions often feel like we’re doing things ‘on the cheap’, whilst somehow still wasting money hand over fist.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

    Don’t need a wallet get a youth team player or reserve in there he is a fraud I promise you he will be dropped soon for our new keeper we signed in the summer Pearson isn’t daft 

    …. and you know he’s ready to throw into a seriously struggling team??

    Get that one wrong and the Brum game could pale into insignificance and destroy a young career.

    Bentley is far from perfect and don’t reckon there’s anyone denying that, but there are just as many issues elsewhere on the pitch.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Logical-City said:

    The moment we replace him behind the sticks our consistent form will see an upturn as Johnson and Holden found out too late 


    Better get your wallet out then sunshine, as the club haven’t got a pot to piss in right now!  

    If on the other hand, you’re better than him and willing to play for free, offer your services and get them gloves on!!!

  9. 19 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    DW has pretty much retired from management - enjoying time with his grandkids.

    Could it be he’s accepted that he’s more successful as a grandparent than as a football manager?

    Denying reality in an interview could be just face-saving, but if he really believed in hs ability that much, he’d have probably carried on in management.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Selred said:

    In the greatest respect BrizzleRed, I imagine you're not on a zero hour contract on the poverty line. Minimum wage employees of Football clubs are unlikely to be paid for this weekend now, money they desperately need. 

    Same for local businesses, a lot rely on Footballl fans to keep their income going. I imagine local pubs, restaurants, burger vans etc stocked up this week expecting a double header. There will be a lot of booze and food going to waste, plus now staff will be told they aren't needed tonight.

    All during a cost of living crisis. 

    Fair comment Selred and particularly coming up to the international break, it’s certainly a particularly a shit time for this postponement to happen.

  11. 45 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    For me, yes.  It’s my escape, it’s my father / son time.  Yes, I can do something else, but I don’t think we all had to be held to the same decision.

    in response…Is the queen passing away at 96 that big a deal really?

    For me, nope.

    For others, yes.  I respect your thoughts on this, but you don’t seem to think that others can react and fee, very differently.


    From a personal perspective as a ST holder, I can live with one match being delayed, without having a hissy fit like some are.

    If we’re still having this discussion this time next week and football hasn’t re-started, then I’ll be in complete agreement with you Dave.

    • Like 2
  12. 37 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    It’s not about entitlement, that implies it’s because it’s for our own self-gain….it’s more about thinking about others than myself - from fans, business out of pocket to those who use the match as some form of well-being.  The choice to honour the Queen has been decided for us.  UKParkRun have just announced they will be continuing because they see how being around others can be of benefit to people. Well done them imho, but I expect they’ll get a barrage of abuse from those who think it’s “dissing our queen”, etc.

    Yes, matches get postponed for weather, and businesses suffer as a result, even if it’s just short term Cashflow (that underplays how important Cashflow is to a small business, any business).  The decision made no reference to that side of the decision.

    The parallel with war is crass in a way.  Heaven help us if we do face a war again, the likely impact of that is likely to be more (and more widely felt)  than the death of one person, our queen.


    Hopefully a lot of the comments on here have been aimed at the football authorities, but I’ve seen some pretty distasteful stuff from some people with an obvious anti-royal agenda. 

    The point is, there isn’t a directive that everything has to be cancelled, but football has chosen to take that route and I can live with that in the very short term.

    It really doesn’t feel that big a deal to justify some of the reactions on here.

    • Like 4
  13. 42 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    Er, is the self entitlement not actually from the ones expecting the country to grind to a halt so they can mourn?

    Many of us feel some sadness because someone has died, but want life to continue. It's bizarre that to you that means people would be worse in a war?! What an odd equivalence to make. Pretty sure there's a fair amount of death in a war and you just have to get on with it.

    Bizarre post!

    Nope, it’s the people stamping their feet and shouting I want my football, regardless of the circumstances!

  14. 4 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    Sure but it's not that simple is it. Food and drink will have been bought, preparations already started.

    Loads of staff no doubt on crap or zero hours contracts with work cancelled when they probably need the money pretty badly right now.

    Fans who have made travel arrangements, booked hotels or insanely expensive train tickets. Swapped dates at work.

    It's not just a switch you can flick on or off.

    Completely see your point, but staff will be paid when the re-arranged games take place.  Sure it will be tough on anybody who isn’t able to get refunds on hotels, travel, etc, but shit happens unfortunately.

    We’ve had blanket postponements in the past due to extreme weather, not to mention covid, so this isn’t exactly an unprecedented occurrence.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see next week’s games going ahead as scheduled.

  15. 3 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    It’s entirely possible to have huge respect for the Queen, and to even feel emotion about her passing, while also believing that cancelling sporting events at all levels - including youth - is a disproportionate and unnecessary reaction.

    This will cost individuals and businesses thousands at a time when people can least afford it. That doesn’t suddenly cease to matter because the head of state has died. And I also don’t think it’s something she’d have wanted.

    I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

    The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

    Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

  16. 1 minute ago, Logical-City said:

    Owners have taken it upon themselves to cancel football this weekend not the Royal Family, not the government and not the fans. We are being forced to mourn not celebrate a 96 year old life!

    Football has simply made this all about them 



    Rather than calling it mourning, I’d call it a mark of respect.  

    Is missing 22 people kicking a bag of wind around a football field that big a deal really??

    • Like 2
  17. 2 minutes ago, phantom said:

    It is hilarious the complete over reaction on here

    Perhaps you may want to educate yourself on what actually happened to get to this outcome

    Some of the reactions on here from posters I’ve previously always respected is frankly shocking and really saddens me.

    Absolutely typifies the sense of entitlement these days.  We have just lost the country’s figurehead who has gained worldeide respect and given over 70 years of dedicated service to her country and citizens and all they can bleat about is having a game of football delayed.

    Heaven help us if we ever had to face a war again, because we’d be ****** with this bunch of whingers!!!

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