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Posts posted by BrizzleRed

  1. 8 minutes ago, Leabrook said:

    The last manager we had who left us for bigger things was Joe Jordan wasn’t it?  1990 ish.  Unless I’ve forgotten someone that is an incredibly bad record that I cannot imagine being beaten! 

    JJ was certainly the only successful one we had pinched off us for decades.  Unbelievably I think Pulis was also nicked, rather than sacked, though City fans were so relieved to see the back of him, it felt like a massive positive.

    I completely agree with you, it’s a really horrific indictment of our bleedin awful choices of managers and head coaches over many years.

    It’s happened way too often to be just bad luck and to me, points to the underlying problem at this club and it won’t be cured by just getting rid of Manning.

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  2. 18 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Totally divided views,.Manning, or rather less him more the rationale behind the change.

    It seems a pretty split fanbase IMO. Which is a shame.

    A recurrent theme at City unfortunately.  It amazes me sometimes that we all actually follow the same club.

    You just know that if we ever did get someone good enough for us to all get behind, they’ll be gone in a flash, as they get head-hunted by by a bigger club!!!

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  3. 32 minutes ago, Fjmcity said:

    Strong similarities in baggage too, LJs due him dividing opinion after his playing days and LM having to follow Jesus Christ himself.

    underwhelming is a good summation for sure and we are certainly at cross roads and we are potentially facing the sunk cost fallacy.

    Yes, totally agree in the divided opinion.

    Wouldn’t it be great if we actually found something we generally agreed on someday?  Never gonna happen though!

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  4. I’m sensing some very worrying echo’s of LJ with the discussions we’re having regarding LM.

    There’s the ‘give him time’ side and the ‘he’s not showing much that makes us think he’ll improve’ on the other side and I’m in the latter category

    Do we give him hard earned funds for new players in the summer, when he really doesn’t look like the person we hoped we were getting and could well be gone before Christmas, even if he made it through the summer.  Do we learn by our previous mistske of keeping LJ for far too long, hoping he would eventually come good, but it never happened.  We’ll never get those wasted years back.

    My only question would be, do we get shot sooner, or give him until the end of the season?  I’m massively underwhelmed with him so far, on so many counts.

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  5. 59 minutes ago, fisherrich said:

    I don’t see it as a Manning v Nige debate. The boil needs to be lanced - ie the Lansdowns need to sell up. Getting rid of Manning will make no difference as those 2 Lansdown buffoons will just employ another YES man. No faith in Zippee and Bungle running this football club/aka Bristol Sport.
    What I liked about Nige P was his absolute honesty and passion for the football club. What a loss!

    That’s the depressing thing, just pushing out LM is unlikely to make much, if any difference on its own.  They’ll just go appoint another completely unsuitable person.

    For me, any lingering hope that SL had it in him to run a successful football club has gone after this latest debacle.

    The best news I can hear is there’s someone in serious talks to buy this club (not invest, but buy out completely).  That’s the only way I can see us potentially moving forward, as any trust I had in Lansdown has completely gone.  

    He’s got us in a massive rut and is clearly unwilling, or incapable of getting us out of it.  He’s had more than enough time with his toy and proved he doesn’t have a clue what to do with it.  We need a new and clear vision at the top and it really can’t come quick enough.

    I wouldn’t trust SL, the Crayola Kid and Tecknic Sid to run a piss up in a brewery, let alone our club.

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  6. 1 hour ago, beaverface said:

    Why does it have to be someone new?

    Swallow his pride, and Lansdown needs to go and get back the previous coaching set up.

    Our squad has been built for their philosophies, so let's attempt to get things back on track.

    I'm suspecting there's been some "tensions" between NP and others, so look to resolve those, either by letting someone go, change/revert their positions, or recruit accordingly.

    Can't we make Jon Lansdown an honourary president or something, and bring in a proper chairman? Likewise, bring in a proper experienced CEO and get Tinnion back to what he's good at.

    How about they make him our our International Chairman?  That would make him feel even more important and mean he can **** off back to Bermuda! 

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  7. 2 hours ago, BCFC31 said:

    I'm not blaming manning it's the squad we have such a poor squad of players absolutely 0 quality what so ever must be so frustrating for manning 

    Well, the players were good enough to be in a very comfortable position when Manning arrived!  Who else do we blame, other than the plonkers who appointed him?

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  8. 1 hour ago, BCFCGav said:

    No harm in giving him a proper go next season after a pre-season/some of his own signings. Until the Lansdown’s go the prem is a pipe dream anyway.

    If relegation starts to look very on, then we’ll have to change sooner, but shouldn’t come to that.

    I agree re the Lansdowns, but I can see plenty of harm in giving LM next season.  

    We weren’t exactly pulling up trees at the point he came in, but without the points already on the board from NP’s time, we’d be be right in the shit with what he’s added since.

    That points buffer from the start of the season is all that’s currently keeping us out of the relegation spots.

    We can’t risk our current form continuing into next season imho.

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  9. 13 minutes ago, GBF said:

    This game is a reflection of the gulf between the Championship and the Premier League. Something needs to be done to level up financials.  otherwise we are going to get into a situation where every year the promoted teams come straight back down and the relegated teams go straight back up

    Isn’t that what the Premier League want though?  

    Virtually a closed shop, with just the illusion of free movement between the top two divisions.

    The parachute payments will ensure that if one of the bigger clubs had an absolute mare of a season and dropped through the trap door to the Championship, they’d be virtually nailed-on to go straight back up the next season.

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  10. 18 minutes ago, Roger Red Hat said:

    Not just players though, is it! Now we've got a lower league coach as well!

    …… and judging by our current form, he appears to be moving us down towards his natural level.

  11. 29 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    It was a unique situation because so many KNEW the football was uninspiring, so many REALISED the opposition more often than not would dominate the ball, so many ACCEPTED we were a predominantly counter attacking side taking a lot of time to slowly transition into something more exciting and yet so many UNDERSTOOD that what they were watching was pragmatism in action and that as soon as you gave that bloke some money he would change it to something we could all really get on board with. I have never known a City fanbase as a whole showing so much patience and understanding and so willing to give someone plenty of time to improve it in my 48 years of supporting, that's for sure.

    However, it came to pass that the hierarchy and too many of our impatient fanbase clearly KNEW BETTER, wanted instant gratification, thought it could all be ripped up and changed overnight, and now they've got their wish they're also getting their just desserts...............and have all gone missing. The laughable thing is, in all this, the best performances under the new manager have been COUNTER ATTACKING performances - how bastard ironic is that?!!!

    Brilliant post 👏

    It really felt like we’d weathered the storm, turned the corner and with some reasonable backing for the manager, there were better times ahead.  We also seemed to have moved away from the amateurish ways of the past, with proven, vastly experienced and very able people in the key areas we needed.

    What could possibly go wrong?  Step forward JL and BT, to prove how quickly and easily you can totally cock things up if you’re stupid and arrogant enough.

    All that hope was snatched away with that crazy sacking of NP and his team and now we’ve only got these borefests to look forward to and little or no hope of improvement.  Even if Manning gets sacked, nothing will improve unless those other mugs running this club go with him.

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  12. 7 hours ago, spudski said:

    The more I think about it, the angrier I get regarding his appointment. 

    We've gone for a 38 year old, with less than 4 years experience in any senior position,of first team football, at far less a level than what we are at. He's only coached 164 senior games to date.  And averages 8 months in a job. 

    From NP who's got vast amounts of experience, to this...

    They want to get rid of our experienced players as well. 

    How the hell do JL and BT think this will ever work?

    They seriously can't be that inept at footballing judgement at this level? If they are...then **** me 🙈🤷

    I personally believe it's to make their position easier. 

    Well imo...they've made it worse for themselves. Who's gonna trust these idiots? 

    It defies any logic.  

    You could be forgiven for thinking they’re deliberately setting us up to fail.  That’s a really special level of incompetance.

  13. 21 minutes ago, jayjay said:

    I agree totally.

    Landsdown supplied the spare bedroom, Hargreaves supplied the brains.

    Pity Hargreaves wasn’t a football fan with a liking for City then.  

    Some of Lansdown’s footballing decisions are ******* inept, and getting worse, rather than better.

    I’m getting to the point where any change of ownership is better than what we’ve currently got.

  14. 19 minutes ago, milo1111 said:

    This is exactly how I see. History just keeps repeating itself doesn’t it.

    insane that the lansdowns can’t see it.

    The longer we experience the many failures of SL’s ownership of this club, the more I’m convinced that Hargreaves is the real brains of the Hargreaves Lansdown empire.

    If that company was run in the same way City are, they’d have been totally ****** years ago.

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  15. 1 minute ago, wendyredredrobin said:

    Having lost the card, I hope he had the sense to cancel it.  So it can probably go in the bin 

    He may have just put a block on it, rather than cancel it.  

    In which case, it may be far less hassle and a lot quicker to collect it, rather than have a delay while a new one is issued and posted to him.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

    I suppose the real tragedy was it was all so unnecessary.  If Pearson had us bumping around the relegation zone or in that area, I might agree that he had taken us as far as he could. But, to the contrary, the slow trend was of upward improvement. It was a steady rebuild. A reformation. 

    A really good manager can make average players perform well, which I think we have seen in dribs and drabs this season. A poor manager will make average players look below average, which is what we've definitely seen in the last three games. 

    We can only hope that Manning is learning that you can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. 

    As for me, I've adopted the @Fordy62 approach of not caring as much about the club and its results. I looked at yesterday's result, didn't follow the game that closely, but read some of the comments from those that had and friends who were there and shrugged it off with a disappointed curse word and got on with enjoying my weekend.

    I've toyed with the idea of not renewing the season. I know some of my matchday companions aren't. I probably will though as the ritual of the day and its social/drinking dimension are part of my life. Luckily, I don't go to watch Bristol City to see entertaining football! :facepalm:

    This latest balls up is the final nail for me and convinced me that not only is SL incapable of making the correct decisions to take our club forward, but he does actually seem pretty good at scuppering genuine progress, on the rare occasions when we see some green shoots appearing.

    He’s also proving that even after 20+ years, he’s learned absolutely nothing from his previous mistakes and continues making new ones.

    The only reason I’m probably renewing is I don’t want to lose the excellent seat I’ve had in the SS since it opened.  It certainly isn’t due to any trust or even liking of Lansdown and any hope things will significantly improve under him.  I’m already bracing myself for another season of being absolutely bored shitless.  

    Why do we do this to ourselves??

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  17. 1 minute ago, Davefevs said:

    I saw that comment on X last week, and on FBC “text” this morning…but relevant to manning.  He did not get anything like a sow’s ear.

    Sort of like: 

    Question - how do you make a sow’s ear out of a silk purse?

    Answer - Give it to Jon Lansdown and Brian Tinnion to look after!

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  18. My biggest worry is, considering our record against teams below us in the table lately, if we find ourselves with any 6 pointer games, we’ll lose them.

    Never thought we’d throw away such a comfortable position so easily.  We’ll likely end up safe but ffs, why do we make it so hard for ourselves?🤦‍♂️

  19. 5 hours ago, BUTOR said:

    They are trying to sell. Lansdown has been all but checked out for about 5 years now. The issue is nobody serious wants to take his burden. The more pressure and toxicity that grows the more likely it becomes a firesale of the football club that, believe me, could make things worse. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a right to pile it on. It’s a complicated situation of his own doing and the biggest losers are ourselves. 

    We somehow have to hope a good intentioned suitor comes along. Doesn’t happen often. They will of course whoever they are have more money than sense but that comes with the territory.

    The soul of the club is mostly decayed, the damaged disguised with LED screens of club legends and a top goal scorers list in the concourse. How do we get it back? With an American conglomerate or gambling company as guardians? Unlikely. But something has to change. 

    It’s shite. 

    I’d put it more simply than that.  

    Lansdown has made so many financial **** ups with this club that he’s clearly made them unsaleable at his current asking price.

    He needs to hold his hands up and accept he’s not going to get his asking price and adjust it downwards, before he runs this club right into the ground, as he’ll get bugger all for it then. 

    He’ll know from his financial background that you win some and lose some, but his financial return on City will be ever decreasing the longer he’s in charge, so the quicker he offloads, the better it’ll be.

    It just just makes me angry even hearing the name Lansdown now, for what’s happening to this club.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Bat Fastard said:

    It may just be a question of DNA.  Maybe Liam's a the wrong sort?? Or in the view of JL, maybe the fans have the wrong DNA?

    Well I’m totally convinced the Lansdowns’ have!!!

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