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Esmond Million's Bung

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Everything posted by Esmond Million's Bung

  1. Just saw the BCFC tweets video of the squad all arriving carrying their handbags.
  2. And my point is to be able to quote or rely on 'your proof', we need sustained proof say like 90 minutes would be a start, be honest pretty much all season we either been OK, good, very good or excellent for the odd 45 minutes and dire for the rest, over 30 + games this actual Norwich 45 minutes is only proof of what we already know, we can sometimes play for 45 minutes and that appears to be our limit, that has to change or we are ****** and I sadly cannot see it changing but hey ho I am always up for being proved wrong especially where BCFC are concerned. Me I am taking Mrs Bung shopping and having a Guinness or 3, I just cannot bear listening to another commentary where the commentator has to say every 15 minutes, 'City are giving them far too much time on the ball', 'why are City standing off of them?' or 'City are making it just far too easy for their opponents' and the polit bureau's mouthpiece quoting from the BS little red book to piped applause.
  3. False dawns......................................................................................................... Proof was Derby 1st half and then???????????????????????????????????? Proof was Newcastle 1st half and then????????????????????????????????? So 3 convincing halves of football in 5 months, Jesus it's so depressing that all we have to cling on to at this precise moment is 45 minutes against another shit team on a run comparable to ours but at least they sacked their manager, excuse me if I don't get too excited.
  4. if I was a betting man my money would go on a 3-0 or 3-1 defeat and Burton to beat Florest 2-1, sorry but I really hope that I am wrong, I dearly want us to win and I dearly want us to hold on to our hard won championship status, but I need some actual physical proof that City are actually capable of staying up and so far I just don't see it.
  5. Mate you are not making any sense with your replies, you are blaming everybody and anybody apart from the 1 (maybe 3 people) who will one day be eventually sacked, SL and MA are fire proof, the manager and usually the coaches pay the price, that's football and always will be, blaming SC is utter utter nonsense, employing LJ in the first place is and will always be the problem, he was, is and always will be out of his depth, your defence makes no sense which is why nobody agrees with you. I can understand you getting angry with people who abused you, I never did that so getting angry with me is a little bit silly and deserved a silly response.
  6. There is no logic, this is his team, his team selections, his substitutions and this total mess is 5 months in the making and it's his and his coaches mess end of, if he was capable of turning it around he would have started that by now, blaming everybody other than our useless manager and his coaches and our dictator is nonsense.
  7. LJ has just said he wants us to play like that for the rest of the season, FFS god help us, he is beyond belief he really is.
  8. Sorry mate excuses and more excuses and now your mate LJ is spouting his usual David Brent bullshit excuses, the club is a ******* circus and LJ and the coaches are the clowns.
  9. Wrong question, the question should be why should LJ be the the one given a free pass that SOD and SC weren't? and for the record at least SC gave us our best season during my nearly 60 years of support, what has LJ given us and please don't say he saved us last season GJ, KM, DMC and SC have all achieved that particular goal. He is totally and utterly inept and so are his coaches.
  10. Then LJ has only got himself too blame, his dad wouldn't have stood for it.
  11. Todays excuse LJ glee club please select, so as we can all get on with our weekend. 1). The fans?. 2). Did you expect us to actually beat Burton?. 3). it’s not LJ’s fault it’s the players?. 4). it’s the referees fault?. 5). We were unlucky?. 6). The project is more important than the result?. 7). Yes he spent a lot of money on players but most are for the future?. 8). Uri Geller made the ball move for the penalty?. Add your own 9).
  12. i'm sorry I never buy that line and never will, I cannot believe that he would allow signings that he doesn't want it's LJ who will ultimately pay the price, if he didn't want any of those signings he should have made a stand, he ******* useless and has to go now and his useless coaches.
  13. Yes and guess what? you build a team around a player like that, you know with proper full backs and midfielders that are fit for purpose and not waste money on players of the future.
  14. The really good news is we shouldn't come bottom Rotherham are losing.
  15. So would you if you earned what he does, why should he care?, no other ****** seems to.
  16. i'm sorry Pemberton was a full back by trade and yet our full backs are absolutely woeful, he has to go.
  17. Pemberton and Holden should go as well they are both a major part of the problem, it's obvious to see the coaching is piss poor.
  18. Don't worry TTS there is no way I would consider Wilbs a journeyman, it's more likely to be players of the class of Akinfewa (bigger tits).
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