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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. That was so funny. I don't think I've ever seen a keeper carefully and diligently shepherd a ball out of play only to belatedly realise his side had had the last touch. ?
  2. Was great to see Knight at his best, I knew he had looked decent away from home, but he caused Plymouth all sorts of problems in the first half last night. Seemed to be able to rob them at will. And it would be remiss not to mention, that was the Cornick we hoped to see, but haven't always. Apart from the goal putting matters way out of the pasty munchers' reach, he had a positive effect on our forward momentum as soon as he came on. Great stuff. Not going to dispute James's MOTM selection, but thought Zak and Kal were generally excellent as well. Vyner's tackle on Hardie was something all defenders should study.
  3. To ensure we didn't celebrate last night's win too much. The Matrix wants us all to be unhappy....
  4. That'll probably be the way, that or further up the Island over the bridge and through the park.
  5. P'raps it would only need to have been the Ashton Gate Seven?
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean, but the thought that you'll be a bigger/better club in the future due to the cash investment is what would keep you going and be your consolation.
  7. That's a bit of a downer. If I go up by bus, me and the back-of-beyond posse like to hit a few pubs then walk up along the waterfront and only cut inland at or just before the Great Britain, so we can use Vauxhall Bridge to get into Southville/Bem. Crossing at Gaol Ferry Bridge leaves you with a long, dull, polluted and noisy trek up Coronation Rd.
  8. You think about the money and how, when you go down, you are suddenly a big player in the second tier, liable to buy your way back up and maybe have more success second time around. I wonder how Bristol City's history would've been different had there been parachute payments in 1981.
  9. If we actually see two good halves of football from City at home, that'll be a major turning point for City this season. I was cheered to see 45 minutes of flowing, attacking football on Saturday from us. We just need to keep it up for a whole game, as we do apparently when on the road. Maybe we should dress in our away kit and get changed in the visitors' dressing room?
  10. I'm practising my retort: "Small town in Cornwall! You're just a small town in Cornwall!"
  11. I like Chris. He's a cheeky chappy. We used to work together. QPR fan, but everyone has their crosses to bear.
  12. Don't spread ridiculous theories... He probably got attacked by a pack of wolves again while hiking in the Balkans during the international break
  13. Aye but no one has to follow signposted routes. SatNavs can be programmed to avoid toll incurring roads. Personally, I've never liked driving on the Portway and will always seek alternatives. Nothing to do with CAZ, I don't pay the charge.
  14. M4-M49-M5-off at Portbury A369-South Bristol Link-A38. Easy peasy, Taffs.
  15. Being City fans, nothing should surprise us!
  16. Quite. If there was a new owner/co-owner incoming, you'd need a CEO to manage that transition.
  17. Fun facts: Janner was originally an 18th and early 19th century seafarer's term of contempt for non-nautical people who lived in ports (literally "Johns"). In other places this has died out, but with Plymouth stuck in the past it's still used there and adopted as a badge of pride. Although the club nickname themselves "the Pilgrims" no Pilgrim, or any other passenger on the Mayflower, came from Plymouth. One, Francis Eaton, did come from Bristol however.
  18. They seemed more interested in watching that then their own team having umpteen chances to break the deadlock.
  19. That may be so, but as a takeover doesn't appear to be imminent, according to those that know, that provides no reason for his departure. I suppose - *maximum conjecture mode engaged* - it's vaguely possible that Lansdown thinks Alexander bollocksed up negotiations with one prospective purchaser/investor and wanted him out because of that.
  20. Middlesbrough native, now living in rural Dorset, Rod Liddle, for example. They are a victim of their previous rep, in getting these sort of football-violence glory hunters along, but that rep was well deserved. I remember my dad telling me that it was the only ground he'd visited when working for City, that they got to their seats covered in gob from the Neanderthals on the terraces. There are still enough nutters and wannabe nutters who follow them for them to be disproportionately involved in unpleasant incidents, given the relatively small size of their fanbase. Like all clubs, the majority of their supporters are decent men and women.
  21. I thought that as well. It's an unusual departure, but I feel in my bones that at its heart it's because the Bristol City "vision" Alexander was sold when he came here didn't match the reality of the job. Probably he was allowed less independence and creativity than he thought he'd have, so a clash occurred and it was "agreed" he'd leave. Of course, we may never know the actual reason. I no longer know anyone who works or plays for the club, so I'm as in the dark as 99% of this forum.
  22. I was unsure why it took so long for Dickie to come on, given that we're a below average height side and they are an above average height side. Once they'd pushed up Furlong to fulfill a more forward role, we were on the back foot for long periods and faced that series of nail-biting corners and free kicks.
  23. Compared to recent horrors, I agree. Still a nonsense that he penalised Yeboah for the dreadful foul of being put in a headlock by their defender and wriggling free. The youngster had a clear run on goal as well.
  24. That's kind of my view of the man. It isn't that he's been particularly bad - just that he hasn't (well, only once) been particularly good. He's been consistently average. If that sounds harsh, it isn't. I'm not writing him off. Vyner was consistently average (average to poor, some might say!) but turned his game around to being the sort of name you want to see starting for us. Other players have also upped their games. Harry has many of the attributes necessary to become more effective.
  25. They did make a difference however. Started to get more breaks into their half.
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