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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. JET didn't often move fast - but that was because he didn't have to. His vision and close-control was astounding. He could sprint when he wanted to, but he was happiest with the ball tight to his feet, weaving it past defenders and into the box.
  2. Yeah, they'll have booked him in advance of the weekend. I was joshing.
  3. You just can't pull off that sort of look in late middle age..
  4. All it took was a decent away win to make it happen!
  5. I don't think you'll ever find a keeper - or a player - who does everything perfectly. Max is no different. I'd like him to work more on his distribution and especially long kick accuracy, but I think he's not a bad goalie at this level.
  6. Damn right. Luckily I made this rough sketch of City v Leeds in the 1970s, to show how it was before football was invented. That's Shedman's father atop the lamp post, which is what we had back then as there was obviously no floodlighting.
  7. I have to say, the placement of the singing section means that even from where I am - about three blocks along in the Dolman - you can't actually make out most of what's being sung, unless it's something very trad. That doesn't help.
  8. Indeed. One of the nice thing about Nige is he clearly enjoys spending time in the West Country, has bought land in Somerset and spending time there either just chilling or tree-planting and building up the property is a major hobby for him. Someone I know who has met him said they had a humorous conversation where Pearson asked him about Bristol dialect words and brought up some Nottingham ones. Whatever the frustrations he has at the club, he's enjoying the South West.
  9. I think the feeling of ennui around Ashton Gate is not so much based on "we probably won't go up the season" frustration, but more due to two poor home league performances (and a poor League Cup exit). Combined with not particularly exciting incomers - as a home match attender, I have yet to see the excellent Jason Knight who appears in away games, Cornick's hasn't clicked, Mehmeti seems worse than when he arrived, Gardiner-Hickman was hardly a name to conjure with - only Rob Dickie has looked good at AG; I just think lots of supporters were probably expecting more and better. I don't need it explained yet again why we haven't signed more and better, but knowing we are skint doesn't make you feel better about the club. Combine that with some very downbeat Pearson pressers, an owner who clearly wants out, a silent board, and a few minor off-field annoyances (the e-ticket means I can no longer let an elderly friend without a smartphone attend the games I don't go to; doughnuts in the ******* concourse stall!) have made me feel a bit flat over attending AG. Summer's finally arrived - in September; we're eighth and a decent home performance will lift the mood. As people always say "Keep The Faith". As City supporters we know it's (often) been a hell of a lot worse. The project is still on course, but maybe negotiating the M6 roadworks at present rather than speeding down an empty autobahn.
  10. We just need to do it at home now, in front of the thousands who don't travel to away games.
  11. To be honest. he deserved some of the shit, and the big story about Zak Vyner - and what makes him cherishable - is how he pulled himself around from a slightly below average defender, at risk of being jettisoned to a lower division, to a rock-solid Championship performer. He did that by wanting to prove the haters wrong, rather than crumbling under pressure. He improved himself. Glad he's with us.
  12. That was never Usain Bolt's motto.
  13. Indeed, and also, as supporters, there is a certain gap we've all got very used to that needs to remain.
  14. Although my investment of time and money in watching City over the years is a minute fraction of Steve's, it's still considerable to me. And I feel the same. ?
  15. Think it's more like the captured U-boat commander: "Your name vill also go into my book...."
  16. Oh, I always knew he'd go. Local friends were holding out hopes he'd still be here when the window shut, but not me. Just hoped we'd be able to spend more of the booty.
  17. Can't deny that if we had all our defensive players fit, we'd be more solid there. The loss of Alex Scott, an outstanding talent, in midfield, has scarce been addressed though. I didn't expect a like-for-like replacement, but our linking play in the games I've seen has been very poor.
  18. I suppose lots of us had a forlorn hope that it was going to be a lot stronger than last season, but that isn't the case. Your last line acknowledges that.
  19. That really was a 'Doctor Death' scenario.
  20. I think it's because folks remember the days of yore, when there were fewer (and more primitive) medical checks and players often played on with injuries, with the result that their careers ended earlier.
  21. Reckon we can fit "Lansdown out but new owner who isn't a crook but is just an extremely nice bloke with loads of dosh who'll just let Pearson get on with his job in" onto a banner.
  22. Don't forget it was the government's TVG legislation and the "independent inspector" who sank the Ashton Vale project. The council backed it and granted permission. North Somerset added their objections to the resident (and non-resident) objectors though.
  23. Signed a few who might be an anagram of Ansu as well....
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