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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. IF, as has been suggested, the club knows he's out for the season, they should say so. IF that isn't the case and they do not know how long he will take to recover, they could also say that. No one's asking to see his medical notes.
  2. Agreed, but if he is out for a substantial period of time then the club may as well say that to fans and media, otherwise the question is going to come up time and again.
  3. Haven't been able to really follow it tonight, other than the score. So, for those who were there, what was the main thing we did different tonight that we failed to do at home against Peston or Birmingham? Or were Hull just a weajer proposition?
  4. This bloke sounds like he should be in the non-league thread... https://www.linkedin.com/in/roman-st-george
  5. I agree. Walking across the park is more aesthetically pleasing. But then I'd be walking in the opposite direction to the car. Might try the bus again for WBA. Anything might seem better with a few pints on board.
  6. This bloke got suspended from the Bundesliga for breaking gambling rules.
  7. Yeah, only a few 'on the boos', and tbh you always get that after a loss. Even in the double season, there were a few when we lost that one game at home to Preston. Maybe they were being ironic. I don't really see that sort of booing as directed at anyone. More sort of general disgruntlement at having watched a loss. And you get it all clubs. When folks turn on the manager - or owner - the booing is far more widespread, louder and is peppered with shouts of abuse. We're not at that stage here yet. Nowhere near.
  8. If I wanted to spend £45 to feel bored and miserable, I could drive to my brother-in-law's and have a night out with him in Swindon.
  9. I didn't say they were the worst home games I've seen. I watched Cardiff tonk us 0-6. I've seen us lose to the Gas many times. I've seen us struggle against lower and non-league clubs in cups. It isn't that "we're the worst we've ever been", it is the fact my expectations were high but now they are not. They say it is the hope that kills you, and by the same logic the lack of hope for a Top 6 challenging season after two seasons of bouncing around mid-table leaves me (and I know I'm not alone) feeling flat and uninspired. Alex Scott out and Taylor Gardner-Hickman in sort of sums up the blah, I feel currently about City. Not living in Bristol, myself and the guys usually make a day out of it when we come to games. The last two, we've just come up, watched the match, driven straight back. No one felt like a pint. It's a long season, so hopefully we'll all be feeling differently before long. I'm not pancicking. Just explaining why I and others aren't feeling much excitement currently. The hushed tones at AG tell the story as well.
  10. It has to be said, performances actually got worse in that initial period Pearson took over. We finished 19th, kept up by the fact others were even worse than us. However, he's pulled it around and we've actually got season-on-season improvements, so please don't think I'm criticising NP or saying Dean Holden is a better manager. Without extra recruitment I just think that slight upward slope of finishes might start to slope downwards, so am feeling slightly trepidatious and disconnected from the club this season so far. Would love it if my fears prove premature.
  11. I don't want Hoden back, but we were 13th in the league table and he had a 44% win ratio when he was sacked. Just sayin'...
  12. I've seen us in lower leagues, I've seen us thrashed by more, I've seen us in a lot worse situations. But I don't think I've walked out down Winterstoke Road more pissed off, bored and thinking "why am I doing this" than the last two home games. It isn't just me either. My neighbour in the Dolman said he thinks this might be his last season as a STH. He's been going for years. Given that we've had a lot worse sides than we have now, I've tried to justify my feelings. I think it's because we - the fanbase - had our expectations high this season and the AG results and the general atmosphere surrounding the club at present just seems as flat as ****. Even Pearson's last interview after the Birmingham defeat sounded as boring and as uninterested as could be. Entitled some might say. But my response is if you pay the best part of £600 + the travel, the time, the other expenses, to see your club, you are entitled to think those in charge of it at least give a shit. I'm long in the tooth enough to know that this ennui could soon dissipate with a couple of lively results. But my point is that the OP is certainly not alone with feeling it.
  13. Mike Norton, the editor until about 5 years ago, was a Gashead, I believe.
  14. Seen this before. Apparently it's a comedy sketch. Still clearer than the Dolman PA.
  15. I hope not, and 4 points from 3 games would suggest not this season. However, seemingly not having the funds to compete with teams in this division who get smaller crowds than us would suggest a downward spiral that may, indeed, lead in that direction. Maybe with a few returnees and a few improvements from players already here, it'll all click into place. But right now, I doubt that and - as a City fan - I feel underwhelmed and prepared to see a lot of hard-to-watch games.
  16. If he thinks he's haemorrhaging money from maintaining a mid-table Championship club, wait till he finds how big the holes needing plugging are with a L1 side existing within a Championship framework, with Championship off-field and administrative costs, but plummeting revenues.
  17. Our very poor ability to pass the ball more than 5 yards without spoonfeeding an opposition player would suggest, no.
  18. If you grew up in Street in the 70s you got to appear in Clarks adverts by default. Even my misshapen feet got used. We got "paid" a credit for a free pair of seconds. I expect Raheem got a little more....
  19. So, the bad games were our two home games then, which is what I wrote.
  20. We're short of attacking threat and have zero presence in midfield. I wasn't at 'Wall but the stats tell a story. I did watch the Preston game and can say we were very lucky to get a draw - the traffic was almost entirely one way. We were poor.
  21. It'll be interesting, won't it? I took on your "attack minded" phrase, because it's as important for us to get a robust central defender who can stop us simply ceding control of the middle portion of the pitch as it is to get someone who can feed (and support) the forward line. Multiple times, in possession, Birmingham's defence and deeper midfielders were just able to stride to the centre line and pick out a likely forward runner with no pressure on them. It's easy to set up a decent attack if you have all the time in the world to do it.
  22. To quote Gary J he sounds like "another club in the bag" and potentially a very useful one. Whether it works out here is yet to be seen, as we've had loan players come here and look much worse than at their parent club, and vice versa sometimes. Still doesn't obligate the need to find a centrally located, attack-minded midfielder, which I hope is top of Nige's to-do list.
  23. Is Monkeyspanner the one that Madness pinched their "This is the heavy heavy monster sound" intro from?
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