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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Turkey? Arab world? East Asia? There are plenty parts of the world that do not recognise the concept of rape unless it's by a complete stranger.
  2. Incidentally, the real drummer in Bros, who wrote all the songs, is now a multi-millionaire manager for artistes like Anastacia, Beverley Knight and Imelda May and his music firm has offices in London and Los Angeles. Before that he ran RCA records. Davidson was in a number of undistinguished bands in the 80s [as was I], was a tour keyboard player for the Pet Shop Boys and Bros thanks to a connection with the late Tom Watkins, manager of both groups, before setting up Trade-It when he was in his late 20s and having a highly successful business career. He's still only 60. The idea that because you can play keyboards well is some source of shame could only occur to a desperate and deluded 15er. Just like thinking having a nice watch means you must be one of the world's wealthiest men.
  3. No one perhaps, but a number of foreign clubs might be interested if the price was right.
  4. If that was the criterion, West Ham and Spurs are bigger than Man City. It isn't though. We're in a higher division, that makes us by default a "bigger" club. If we'd been pushing for promotion, rather than looking to consolidate a mid-table inconsistent side, maybe we'd have bigger crowds. Historically, I'm not disputing Charlton have towered above both Bristol teams. Also not disputing it was a good three points for you.
  5. To be frank, I think this is a shit-or-bust season for them. New funds from the new majority sucker, er, investor, have clearly been spent and this will give them a better chance of reaching the play-offs than last season. They aren't one of the best trio of teams in that division by any means, but as we know of old, they can be spawny - not to say, cheaty - gits. Thing is, I don't think this Kuwaiti is exactly loaded by football owner standards. He's not Sheikh Yermoney. He may even have less than old Wally. If no real news is forthcoming on the Stadium of Prunes, crowds will continue to be low - particularly with the tent-gate fiasco - and the Gas's unsustainable business model ("make it up as you go along") will come crashing down. They'll go from one of the wealthier clubs in the third tier, to having to manage on a Stevenage or Cheltenham type budget.
  6. Swindon Town fan, what can you expect... Actually, EH is a pretty nice guy. And when you think about it, been in the job at Radio Bris for an aeon as well. In fact, there is remarkably little churn in that workplace. Staff arrive and rarely leave. As the OP said, it'll take a while to get going again, but I don't doubt it'll improve.
  7. Be careful for what you wish for. My first marriage came about because Mrs Robbo #1's employers made her redundant - then took her straight back on because they realised they had sacked too many people to operate, but said she could keep the redundancy money. While I foresaw a luxury holiday with the dosh, she said "let's use it to pay for a wedding" and I went along with it. Whatta mistake-a to make-a.
  8. Yer right. It's many years since I ventured into SE14 so the story got clouded in my memory. The Granby is the nominally Irish pub. This would've been the New Cross Inn with its multiple rooms. Does the Hobgoblin still exist? That's where the Goldsmiths students all used to drink? Edit: No need to reply. I just read your reply to Wolfie. Gentrification hadn't set in 2004. Putrefaction, yes, but not gentrification.
  9. At least I didn't spend the New Year's Eve there that my mate endured. He and his gf went to the Marquis of Granby where there was a series of bands on. Some irate nutter, who'd been ejected from the pub earlier in the evening, returned with a machete and the door staff and everyone else had to cower inside while he attempted to hack his way through the door. Luckily, it didn't seem to occur to him that he could've broken the windows to gain access. ? Eventually the cops arrived and tased the bloke four times before he went down. He was still trying to demolish the door when the rozzers surrounded him! All this was mid-2000s, so as someone said, it may well be gentrified a bit by now. I forgot how quickly London postcodes can turn from ghetto to desirable chic.
  10. I wouldn't say that. I had a mate who lived in New Cross at one time and every time I visited him and we went for a pint in the Royal Albert there would be a different yellow sign outside appealing for witnesses to various stabbings.
  11. DSL is the modern equivalent. BT is switching off ISDN next year.
  12. Possibly from something nothing to do with football. Maybe they just didn't catch him on a good day?
  13. Didn't he cost £25,000? The football equivalent of the loose change you find down the back of the sofa.
  14. While I'm delighted to hear of this young man's promise, I'd caution that decent cameos in Cup games against lower league opposition do not necessarily mean players will make it into the first team. Hines and Akinde are just two names who excited us in cup games, but weren't good enough for the Championship. Hopefully. Ephraimwill be one of the ones that goes on and makes it for us.
  15. I use my Google wallet every time I pay for something, more or less, I am not specifically checking the ticket. But the fact it didn't update automatically, but updated incorrectly at first, is the point of my post.
  16. No, you aren't. You have to say Hong Kong Phooey. He's the number one, super guy.
  17. At sometime over the last 24 hours my e-ticket for the Birmingham match on "August 5th" updated to the Birmingham match on August 19th. All hail Bristol Sport techies! It looks like they do read this forum.
  18. Red-Robbo

    Tommy Conway

    I haven't seen confirmation that he started to feel his hamstring mid-game, but if the poster who said so is correct, it could explain his rather flat-footedness after 10 minutes or so on field. One of Tom's great strengths is that he is big AND fast. It didn't seem to me that he could run onto balls as well as usual on Saturday, not that anyone saw that much of the ball outside our final third, of course....
  19. Red-Robbo

    Tommy Conway

    I must admit, from the way Weimann was moving, I suspected he was carrying a slight injury from the start. It was no surprise that he went off so early. Andi strikes me as the sort who loves to play and would likely play down any discomfort he was feeling in the run-up. A competitive game however will find you out, even if you've got through training OK. If Tommy was injured during the game, it explains why he was so ineffective for much of his time on the pitch.
  20. I knew you were @Super - but you know what: @Nogbad the Bad and I sometimes disagree on politics and occasionally we see the game differently, but he's spot on: pie & chips plus a pint or two MAKES a football day out. If we get 3 points, we can digest it all better. ?
  21. I was a bit nervous last time I went to Bath City and bought a hot dog cooked on an open barbecue about 6 feet from the entrance to the gents. You don't really want to hear flushing noises while waiting for your food!
  22. And it was just the Daily Mirror's pensioners who found their pension funds had been stolen by the corpulent fraudster. If you were unlucky enough to work for Oxford during Maxwell's tenure, you'd likewise find the pension pot - accumulated largely before he took over - had mysteriously evaporated.
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