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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. If they are scheduled on weekends, I've earmarked Soton, Plymouth and Sunderland as my away days this coming season.
  2. Red-Robbo


    Don't sweat it, OSR. Despite the lower finishes, I reckon we're a better equipped club to make a push for this than during the LJ years and are building a better "base" for future success than we did under his dad. It needs the pieces to fall into place, a bit of luck, and careful management - given the profligate money management of the previous regime. As for mindset, Pearson achieved one play-off final and then a promotion to the PL for Leicester. His mindset is on winning as many games as possible, and I think TBH that is the mindset of the players that are here. Varying degrees of talent of course, but no shirkers, none playing like they'd rather be somewhere else. We've had plenty of that in the past. We're in our most protracted spell in the second tier in our history and have significantly improved our infrastructure and youth programme. If I were to make a prediction, your shuffling off will come long after we've made that breakthrough. Just hope your faculties are still with you to enjoy the games at that level! ?
  3. They're my German club as well. I have yet to get round to watching them live, but I try to visit Berlin as often as possible, so it's on a to-do list for me.
  4. If he's a Bond and a City fan, I'm probably distantly related. RIP fellow Red. Rest easy.
  5. Don't you think your two-month sulk over me not liking one of your posts is starting to look a bit pathetic to everyone, Lewisdamoron?
  6. Certainly was formed by the Yugoslav Army.
  7. TBH Bristol is that way too, these days. The "non-accent" seems to infect everywhere south of Birmingham - and it'll spread north too.
  8. There is a Hampshire accent that you sometimes hear in old codgers and people living on the estates who never leave Soton, but TBH most of the city has that sort of indeterminate south-east/London non-accent. The same as the rest of Hampshire.
  9. You forgot... Bristol Rovers FC - against being in EFL League One - they want to be in the Argentine Primera Division.
  10. Good point. Kennilworth Road is such a dump, I'm surprised they can bring it up to modern standards even spending that much.
  11. Rather be a Scummer than a Skate. ?
  12. TBH I lived in Southampton for three and a half years and absorbed the inhabitants' feelings on the subject of Portsmouth. ?
  13. Would've cost me less money if she had... ?
  14. Fortunately, David Goodwillie was released from his contract...
  15. I hate Portsmouth FC, the city of Portsmouth, Mike Oldfield's song 'Portsmouth', "Pompey", the Roman general Pompey, and Up Pompeii. They're all shite. Apart from Up Pompeii, which had its moments, and the citizens of Portsmouth, who, to be fair, are a mixed bunch.
  16. Bigger regionals - like the Manchester Evening News - actually provide a decent sports coverage on their patch, and occasionally you'll get a little paper, the York Press is famous for this, that is almost embedded in the fabric of the club it reports on and has lots of insight. In the main though you are right. Bristol's sport reporting has been quite poor and in part this is because, you may not be too surprised to hear, City are quite a difficult club to deal with. A lot less transparent than some. Lansdown in particular is quite waspish in his dealings with the press. I don't point the finger at individual journalists on the sports beat in this area, who do their best with the limited resources they are given.
  17. One thing's for sure, in just over a week one set of supporters will be feeling as miserable as we did in 2008. To come so close but fall short surely sets yourself up for a more depressing summer than the one we have.
  18. I know whatcha mean, but just look at the ex-league clubs now trading in the Conference (or below). 'Twas only a few years ago we were playing some of them (and losing to them sometimes!) There were some grim old days for City fans in the 80s and 90s...
  19. Thanks for the clarifying.
  20. We used to feel great about getting out of the third flight and playing in the second one. It's a mark of where the club is now that we've enjoyed 8 seasons now at this level and are about to enjoy a ninth, with more possibility of a play-off finish than a relegation battle.
  21. Bad news for Scotty then. He's not going to Liverpool.
  22. Red-Robbo


    At the end of the day, their fans either live in or grew up in the horrors that are Luton and Coventry. Believe me, we can be thankful we don't.
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