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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. That'll all change when Lansdown reveals the foreign investors he is in talks with are George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp...
  2. I guess theoretically they draw on support throughout North Wales, though its coastal towns seem to be full of exiled Scousers. Probably more Liverpool and Everton support there than Wrexham.
  3. The current Dutch king is a Willem. Looks like he's dragging this shot wide though. And as for the kit...
  4. The ad for that (shift) management post in Leeds that Joey's qualified for. Sadly, I think he's already burnt his boats with McDonalds....
  5. I think it's a deliberate joke, Pogo. A number of the suburbs named on the map didn't exist when maps looked like that.
  6. "They'll never build houses down on the Ducky Moor, they'll flood" said my great-grandma some time around the early 1920s. Nonetheless, they did and in 1968 she was proved right!
  7. You rarely keep a clean sheet if Jizz is involved.
  8. Anyone else read this thread title in the voice of Marvin Gaye?
  9. Not only scored, but was voted their MOTM on the BBC Sport voting app thingy.
  10. I was surprised as well. Burnley's defence was superbly organised, but they weren't fast. Mehmet does the unexpected. He twists and turns and has that close control that I think would've got the ball in their danger zone.
  11. I guess I was caught up in the game and the substitution wasn't for just that mistake; he'd been pretty poor since kick-off and started to just drift out of contention altogether. As others have said, it's probable that the move was weighing on his mind and his concentration level had dropped. Pearson would've known this and perhaps only played him so he could have a farewell from the crowd, which is why it's unfortunate that his last match ended like that. If I was ungracious, I'd say I was in the company of at least two-thirds of the Dolman - but hopefully my posts here show that I do appreciate his talent and gave enjoyed his time at the club. Of course, it isn't a one-way street either: Scott gave us some lovely displays and was a very important player and will earn the club money, but City improved him and gave him the platform at an early age from which he'll hopefully go on to have a fantastic career and earn shedloads of money.
  12. Well put points. I kind of think it likely we might see the departure of some of the bigger earners as well, allowing us reductions in week-on-week running losses next season, although like every league club, we aren't going to make any money! If I was forced with my arm behind my back to offer a weak defence to some of the Johnson era excess spending, I'd say that there was more money sloshing around the second tier back then. There's a post-Covid, recession-driven reality check occurring at most clubs at this level and economies are having to be made pretty much all over. One of Pearson's great plus points has been how he's been able to manage on less without sinking below the waves.
  13. This is it, Fevs, and what I object to is not others having a different take on matters than me, but getting insulted (not by you, natch) for having my own views. It certainly was rife among the crowd filing out around me that it was a poor performance by Scott with him seeming to have mentally left our club already. I'm a competitive sort and I like to see us win even dead rubbers like yesterday, so it wasn't the last home game of the season I had wanted to watch. Like everyone, I appreciate some great performances by the young man and wish him all the best wherever his career takes him. I don't think it'll be long before we find out where that will be. (On a completely unrelated point, but seeing as you mentioned Benson, how on earth did an Angolan Belgian player end up with that name? Were his parents big fans of a certain 1980s American comedy?)
  14. Maybe I'm in a minority here but, Mark Ashton aside, I don't wish any ill on Ipswich. Nice club with an incredible history given the size of the town its based in. Also, one of the two sides that played a fundraising match for us in '82 when we were in deep do-do. Their fans coming on here have usually been polite and literate. By contrast, I can't join in the love-in for Plymouth others are indulging in on another thread. Their fans have generally proved to be utter bells when they visit our forums and our city.
  15. Red-Robbo


    Unlikely I'd have thought. Someone suggested to me that it might be connected to the far-right "prankster" Burnley fan who arranged to fly a "white lives matter" banner over the Etihad when Burnley were playing there.
  16. I guess we could say that about all sorts of players who others might be willing to "slag off" for poor performances. Maybe if he had this inner turmoil happening it might've been wiser for Pearson not to play him? However, as I know this is ******* Pravda here and there are some things you must never, ever criticise, perhaps I can just go back to feeling disappointed with his performance in that game, eh? Christ, what a belter.
  17. I'd eat my invisible hat if that happened.
  18. Torquay down to NL South, but Weymouth stage a last-minute revival to stay in that league. Lots of local derbies in the NL South for the West Country fan looking to watch some non-league, next season. With three southern sides departing the NL, it might be that one of the NL South's existing teams has to join Gloucester and Hereford and play Oop North. Oxford City, perhaps?
  19. Pathetic response. He has been incredibly good and incredibly promising. It's his age that makes him the potential cash cow for us: more experience, top-class coaching, more capable team-mates and we may see something extremely special in the international arena. Totally right he won EFL Young Player of the Year. I've never once criticised the lad during his time here, but it was very disappointing for fans that his last game at Ashton Gate was so lacklustre and marked by a massive cock-up of the sort that other players would be getting pelters for. It would've been nice to see him have a game at the top of his powers and wipe the smug grins off those Burnley fans. Stating that doesn't mean I am slating him (or angry that he's leaving as one twit suggested). I think it's others who need to grow up and reflect on their need to kneejerk insult other posters who merely post on yesterday's game as they see it. I felt deflated leaving Ashton Gate TBH. If others didn't that's fine. That isn't Alex Scott's fault, but his poor game was part of that sense of disappointment. We all know he's a lot better than what we saw yesterday.
  20. Because he's usually a great player that means you can never point out he has a terrible game? Really? I think it's you that's the dick if you think that.
  21. Red-Robbo


    Maybe. I didn't actually read it when it came up on the board at the match, but it was instantly obvious to me what it referred to when it was posted here. As @Bristol Rob says, I doubt there were any "checking procedures" before this incident.
  22. Had he done so, I'd have paid his fine.
  23. I watched him slow-run towards a loose ball that was subsequently claimed by a Burnley player who had been considerably further from it. It was then I knew Alex had already left the club. That was disappointing. I didn't clap him off. I applauded the substitution.
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