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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. The obvious candidates have been mentioned and I'm not going to argue with Shaun Taylor as winner of the City leg of this particular contest. He just did not like opposition players trying to get past him. Jordan and Hunter were of course famously robust, and though not in that league, Tommy Doc was not adverse to the more physical side of the game. Paul Hartley too.
  2. I'm surprised he does, however, yeah, I've read about the guy. A real scumbag.
  3. That might be a fair enough argument for anti-Gas chants when we play the Gappers, but we haven't met them for nigh-on 10 years so the song is a bit dated now. As well as a bit dirgey and not that witty. They are the obsessed ones. For me, sitting watching our games, Rovers are an irrelevance.
  4. If you'd heard "Mr Brightside" being played at every wedding reception and party for anyone aged 25-45 for the past decade plus, you'd have heard quite enough of The Killers. ?
  5. I'm not trying to talk down the two teams' achievement, but both clubs have budgets that would be similar to putting Man City and Arsenal into the Championship. Mullin at Wrexham earns £4.5K a week, whereas some players at other National League clubs are still on part-time contracts.
  6. You're probably right. Other than the Gappers, Tranmere and Oldham have been successful at various times of their history.
  7. Canterbury famously had 365 pubs at one time. As its modern population is 50,000, it has to be in with a shout on that score.
  8. Everyone has a mate like Watford. Hits on several hundred women, basically anything with a pulse, on the basis that one time in every 200 he'll be successful.
  9. I once signed into BBC Bristol using this name:
  10. Their new manager will be their 22nd in 22 years (not counting caretaker bosses). Longest tenure in that time was Zola with 75 games. Think they just stick the managers' names on their office door with post-it notes these days.
  11. You should try Row 34. After popping down for a mid-game pee once I ran back to my seat. Thought I'd need an oxygen tent set up. ?
  12. Some folk seem to attend matches just to moan and enjoy the whinges. I used to sit in front of a guy who had a complete hatred for Bobby Reid and every time Reid made the slightest mistake - not converting a difficult chance into a goal for example - would loudly exclaim "aaah naaah" in this loud Cockney voice. In the season when Reid became our leading scorer, the guy was quieter, but even then you'd hear: "Abaht time you done somefink good, Reid!" ?
  13. To be fair, those who didn't stand out in those games HAD stood out in some games in the past. Cornick's problem was, as the new boy, nobody had seen him have a really good game for us. While most rational fans realised the below-par team performances weren't his fault, they also hadn't seen anything yet to confirm 100% he was going to come good. Yesterday was his 13th appearance in a City shirt - albeit the majority of them were as a sub. Thing is, anyone watching that game can now see what he can do. Doubters silenced in the most effective way. The way we all hoped for.
  14. They are. Though the implications for local sports coverage haven't been made clear. Perhaps Geoff smelled which way the wind was blowing there....
  15. He may also be the top man for calling people Top Man. He's the same character you hear on the air when he's not on the air, Geoff. One thing that I really liked about the man was his total commitment to local radio serving local sports fans. He knew some big names in the game, but was as happy talking to guys managing clubs far down the league structure.
  16. He's 64. I imagine he wants to retire and devote even more time to golf.
  17. "Blake Lively" sounds like one of those made-up names from Toast of London....
  18. I think he's one of the players who brings the ball forward the most. Can't score for toffee and his crosses can be wayward, but he does at least run with speed enabling quick counter-breaks, getting the ball out of our danger zone and into the opposition's. Rivalled by only Mehmeti for his dribbling ability. I like him. Opposing teams always try to pump it over his head, knowing his lack of stature, but he makes up for that in different ways.
  19. For once I can't quibble too much with those, but I feel a 6 is a little harsh on Pring. Goals are rarely the "fault" of just the last defender, yet the Post, and some fans always comment on them as if they are.
  20. My view as well. We won some, we lost some, we drew feckin' loads, but there's that movement in the right direction which has been a long time coming: some very capable and promising young players, next-to-zero dead wood, no panicky buys and even improving performances from some of the older pros. At times we've played some sublime stuff and at times we've looked lost, but adding the first bit has been an improvement on the last few seasons, and many of the games we didn't win - like yesterday - have been entertaining contests. All achieved with a weather-eye on FFP and debt mountains. And with a very small squad. As you say, Fevs, there seems a great bond within the camp as well, which is the sort of thing a good manager can help with.
  21. I'm I the only Otiber who has no idea who Ryan Reynolds was?
  22. Me too. I said earlier, the only way to win over doubters (like me) and haters (like some of those posting ridiculous OTT social media about him) was to have a very good game. His last appearance at AG convinced me he was growing into the side and reports from the away games were also encouraging, so, I thought NP was fair enough giving him a start. What a difference to some of his anonymous earlier performances. Getting stuck in, gliding past markers, holding the ball and releasing it delightfully. I figured he might come good (here) this summer, but I was about 6 games out. One swallow maketh not a summer, said some bald Greek bloke once, and it's true that when Boro turned the screws after 55 minutes, Harry, like many of the other starters, sort of faded rapidly. HOWEVER, colour me a non-doubter. You can see the way he can fit into the forward line/advance midfield role and even if we haven't got a 20-goal a season man, he can play a very handy role in 23/24.
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