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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. County for me. I spent six weeks working in Nottingham once and visited Meadow Lane with a workmate who was an avid fan. He maintained, and I had no way of assessing the accuracy of this, that County represented the majority of city of Nottingham dwellers, whereas Forest was out-of-towners. Whatever the truth, I think Nottingham is a great city and I've had some fun times there. The only time I went to Wrexham it appeared to be a series of badly signposted roundabouts all with industrial estates off them.
  2. I think the biggest variable is injuries. You establish a settled side, start to get some results, then injuries mean you have to experiment, which can lead to poor results as the team transitions to new personnel, and then when it settles down again you get new injuries/suspensions and a new set of headaches.
  3. I can see why they don't put a 5-minute countdown on the clock, but I'm sure there's nothing to stop you displaying what has already been shown to the crowd by the official with the board.
  4. 37,000 locked out, waiting for the 45K-seater Field of Plums Stadium to be built.
  5. I like the way they put the extra time minutes up on the scoreboard. Such an easy thing to do. Here, as the Dolman has such a crap PA, you sometimes miss the amount if you don't catch the bloke holding up his board.
  6. Not forgetting SHOOOOT - aimed at any of our players with the ball 40 yards away from goal. Even Dasilva.
  7. Indeedy. This idea, it isn't even a plan yet, is much less advanced than their UWE/Sainsburys tie-up which, as we know, fell over more rapidly than an out-of-possession Gas player in the opposition penalty box. We are not in an economic climate where large developers want to get involved in speculative deals that may not bear them fruit for a long time. However even if the Field of Plums got built, I'd be relaxed. It's be like Field of Dreams in reverse: "If you build it, they still won't ******* come!"
  8. I thought most of City's support was drawn from north Manchester, whereas Stockport is to the south of the conurbation? It does have its own character though. I think it was in Cheshire, before Greater Manchester was created, as opposed to Lancashire like Manchester itself. The locals do not like you calling them Mancs.
  9. Says it all really doesn't it. Marcus Stewart - a City fan and briefly a City player - but then went to work with the 'tards on-and-off for 7 years. Everyone who has posted here has wished the guy well and luck with his battle against MND. Operating on a human level, you want Marcus to have as long as possible, enjoy life as much as he can. You wish him all the best. These inbreeds though. They are on a different level of evolution.
  10. @Red-Al I don't know what your son did or didn't do, but I kind of don't like the pile on here on you.
  11. Can we get back on the subject of swearing. At the last home game, I heard a chap loudly call Dasilva a "flippin' plonker", which I thought was delightfully old school.
  12. I don't think some fans of the club really follow what is going on, outside watching the home games. Guy who sits near me was surprised to learn last match about the Sykes suspension and Scott injury - I give him a BCFC news catch-up before games. There are lots of fans who don't "follow" the club with the avidness of most on here. That's fair enough. However, even for the most casual fan, I would've thought it had been obvious why a manager doesn't risk playing a striker who's just returned from a lengthy injury for 90 minutes. The only people who can express surprise are those not following the club at all, for whom Reading was their first match for a long time (or ever) and who might've been puzzled as to why an effective performer was being subbed. Even then, you don't boo. Pointless and stupid behaviour.
  13. One is third world and frequently under the thumb of the military. The other is Paraguay.
  14. Theoretically, these Desso Grassmaster pitches have a 15-year lifespan. It was laid in 2014, meaning it should only be 2/3 of the way through its lifespan. I think rugby played during a particularly wet spell - in a well-above average damp March - caused recent problems. With drier weather it shouldn't deteriorate further and they'll do extensive repairs over summer, I imagine.
  15. I'm not excusing booing, but it's clear from stuff I've seen on FB and elsewhere that some fans didn't understand why Tommy C was being rested after an hour and were annoyed that he was being taken off. Perhaps this sub-stratum of fans falls into the 'morons' category, Mr Hankey was talking about, or maybe they are just part-timers who haven't been paying much attention.
  16. We got them aqua ducks already, up the big pond up Lady Smyth's....
  17. I've no idea how OTC can get a better mark than Pring or James. It really is a funny old game.
  18. Someone fetch me the world's smallest violin...
  19. No more than any other club IMO. There is nothing especially stupid or especially clever about City fans.
  20. Maybe there are more idiots in the SS? But, to tackle your points: You think Kent and Diony were booed before they started playing? They didn't work out here, for different reasons, and even Stevie Wonder could see that, but my memory was more of fan frustration than mass booing. And clubs and managers do not base their decisions on players on crowd reaction. Do you think Pearson would ever think to himself "I cannot play Cornick. There are about 20 people who'll boo him and someone might be unfair on Twitter." No, he is his own man and he makes his own mind up on whether a player should get game time. Re: the club. I've travelled the world and all over the UK and where I find a fellow fan, I talk to them about football. I've never encountered any negative impression of Bristol City or its fans. Some fans of more successful clubs, usually plastic fans, will say stuff like "why do you wanna support them?" or "poor you", but that's just the bantz you expect from the glory hunting fraternity. The reaction is pretty good and many recount pleasant visits to Ashton Gate and Bristol in general. Football forums are a different box of cheese, and you'll always find someone with an axe to grind willing to sound off. Just look at me on the Plymouth thread! What you write on them, doesn't necessarily reflect what you think in the flesh - and I know a couple of good guys who support Argyle. Hell, I have Gas-supporting friends, if it comes to that. As for booing their own players, I've lived outside Bristol since childhood and in many different places and have stood on the home terraces and heard Wimbledon, Chelsea, Spurs, Perugia, Southampton and Philadelphia Union fans boo their own players. You may recall the negative reaction from Reading fans to their double substitution yesterday. It happens. It happens everywhere. FWIW I agree with those that say it's unhelpful to the individual and the team, and also that it's too early to pass judgement on Cornick. If you condensed all his subs appearances together with the two starts, he has played less than 5 games with us. Ultimately, players' own performances are the only thing that will win over the doubters. If Cornick continues to play as he did yesterday, the boos- such that they were - will be silenced.
  21. The football cliché to end all football clichés is that Warnock is a "pantomime villain".
  22. Do you honestly think other clubs don't have fans that have, on occasion, booed their own players? I'm not saying it was justified yesterday, but it was from a tiny number of people at most. Sitting totally centrally in the Dolman I heard one, maybe there were a few more elsewhere. There are idiots that follow ever club. At certain clubs - for example a neighbouring one - they seem to make up the majority.
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