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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. If you're from up north, it usually an O at the end of the name.
  2. Wayne Rooney is hardly a massive intellect, but compare his classy, gracious reaction to Kane's milestone with Barton's idiocy.
  3. Former CEO of the Gas now their CEO. 'Nuff said....
  4. You must've not read the bit I put into every post about him that said "it's far too early to write him off" I guess... ?
  5. I guess it would. "Out travel". What old JC was said to have done on that date.
  6. Absolutely no way you can tell if that would be the case. Greaves smoked, drank heavily and was quite small compared to many modern players. There is no way of knowing how these people from the games' past would perform if they'd been born in 1990 or 2000, as opposed to 1940 or 1900. In terms of the game, it's almost like a different sport. The route through to it has changed; the dressing room culture, hell, even the average size and build of young people. There are so many variables, I don't think we can say 'X or Y was a brilliant athlete in their era, if they were re-generated, they'd be brilliant now'. But Greaves was an incredible goal-scorer in his era. That can never be denied.
  7. One word - Semenyo. Underestimated him, based on some fairly undistinguished early outings. Lesson learned.
  8. Hmm. There are usually two or three games a season I can't go to (next season, I'll miss all of January's games) and I give my card to a variety of friends and relatives, at least one of whom is quite elderly. This is going to make this a bit more fiddly and uncertain than before. I'm not sure my elderly relative will make the hour-long journey to Ashton Gate to use an entry system they haven't used before and may cause them problems.
  9. Pedantic point: German for an exit door is ausgang. However, I know the word for an exit ramp from an autobahn to which you refer...
  10. Discipline problem. She'd get a card - but couldn't tell yellow from red. Probably eat the card as well.
  11. We've got enough problems with people who can't control their kids running on the pitch, without adding hounds into the mix. Mine can't pass a group of people having a kick around or throwing a frisbee without joining in and running away with the ball or frisbee.
  12. Actually, that dog covered a lot of ground to block that shot. Worth a place on the bench if young Harvey has to step in for Max later in the season?
  13. Was caught with $2m worth of heroin on one of his ships as well. Got off that charge. Greek shipowners are among the dodgiest of all the hyper-wealthy. There is a good programme on Radio 4 about the utter corruption in that sector. Lloyds of London are utterly complicit.
  14. Yeah, to be fair, he's not a bad lad. Didn't buy his house though.
  15. A great player, an iconic player - and yet his greatest legacy for the club might be in the talent emerging from the academy under his tutelage.
  16. "Even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch"
  17. I suspect we've all had mates like an (unfamous) Gazza. Biggest laugh on a night out. Loves to entertain others. The life & soul of a party. But behind all the laughs they have something missing from their lives, something from the past has made them a permanent class clown. I had a friend like that. Probably drank nearly as much as Gazza. I could tell you a thousand stories about this guy. Drowned when pissed up in Spain in 2007.
  18. It's quite surprising he's still slive tbh. Drinking bottles of spirits tends to lead to an early visit to the graveyard.
  19. When the current Mrs R first moved down we looked at a house here that was being sold by a Gashead. We got chatting football and I asked him if he got to many home games. "The last one was at Twerton when Gerry Francis was managing us ... but I've been to Ashton Gate to see you lot a few times since then!"
  20. Drink Up Thy Zider is the national anthem. The national anthem of Somerset.
  21. Certainly some bargains to be had on the Italian railways. They wanted to charge me £129 to get to Manchester for 1pm on Monday. I'm driving.
  22. That is cheap compared to English fares. It's a more than two-hour journey.
  23. Yes, to answer the question in the OP, I'd probably time travel a young Shearer and select him for the current England. Lots of very good contenders for England's best ever have been mentioned, but I think AS would be more at home with the modern game than some of them.
  24. They are obsessed with the farcical idea that City draw all their support from south Bristol. A close look at the user names and descriptors of posters on here would quickly put paid to that idiotic idea. I've lived in the US, Australia, London, Leeds, Kent, Hampshire, Dorset, Somerset as well as east Bristol, but never south Bristol. The main difference I've found between City fans I encounter and Gasheads, is we actually go to games, whereas most Gasheads "haven't been for yonks". Not to watch Rovers anyway. Sometimes they've been to Anfield or Old Trafford or the Emirates, or wherever there less embarrassing "second club" play.
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