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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Precisely. And better public transport networks. Not all City fans live in Bristol. Somerset-based fans like me are particularly badly served by public transport networks. The nearest railway station is 10 miles from me, is a nightmare to park in, and has a very limited service.
  2. The very definition of "arm in an unnatural position". The sort of photo they used every week in the Evening Post's Spot the Ball.
  3. Hopefully, he'll be about as effective as Jerry Yates was on the weekend....
  4. Good point. I wonder what their travelling average would be like if they didn't have Forest Green, Cheltenham and Exeter in their division, to offer easy away days.
  5. Which will probably result in a middling, mediocre scrap somewhere in north Bristol and in Lancashire away from football.
  6. 1 goal in the past 4 months. His form has dropped dramatically.
  7. I think he was trying to place it in the bottom left corner, but simply missed.
  8. Bring back Old Carthusians and the Royal Engineers FC! Fun fact: I'm a shite footballer, but my Sunday league team beat Clapham Rovers in a cup match, thus enabling me to say I played against and beat a team of FA Cup winners. ?
  9. Aye. Doesn't make it any less of a head-in-your-hands moment though.. Various options to beat O'Leary but manages to carefully steer it well wide.
  10. Exactly. Almost harder not to convert that chance than to score it.
  11. About a minute before Weimann's shot, I said to the guy next to me, "only Andi has the confidence to shoot from outside the box, and that looks the only way we'll get that first goal". Next thing you know - boom - a cracker and no mistaka! Excellent use of telepathy, though I say so myself. Seriously, Weimann was back to his industrious best yesterday and though Mehmeti's runs might've been more eye-catching, he caused them all sorts of problems. What's nice is Weimann,like Dasilva, reacts like a true pro to games on the bench: when he gets a start, he takes his chance to re-establish himself as a first-choice. Squad discipline, trust in the gaffer and the sort of healthy competition that makes teams tick.
  12. I think it was a pretty good squad performance against probably the worst team we've seen at AG all season. Most City players put in a very decent shift and the likes of King and Dasilva had arguably their best games this term. By contrast, imagine the horror of waking up this morning as Jerry Yates - and realising you've made an utter tit of yourself on national television.
  13. That last word is farce. Quarters Training Farce.
  14. Well, aimed at both of us. In the last years the prison operated, they walled up the windows overlooking the lane that runs past its main wing.
  15. It is totally surrounded by housing, some only a few yards from the walls, so I suppose they had a point. My first serious GF came from Shepton and I remember a romantic stroll through the town being slightly cheapened by the coarse suggestions shouted down by prisoners, as she and I passed arm-in-arm past the facility.
  16. Couldn't agree more. I cautioned those who a few games ago seemed confident that our rise up the table would be unstoppable, that we are only a few injuries away from a very difficult scenario. Defenders and midfielders tend to pick up more injuries and suspensions than forwards, so it makes sense to have a slight surplus in those positions. As you say, not "clubs in the bag" but players you can actually use.
  17. I think you might see Taylor-Clark come on for him, but I would be surprised if King didn't start.
  18. A less-than-ideal defensive midfield pairing, but the only sensible thing that can happen assuming James, Williams and Naismith are all unavailable.
  19. I wonder what Vaclik, Helik and Diarra think of him if he does! Not to mention Knockaert and the rest of his foreign legion at Huddersfield.
  20. They executed military prisoners - some GIs convicted of rape and murder during WW2 - there.
  21. TBH he also used a post-match press conference to say this about Brexit. "I can’t wait to get out of it, if I’m honest. I think we’ll be far better out of the bloody thing. In every aspect. Football-wise as well, absolutely. To hell with the rest of the world" I don't think he and I would get on.
  22. In view of what could've been taken, I got off lightly. Sunday afternoon break-in. They got in through a bathroom window that only a small child or midget would've been able to clamber through.
  23. Shit car. Did me a favour. Re: the flat: they took 5 French francs, drank some vodka (but didn't take the bottle) and took a cassette of Sonic Temple by The Cult (which was also shit). My flatmate by comparison lost £400 in holiday money. I did like the bike though. ?
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