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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. The OP is correct. Weimann has never been particularly effective if being shoved out to play on the wing.
  2. If Shrewsbury come up, I'll bare my arse in Burton's shop window. (Think I'm fairly safe there. Burtons went bust years ago)
  3. I'd think any young, improving player would love to come and play for Nigel Pearson. Here's a guy who'll give you a chance and say 'if you're good enough, you're old enough'. The coaching here can be seen to improve youngsters and we have a thriving U23 side, providing competition. He's sort of the anti-Tony Pulis in that respect.
  4. I'm not jizzing myself over the fact we're 13th, however what is fantastic is that all the players are now playing to their proper ability - and in the case of the younger players, we're actually seeing improvements game-by-game. It's exciting and you can see confidence seep back into the players, and also in fans. When the squad didn't believe in themselves, was it any wonder that many supporters didn't? Some of this came by happenstance. Injuries and departures allowed players to get used to each other, form comfortable defensive and offensive partnerships, play in positions that suited their game. A bit like when close season injuries forced LJ to play Reid up front and whoosh, he started that season like a goal-scoring rocket. Pearson also seems to have acquired a better perception of players strengths and weaknesses and a better handle on who the first XI should be. We could say, this took a lot longer than we expected, hence the dodgy start to this season and very undistinguished performance last term. In his defence, we could say he had to balance competitiveness with the need to get wages down, was never entirely sure who he'd have to work with after every window and couldn't afford players he'd really like in many positions. Given those strictures, he's done really well, bringing through young players who can hold their own in one of Europe's top leagues, against guys who are paid vastly more and have cost many millions. There can't be many Championship sides with more academy products playing. A few unfortunate injuries could still derail the happy place we're in now, but as it stands, the football is great and I can only see more wins. As a former defender, it warms my cockles seeing the back line get as many appreciative claps and cheers as the goal-scoring front men. Pearson knows who he has for the rest of the season, and can set-up accordingly. Really excited to see our two new boys yesterday as well. Is it just me, or do others see in Mehmeti the fancy footwork of Massengo, but combined with some goal threat. Cornick worked hard as well, and you can see his famed heading ability helping out in defence as well as attack.
  5. Good job they don't carry lit cigars onto the pitch,
  6. "Bristol Rovers" and "appealing". Those words should never appear in the same sentence.
  7. I like teams who play lots of tippy-tappy passes in their own box. Providing it's not us! Thanx for adding that really interesting Norwich fan analysis, @Jerseybean TBH I'd take his 2-2 scoreline happily.
  8. She was brilliant at Bath Pavillion last year. On the footballing front, I think Naismith will be a loss we might struggle with against Norwich. He just gets the ball out the danger zone quite pronto, as a rule.
  9. Spent a fantastic long weekend there with some mates last year. Particularly liked the Kings Head in Magdalen Street as not only did they have lots of interesting ales, but the staff and locals were great VFM. Though, as@CanaryCouple will doubtless be able to tell you, Norwich is full of decent boozers, many of them with very interesting histories. We all booked to do a repeat visit this year.
  10. I had no idea Sir Tom Finney invented breakdancing!
  11. They didn't buy him for nowt. They need something to urgently shake things up. One point from 5. And it isn't as if Antoine will be rusty.
  12. "Your name's going into the book..... well, some of it is..."
  13. ...replied The Sundance Kid, as he ordered another pint of Natch at the saloon.
  14. "Put yir 'ands oop! Tha's bein' robbed, like"
  15. Just to make clear, I posted that picture as a joke - not because I think Pearson isn't sane. ?
  16. In the Cup, I just want us to perform well, and not get stuffed. We still need to pick up points to make us safer from any relegation threat. If we get anything against Norwich, I will be more relaxed. I don't think relegation is in any way likely, but I'd rather we didn't fall into some Gas-like complacency at this stage.
  17. I'm not sure you can say that. Bristol, as it's thriving, probably has a higher percentage of incomers from elsewhere in the UK, whereas Liverpool for example is declining. However even non-Bristolians can and have been, attracted to watch our club. Nottingham is quite similar: same sort of size, big student population. Yet they have one very well attracted club: despite another (older) club in the same city and other league clubs nearby. Why Forest gets better crowds than City is down to historical success, not some unique make up in the Nottingham population.
  18. They'll all come in the Man City game though...
  19. Forest, both Sheffield teams, both Liverpool teams prove that you can be a PL club from a two-team mid-size city.
  20. He means Scott Jordan.... ?
  21. You can not be prosecuted and still be morally repugnant. I'd not be surprised if his Old Trafford career is still over. He'll get a game somewhere though.
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