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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Bring me sunshine, Through your smile, Bring me laughter, All the while....
  2. Very true, but we couldn't predict that based on their loan performances.
  3. To be fair, he couldn't hit a barn door for us at first, but as we all hoped, once he got off the mark, he started taking his chances as his confidence improved. We could all see he had physical presence and a football brain before then. Well, hopefully all of us. ?
  4. Me too, but you never know how a player might develop. When they were at AG, who could have predicted Danny Rose would go on to win nearly 30 England caps, whereas Caulker would shuffle through loads of clubs, largely in Turkey, before ending up at Wigan.
  5. He can turn up where he likes, but as long as he remains under contract to them, Brighton can ensure no league club can legally play him.
  6. First million was when he pulled on a Bournemouth shirt. We get another 500K when he puts boots on.
  7. Yep, handshakes all round for my dad and his fellow fans after the game from impressed 'Pool fans. The Everton fan behind the bar at the hotel he was staying, bought them a round too! ?
  8. Sadly I didn't go, but my dad was there. Said the streets around Anfield were full of crying Scousers. ?
  9. Worth noting that Boca is Spanish for mouth. Mouthy Kids. Sounds about right....
  10. He played in a lower league. For four years. Then retired, having played 11 games, mainly as a sub, in that last season. In L1 he played for Yeovil in the season they finished 18th and Exter City were a L2 club when he joined them, two years after being released by us. Got 4 goals in his last three seasons with Exeter. Hardly a meteoric career. I wish the guy every good wish now and hope his health holds as long as possible. But your championing him as some sort of superstar in his 30s, who Gary Johnson got rid of because of a personality clash is utter and total cobblers. You're making yourself look (more) stupid.
  11. Bobby Reid put some yards in. Especially when moved to a more natural attacking role.
  12. Annie Lennox, Lord Byron, Michael Gove, The Shamen, your boys took one hell of a beating. Can you hear me, Annie Lennox? One hell of a beating!
  13. As petulant as Pearson can be, give me that over gob-on-a-stick, ego-tripping, stream-of-drivel Barton's pre- and post-match analysis. He seems to think he's some sort of auxiliary Scouse Gallagher brother. I'd be on a perma-cringe if I heard my club's manager slag off other professionals working in the third tier, then go on to lose to their sides!
  14. Is the answer to the question, Simon Groom?
  15. A ref I spoke to once said "you don't know what you're doing" was the chant that hurt him the most.
  16. Please. List of restricted length.
  17. I've seen us hoist the white flag in the past, but never a white card.
  18. Yes, but at the time of his dismissal he'd lost 7 out of the last 12 tests. So, past exploits didn't keep him in his position and Times' pundits certainly weren't the only Rugby followers thinking it was time for him to go. I don't think any journalist wrote a disparaging report of him when he arrived and started having success. Do sports reporters lead public opinion - or reflect it? People were moaning about Graham Taylor long before the turnip jibe. It may not have helped his case, but if he'd achieved the level of success the FA wanted, he'd have retained his job.
  19. If they'd been successful*, they'd not have lost their jobs. No owner, or for that matter the idiots of the FA and RFU, has ever said "This guy is doing really well for me, but a journalist doesn't like him, so I'm going to fire him." Tabloid back pages are a law unto themselves, but even they aren't what cost the people you mentioned their jobs. * OK, so a bit different with Hoddle as he was sacked for being a bit mad. Papers merely reported on what he'd said, I can't remember them actively campaigning for his dismissal. Speaking personally, I feel the FA overreacted, but other people suggest they used the disability thing because there was other disquiet over his tenure.
  20. Don't know what to say RO. We usually agree on stuff. I just made observations based on how I'd feel if someone spoke to me as Pearson has - at times - spoken to journalists. Being from the industry, I gave my background tuppence-worth on how that's received by those still working in it. FWIW I actually think his answers are usually quite illuminating and thoughtful. He just needs to be a bit less abrasive delivering them.
  21. But as was proved, not good enough in 2006 to retain a place in the City team. He was desperately disappointing. I'd have loved him to succeed. You seem slightly confused about MS's exploits at Yeovil. He wasn't at the club in 2012-13 when they got promoted to the Championship. In fact, he'd retired from the field by then. He didn't rejoin Yeovil as a coach until last year. There is one man who you've disparaged who was at the club when they achieved their highest-ever league position though, Gary Johnson.
  22. You seem quite offended. No offence is intended.
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