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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Had to play the cello side-saddle....
  2. Voiced by Scatman Crothers. Who not only popularised scat jazz singing in the 1930s, but subsequently was the dozy orderly in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and in another Jack Nicholson film, the Shining, got an ice-axe that made his ears burn. He was Meadowlark in the Harlem Globetrotters cartoon. He also sang the Hong Kong Phooey theme tune.
  3. Always nasty when you rupture the other. ?
  4. Do it once, and the injury's likely to recur. Benik Afobe did his three times as well.
  5. Recurrence of injury during his recuperation training. Hopefully, a young, fit lad like himself will get over this and be able to play some football next season. Treatment for ACL ruptures has come on massively since I did mine 20 years ago.
  6. I had that shit on the old Rivals board from an Ipswich fan once. As I pointed out to him, the hillier and more verdant West Country is mainly a livestock-rearing area. Vegetable-growing mainly takes place in the flatter, drier eastern counties - like Suffolk, where all ******* Ipswich fans come from!
  7. He was out of form. The Kalas injury, Baker retirement and Klose impending departure, gave him more chance to become settled in a position and, like many players, the more he played, the more he recovered his early promise. Also, now in his mid-20s, some of the naivety that marked him out in his earlier appearances will have been overcome. He's got savvier and more confident. I think he prefers O'Leary behind him as well. 106 appearances for us in, he's taken his chance with aplomb. Well done, Zak!
  8. It would read: "Same old Warnock, always cheating"
  9. I believe if Colin was appointed until the end of the season, it would make him break Roy Hodgson's record as the oldest-ever English league club manager.
  10. Thought they must've done that on Saturday, judging by the bizarre 7 minutes of added time.
  11. Always wonder about that phrase. Surely people just shave their hair, rather than their heads?
  12. Fun fact: In Argentina, Boca fans are known as Los Bosteros ("manure shovellers") Maybe, Wally has found something that links them with the Gas.
  13. Away fans who sing "is this a library?" are always the sort who have never ever been in a library - or picked up a book, for that matter. Maybe it's a genuine query? ?
  14. The fact he couldn't score when put through for a one-on-one against a very tired and dispirited John Ruddy probably backs that up. Far too early to write the lad off (see Semenyo and others) but I'd bet black as well.
  15. True, but it seems to be some handbags with Richarlison that sparked fan anger, and TBH did he actually have to go and get his disposable drinking flask a few feet away from Spurs fans at that exact time. Arse players and staff seemed quite surprised by the atmosphere, yet it's like that at every North London derby.
  16. I agree the bloke was an idiot, but he never even left the stands. Unless he had a 20ft long prosthetic leg, his 'kick' gesture was never going to reach Ramsdale. What amused me was Ramsdale looked like he was going to cry because the nasty men said nasty things. These things do work both ways. Be professional, stay classy in victory. Can you imagine a City player going up to the Atyeo after Saturday's full-time?
  17. He made a ******* sign to the Dolman as he was jogging back for the restart, which I think goes a bit beyond the accepted bantz. Remember this is the clart who kicked some kid repeatedly in the head and was banged up for it.
  18. After abandoning our bus-going experiment - just too unreliable - me and my Zummerzet matchday companions have never struggled to find somewhere to park within a 10-minute walk from the Gate. If you can parallel park and don't drive a tank, there are spaces to be found in various locations every Saturday. Evening matches in the week and early kick-offs are a little more challenging, but the furthest we've ever had to go is South Liberty Lane. We refuse on principle to pay. We always arrive early enough to get a few pints in, but if, for some reason, we're late arriving, I have a few relatives in the area I tap up for parking spots. Leaving by car through Bemmy is a bit tougher these days as roadworks seem to regularly gridlock it.
  19. I welcome anything that creates more home fan noise at AG. Some excited lads were singing in the concourse before the game and stood more or less throughout near the front of what was Dolman C. But they aided the atmos, and Pearson praised fans in general for creating some noise throughout the game. It must be very dispiriting to play in silence with only the inevitable "is this a library?" breaking the 5-decibel barrier.
  20. Talking of which, I felt Deeney could've been carded for walking up to and gesturing at City fans after the Birmingham penalty.
  21. Brighton fans tend to respond with "We don't fancy, we don't fancy, we don't fancy you at all". Gay and straight Brighton fans that is, as they're very used to the Boyfriend chants.
  22. If you remember, they did briefly do pat down searches for about two games after that bloke blew himself up outside that Liverpool hospital. Obviously, the thinking is terrorists* will only ever attack in the few weeks after another terror attack but after about a month, they'll get bored and everything will be safe again. Of course, it actually made the matches more of a safety hazard because, even with the extra stewards the club hired, it led to bottlenecks and crowds building up outside the ground, rather than folks entering and taking their seats. * We know now that the bloke was just a nutter with seemingly no political or religious motivation.
  23. If we're "treading water" then you must be fully submerged, as you aren't "16 places below" us. You're an entire division. It won't happen this season but it is vaguely possible at some undefined point in the future Rovers will pay one of their fleeting visits to the Championship. They'll play teams with bigger crowds, better stadia, bigger budgets and endure the ridicule of a much wider range of fans, when they visit the Conference South styled Memorial Stadium. Then, unable to compete, you'll be relegated. The second tier is a very different prospect these days than it was in the distant past when you were last here. There are international players in the sides of the yo-yo clubs earning more than the wage bill of the entire squad at Horfield. And eventually, your "Gas for life" owner will stop pumping in the money you require to underwrite debt and you'll be up for sale. But with dilapidated facilities and not much support, you'll not be much of a marquee purchase for anyone with real money and ambition. So, the more interesting question is, how far will the Gas sink without the al-Qadi lifejacket. As leaky as that garment is, it's all that enables you to compete in the third tier.
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