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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Thanks Bert. I was accidentally bigging him up by having him at 15%.
  2. That literally is the biggest bunch of handbags I've ever seen.
  3. Because - and this should be obvious - founding a business dealing with stocks and shares in the sell-nationalised-assets- off swashbuckling financial regime of the 1980s is different than owning a football club in the 2020s. Do you honestly think Lansdown thought he'd make loads of money from Bristol City? From what I know of the guy, he's far too intelligent to think owning a club, this century, in Bristol, is going to bring instant success and increased wealth. He owned loads of money already. Of course, it'd be nice to be a PL owner, but I understand the guy actually has perspective. It's a vanity project! It is for 99% of owners. Reckon Wael makes money from the 6,000 ST holders at the minimal? You're embarrassing yourself with your gaseous fantasies that our club crumbles without Lansdown. In real estate alone, it's worth more. In potential, vastly more. Don't worry about us. Worry about yourselves. (BTW how high up the league ladder has Joseph Deacon achieved as a manager compared to Nigel Pearson? Just askin')
  4. Thinking about it, I'd prefer: "Wild Pring! You make my heart sing!" (add other verses you poets)
  5. Glad someone started this thread. Being a defensive midfielder is probably the most un-appreciated position in the football pantheon. But, what he lacks in speed, you can see James has in football sense and passing ability. After a confidence crisis led him into some very poor performances, I thought he was excellent on Saturday. The starting point of a couple of our goals, I believe.
  6. I don't know him. He seems quite canny and I'd imagine he has always known that football club ownership is money-losing, but local prestige building, exercise for the vast majority of owners. We've bumped around the second tier for yonks now, but with parachute payments and FFP rules it's a tough step to take to progress. Much harder than it was prior to the PL era of TV millions. For him, it is a hobby, that has taken a small percentage of his substantial fortune. Be interested in how much of his dosh from being 15% owner of Jordan's third largest bank has been invested in the Gas by Wally. He was carried down Gloucester Road by the ecstatic Blue Few in 2016, think he's disappointed that you're being turned over by Accrington Stanley and have only three more points than we have, during a shit season for us? Face it, you're going nowhere, nor are we. But we're not sitting in B&Q seats and drinking out-of-date Fanta.
  7. We'd get a fine if our fans did that. Will Brum?
  8. Actually, throughout most of both club's history, we've been in a higher league than Rovers. Think we had Lansdown when we were in the old First Division in the late 70s? Stats - which you Gasheads are so fond of - will attest we've been better supported since the late 50s (and Rovers' dominance then was only fleeting, City was the bigger club for decades before that) and historically been higher in the league ladder since before Lansdown was a majority shareholder. With a better stadium, better training ground, bigger fanbase and successful academy, City represent a decent punt for wannabe owners, when the Lansdown's leave. With perhaps the league's most shambolic ground, poor home support and facilities that make Peter Kay's Phoenix Club look plush, the Gas do not. Which is why, with a junior member of the top 20 wealthiest families from the Arab world's second poorest state, Rovers are punching above their weight with Chelsea-fan Wally. You'll never improve. Mind the gap.
  9. My answer to that is simple. Because they are based in the same city and virtually all of us know Gasheads who are very vocal whenever they think they have something to criticise us over. It's called banter, and it's an essential part of football culture and has always existed. We have less interest in the antics of clubs of similar size to Rovers: Peterborough, Northampton, Lincoln, Notts County etc, because they are geographically removed, not part of an ongoing rivalry and - let's face it - less of a laughing stock than the Boca Infants of League One.
  10. You're not wrong. We'd lost the three matches on the run up to Christmas, and we'd had a similar bad run throughout October. If memory serves, we might've been second for one game, very early in the season, when everyone's played so few games that the table's a bit of an irrelevance.
  11. I thought Chong had more than a haircut in common with Massengo. Decent speed and won a lot of free kicks, not to mention the penalty, but didn't really threaten.
  12. If they're going to identify with an Argentine Primera Division club, surely this one would be more appropriate:
  13. You can only play whoever is in front of you, and not wanting to take anything away from a good all-round City performance, but my God, Birmingham's defence was bad! Off-pace, turned more times than a table leg, and totally disorganised. As a team, they possessed some threat in attack and we were lucky on occasion that our mistakes - and some mistakes at this level are inevitable - were not punished. How did that number 2 not score?! We did the right thing in taking the game to them and punishing that feeble defence though, and I was glad that we continued to press even when it looked a comfortable scoreline. You need to skittle in the goals when you get an opportunity like that, not play it safe.
  14. If that is correct, then I think it's reasonable that this dick was removed from the game. Direct personal abuse of someone is never acceptable. I suppose if the '53-year-old Wolves fan' just made the strange assertion that Forest fans were gay en masse, that's no less stupid, but a bit less serious. The BBC story mentioned threats as well, so I think this was one of the cringeworthy middle-aged men who loses it in such situations and thinks they're some sort warrior. It's embarrassing when teens and 20-somethings do that, but by the time you're in your 50s, you should really have grown up and know better.
  15. I'd be tempted to give Vyner an 8 as well - and I don't think Tanner deserved a 6. As for Williams, it's tough marking someone on a 30-minute cameo, but I felt he looked decent coming on. Played a lovely through ball for Sam Bell that nearly got our fifth.
  16. Indeedy. He was totally out of position and therefore missed their offside goal, then there was the time he flagged Semenyo offside in the first half, when Antoine had three blue shirts between him and goal. No other City player was as far advanced, so I can only assume the official had some sort of blindness that made him unable to see the colour blue!
  17. I know someone who knows him pretty well. He's a total tosser.
  18. You and me both. If ever there was a player I feel I should apologise to for wrongly writing off, it's Zak. Given a run of games and a steady position he has proved himself one of the stars of the season. Understated, perhaps, but assured.
  19. Pring's assist for the third goal was a joy to watch. Played in by a very good Alex Scott pass he totally evaded two lead-footed Brum defenders to put over a cross that the tea lady could've put in. He's growing into quite some player- and seems to be flying under the talent-spotter's radar.
  20. Assuming Plymouth do get back to the Championship, we will see a return of their three-teeth-possessing supporters claiming to be "the best team in the West Country". As I had to patiently explain to one of their supporters, 'you aren't the West Country, in fact you're only marginally in England'. With the exception of the Barbican area, it's a very ugly town. A naval base full of discharged seamen.... Yep, Exeter first then 'the phlegm', so I've learned.
  21. Torquay fans absolutely despise "the phlegm".
  22. I'll bow to your Cornish rugby knowledge (aren't Cornish Pirates doing fairly well in the second tier?), but both Cornishmen I've worked with in the past were Plymouth-hating Man Yoo fans.
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