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Everything posted by 22A

  1. Final thoughts on Tuesday night. Bradford and Crawley lost which helped us. Elsewhere, Adomah, Kilkenny and Fagan (all former City players scored for their teams and none were on the losing side.
  2. I commented to a Steward (one of 50 inside the ground with more outside) there was no Police inside or outside the ground. He replied "They're not needed". That's a financial saving for the club. How come we can't all do that?
  3. My son, a P'boro' ST holder reckons he'jj get there at 7.30 and walk straight in. That suggests not too many Posh fans. Therefore; c'mon all City fans tonight. Let's make some noise! For those of you en route by car; I'll be cycling along Oundle Road about 7.90 - 7.15ish. Please don't drive in the cycle lane!
  4. That win at Orient was a great result for City. My one moan is that Tuesday night SSN suggested the goals might be shown about 11.30pm whilst there was almost live coverage of the Championship goals. Then on Wednesday evening, I tuned in to Points West and the game wasn't even mentioned.
  5. There was much moaning on here after the draw at Oldham and now there's jubilation following the wain at Orient. Would the feel good factor be higher if City had won at Oldham and then drawn with Orient?
  6. BBC Radio Cambs this evening. P'boro' state they need more forwards. They hope to sign a centre forward from Rochdale and a winger from Kidderminster but cannot agree personal terms with either player.
  7. Live match player showed 86 mins 0-0 now it's jumped to 87 minutes and 2-0, but the League position is still 23rd. On a different note, City have scored twice since Crawley's share of possession increased! 60% to City and it was 0-0, We drop to just 53% possession and we score twice.
  8. Good job we've this thread and SSN. City's live match centre is showing 83 minutes played and it's still 0-0.
  9. Remember; Paul Cheeseley came from Gordano and City missed him hence signing him from Norwich!
  10. On BBC radio P'boro' Darren Fergusson statd if City beat Posh, than Steve W would fancy his chances of becoming next Manager!
  11. Same here RG. I noticed three small bits of the centre spot turf were lying loose, so I picked up one and brought it home. As for those H&S minded people, I walked onto the pitch through the gate the Steward held open for us. No wall and/or railings as in 65, 76 and 90.
  12. I was on the pitch in 76 and now in 07. This time out of consideration to the Groundsman and his turf I wore trainers. As for being an immature yougster; I am a grand father and definitely in the second half of my life. I am now ahead of the game though. In my lifetime City have now been promoted 7 times, but only relegated 6 therefore I'm ahead of the game!
  13. As Forest will have to drive past Bristol to reach Yevil for those play off games; will any motorawy bridges be adorned with message bearing banners for the Forest faithful to read as they drive by?
  14. Hmm... North Lincs Red driving from Scunny, me from P'boro' and (presumably) Cider 11 from Huntingdon plus those travelling from Lunnon & the Home Counties. Will we see a convoy of cars flying red & white scarves & flags on the M4 Satdee morning? Who's running a sweepstake on the number of City shirts at Membury Services between 11.00am & noon?
  15. My question is with so many faces still here from the last promotion, how come its been so damn difficult? We asked that in the early 80s. Many of the players who had won League games at Highbury, Old Trafford, Elland Road etc were now losing at Watford, Cambridge and Grimsby.
  16. 1976 for me. 1984 getting out of Div 4 was a reaffirmation of faith that City were back. The two promotions out of this div since then were only getting back to where City belong. I was only a few months old last time we won a Championship, so I don't remember the 54-55 side. That team in 1905 that won promo to Div 1 must have been a useful side as they lost 5-1 on the opening day and then won 14 on the bounce and went up as champs.
  17. I'll try to justify the situation. We all expected to beat Wycombe H & A, but ended up with one point. We expected City to return to normal ways v Stockport, but they lost (again). As with any sport, the result, let alone the actual score cannot be guaranteed. After all many of us expected to lose at Plymouth and Hartlepool, but City won at both venues. City, like all teams, will have bad days and even bad runs. I am grateful City have lost against the also rans and not our closest rivals.
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