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Everything posted by 22A

  1. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15928/sunderland-away?page=6 4 hours ago baggins said: 4 hours ago bradfordmeyerbiggs said: Been in Sunderland since Thursday night. Beer prices are superb. Looking forward to today’s game. Fancy us to bag the points as there are loads of lads up here. The locals have been great, bit of friendly bants, but all good. Reckon they will be surprised by the amount of support we’ll have in the ground today. Impressive.800 tickets sold, apparently. Great away travel support, again. It’s a great experience all round. We are making a proper weekend of it. Buzzing. We are the envy of a lot of clubs when we travel away in numbers like this
  2. "The club has reached agreement with the city council to find suitable land for a new ground in time for the 2022-23 season". August 2022 is just thirty months away. The challenge has been set for the gas.
  3. But defeats can be a good thing: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bristol-rovers-coach-focusing-positives-3753804
  4. That sounds like the coverage from a dictatorship. With several clubs based in the capital of North Korea, I wonder what this team's local coverage is like? Do their rivals refer to them as the 56ers? Club Information › Pyongyang City Home Colour Red Away Colour Club Information › Pyongyang City Share Pyongyang City Squad Edit It is not currently possible to upload image. This is due to the current photo being uploaded recently. You must wait at least 30 days in between new photo uploads. Report Image Home Colour Red Away Colour
  5. That explains the low attendances then. 40,000 volunteers and just 6,000 so thick, they still pay to get in.
  6. And don't forget to wear your City shirt!
  7. OK folks; at 4' 56" spot the difference;
  8. OK folks; here's the all time League & cup scores between us; https://www.11v11.com/teams/bristol-city/tab/opposingTeams/opposition/Bristol Rovers/ City v Rovers Games won:45 Games drawn:33 Games lost:29
  9. Dear Rovers; here's how to make some much needed money. Reach, but then fail in the Play offs. That will generate attendance & TV income. Then looking at League 2, next season four out of FGR, Cheltenham, Swindon, Newport, Exeter & Plymouth could be in league 1 which would mean more loala(ish) derbies giving larger than average gates and less travelling to undertake when away. Finally; accept this is our level and save money by no longer trying to compete with the big boys across town.
  10. Ok, I'll be magnanimous. 2-0 down at HT but winning 4-2 is good by any team's standards. As a result they are in the top six of their div. Right that's that done. Remember Rovers (and their dwindling bunch of followers), you've given us plenty of laughs in the past and doubtless will do so again. Make the most of now, because you (an so do we) know it ain't gonna last.
  11. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15386/bristol-rovers-leyton-orient-official 2 league games in our last seven matches. This must be a bit like supporting Liverpool or Man City. I hope we keep winning in this tournament for the sake of the prize money. Would be nice to give some young lads and normal rotation players some minutes and get a few wins. Looking at the teams that are left and the ones that went through last night there’s no reason we can’t go all the way. Having said that, I hope we win each game in front of a crowd of about 50 people.
  12. Surely it should be head line news when an opposition manager declares Bristol Rovers beat us fair & square.
  13. At least the gas attendance was better than Macclesfield. Their players are on strike due to not being paid. The first team watched from the stand as the youth team lost heavily to Kingstonian. The fans showed solidarity with the players and less than one thousand turned up.
  14. Too true! https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB803GB803&sxsrf=ACYBGNTToKjcdzN9ZY5JEu-ox2VB5kHZZQ:1573303764508&q=bromley+football+club&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizhIegld3lAhXuTxUIHXGtAWgQiR56BAgFEAw&biw=1366&bih=657
  15. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15199/gas-bolton-thread?page=6 Really glad I’m unable to go as this would make me much worse. We have been poor at home in the games I’ve been to, I missed 2. We are just not a good side and have been hiding this up with JCH getting us out of the dung.
  16. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15199/gas-bolton-thread?page=7 Good God this awful this evening. Don't know where goals are coming from. Why on earth has Smith been dropped? Sorry but GC had a chance to play different players up front today and has royally Fcked it!!! I suspect we’re not the worst, just mediocre. Enough in the tank to scrape enough wins against the worst but not good enough to get the consistency to reach mid table or higher.
  17. That's would be the only and i repeat only, positive from them in the same division as us; everyone could see how poor their support is compared to ours.
  18. BR ran a soccer special for that game. A 12 coach train, it started at Avonmouth and called at all stations to Ashton Gate. Fans of both teams travelled together with no trouble. City v Rovers was the last tie to be called when the draw was made.
  19. You mean they'll pay someone to take Rovers off their hands?
  20. Have Rovers ever had anything to do with A Cheever?
  21. FW are not bottom of the Highland league. They were higher, but have fallen back to 16th. The bottom place is held by Lossiemouth. 16 9 1 0 8 9 32 -23 3 17 10 1 0 9 4 32 -28 3
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