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Everything posted by 22A

  1. I watched BBC North West news tonight. Bury had entered a Voluntary Agreement where football creditors would be paid in full and non football creditors a %age of what they were owed. The club has not proved to the EFL the funds to do so actually exist, so risk expulsion from the League. Matters are compounded by a winding up order from HMRC due to be heard on July 31st. This has already been deferred a few times, so this may well be the last week of Bury's existence. The EFL does not want them to start but be unable to complete their fixtures.
  2. Seven players means they can start games; http://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-3---the-players A match is played by two teams, each with a maximum of eleven players; one must be the goalkeeper. A match may not start or continue if either team has fewer than seven players. However; If a team has fewer than seven players because one or more players has deliberately left the field of play, the referee is not obliged to stop play and the advantage may be played, but the match must not resume after the ball has gone out of play if a team does not have the minimum number of seven players.
  3. I wondered why some of their forum members post F T G at the end of their message. Now I know what the F stands for.
  4. This says it all; In a separate development Bolton’s administrators are taking legal action against Laurence Bassini, the former Watford owner who unsuccessfully tried to buy the club from Ken Anderson this year. It was the collapse of the proposed deal put forward by Bassini, who has twice been declared bankrupt and was banned from owning an EFL club for three years in 2013, that led to Bolton being placed in administration after debts incurred under Anderson remained unpaid. The administrators subsequently made the Football Ventures consortium their preferred bidders, only to hear Bassini claim on TalkSport that he has offered more money up front.
  5. Another of them has seen reality; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14638/clubs-image However everyone else then complains about this OP. I have been spending the morning looking at websites, youtube pages and general social media from other clubs. Now I understand Rovers budget is not massive, but I cannot help being surprised at the lack of media content, branding and promotion that is available. Season after season the Rovers kit is not released until open day while other clubs are releasing teasers and getting fans excited. In fact many have released there kits already. However Rovers have to wait to inflate a bouncy castle till the big reveal happens. Also many clubs have interviews with new signings, managers or footage of the club returning to training. Rovers have nothing. I think Rovers really need to look at the things they can do to make the club looks more professional as we do have a terrible reputation for being "rag bag rovers". This does not have to mean spending big money. There are many ideas that can be done on a budget. Sadly Bristol City over the last few years are pulling further and further ahead in every way.
  6. Please note; that is a ROBIN! The UK's favourite bird - with its bright red breast it is familiar throughout the year and especially at Christmas! Robins sing nearly all year round and despite their cute appearance, they are aggressively territorial and are quick to drive away intruders. Read more at https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/robin/#61iQHdD7gc9mmTYL.99
  7. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14622/incomings-progress-july1st-onwards?page=6 "for just one day" ? - he would be joining the club - the team have started training. But any player relocating, especially from overseas, would need some time to sort out belongings, find accommodation etc. I doubt he would sign, relocate and start work all in the same day or 2. He would have stuff to sort out back in Ireland. Which is why this one may make sense to do whilst we are out there. If it indeed happens at all. Wouldn't a potential signing want to have a look around the club and the City itself before signing, plus travelling to Bristol for a day from Dublin is hardly a big issue, announcing a signing in another country would be a bit odd. The danger with all the publicity over the weekend is that Man C or another club have now come in with a better offer.
  8. Why do all these "poor football grounds" look better than the Mem? https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=poor football grounds&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&pq=poor football grounds&sc=0-21&sk=&cvid=D5D34ABF024847FC8AE6D97E78345976 https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Ugliest+Football+Stadiums&FORM=RESTAB Finally, some rivals to the Mem; https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Abandoned+Football+Stadiums&FORM=IRIBIP
  9. If he's near the end of his career, was it money for old rope(r)?
  10. Just drop down a couple of Tiers.
  11. Thousands locked out; For the team and fans to be as one; Making WAQ's family feel at home;
  12. On gaschat, Henbury gas reckons there's a group of Americans planning a take over. Could it be these?
  13. A new ground sharing option; just add tents. (This is Henningsvaer in the Lofoten Islands)
  14. OMG! Will Rovers be allowed to play in the 2019-20 FA CUP? file:///C:/Users/Martin/Downloads/competition-entry-terms-conditions-20192020.pdf 8. Attention is drawn to Rule 6 of each Competition: a) A Club that is either a Full or Associate Member of The Association who fails to pay the Association’s membership subscription by 1 August in accordance with FA Rule A3 (k) (ii) may be subject to removal from FA Competitions. b) A Club entering FA Competitions will be required on the closing date for entries to have up to date accounts and articles/rules to meet the requirements of Rule 6(b). Any Club in breach of Rule 6(b) may be subject to sanction by The FA.
  15. Head in the sand time in a discussion about not filing the accounts. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14244/accounts Anyone else worried that our accounts haven't been published yet? Couldn’t care less about our accounts or city! As above, I couldn’t care less about the accounts. I find it amazing people get so worked up about every single detail, related to the subject. Especially when working off of assumption, rumour, hearsay or agenda driven garbage.
  16. OK, let's be magnanimous; well done Rovers you've managed to stay up. Three questions though. Is staying up an achievement to be satisfied with? Will your two top scorers still be here in August? Do you still claim to be coming for City?
  17. As it's Easter, a message from the bible; "Remove the plank from your own eye; then you'll see better to remove the splinter from your neighbour's eye"! Put more colloquially; Dear pot, thanks for your consideration, love kettle".
  18. It's not funny at all; just the natural way of things! ?
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