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Everything posted by 22A

  1. As this thread is now sixty pages long, I've not read all posts,, so apologies if this has already been posted. SSN team stated that SW may be deducted up to 21 points which if applied, would relegate them. However if that is the punishment and an appeal is then lodged, it will possibly next season when the final verdict is announced. The Derby case is still under investigation and that won't be decided until next season. Are punishments actually listed anywhere? I remember Leeds docked 19 points one season whilst Luton started on minus thirty! Many years ago P'boro' were sentenced to be relegated to Div 4 the following season regardless of where they finished. They were 9th in Div 3. Spurs were deducted 24 points so Alan Sugar appealed and this was reduced to 12 points. He appealed again and all points were restored. Perhaps the punishment reflect the "size & importance" of the club?
  2. Hmm, Forest's thread is only 31 pages long. They think LJ is on his way out though. http://www.forestforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=48818&page=31
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Hinshelwood
  4. Nothing on their forum about the season ending today, but a thoughtful thread about if next season had to be played behind closed doors. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/16321/theoretically Just wondering, if it were decided that next season’s games were to all be played behind closed doors ( or even if say there was a delayed start to the season followed by at least half the season behind closes doors), would we have to play the games at the Mem, or theoretically could we host competitive matches at The Colony? If this were the case it would allow time for some renovations at The Mem or may even just be cheaper to operate than an empty stadium on match day. The only issue i see is it would be harder to keep fans out. Surely if the 2metre rule is changed we could play games with a small crowd at a safe distance using just the seats available it would bring in some income ?
  5. And maybe another derby if Cheltenham or Exeter get through the play offs.
  6. Local derbies next season for the gas. Following this afternoon's League 2 meeting, Swindon & Plymouth are promoted.
  7. Quite correct, well spotted. "The twenties" it is then.
  8. If debts piled up and Rovers had to call it a day, a new club may be formed and allowed to continue in their current division. We'll be generous and not insist they start at the bottom and work their way up (like they did with us). However will we refer to them as the 00ers? In time, that'll doubtless be changed to "The Ooer misus". All joking aside; it's been suggested that upto a dozen clubs could go bust with current income. As a oneoff,would the league allow "phoenix" clubs to continue where their previous incarnations had been?
  9. Graham Souness declaring today that the Women's league MUST have Liverpool in it because hey are a big club and give glamour to that league. Someone else argued that if any other club was bottom of the league they would be relegated, so it's only right that with the season stopped now Liverpool are relegated.
  10. I found this on Youtube, but the Fruit Market is not shown...
  11. Good news for the Rovers' finances and all joking aside. With yesterday's announcement about League 2 finishing as it stands; next season (whenever that is) Rovers get derbies against Plymouth & Swindon. Exeter & Cheltenham will be in the pay offs, so maybe a third derby game as well.
  12. Just found this on Youtube under Recommended videos; it's only ten seconds long.
  13. Yep; unlike the remainder of us, politicians are neither being furloughed on 80% pay, nor being laid off.
  14. Selective memory again; they are celebrating 2nd May thirty years ago https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/16224/incredibly-30-years-ago-today No mention though of a more recent 2nd May.
  15. Surely they'd have a Leak in defence and more than one lemon up front? After each defeat, it would be sour grapes.
  16. Oh go on then, the delusion starts 90 seconds in
  17. Not quite, just the hangover the following week.
  18. This was their first post, still makes us chuckle; https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/12/conference-play-off
  19. This topic has produced various reactions not just amongst us, but may "Expert analysis" pundits. One stated on Sky Sports that if the season was abandoned with final placings being each club's current position, the league & FA would be inundated with lawsuits for "Loss of potential earnings" etc. My opinion (and it's no better or worse than anyone else's) is 1; as the league is currently suspended, wit until the end of April. If no resumption possible by then, either write off the season, or the current standings are regarded as the final positions. 2; Resume the season when possible and delay 2020/21. To resume normality,, that season may have to be shortened, so (and only for that season), scrap the League Cup and Checkatrade Trophy. 3; with this long lay off, players are currently resting. They are (theoretically) keeping themselves fit at home, so it's only match sharpness that's diminishing. Therefore we won't need such a long break between this & next season.
  20. Is this a trick question? The facilities do not appear good enough for the EFL.
  21. Fair play to the gas heads; they're having a laugh at the Meme catering. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/16111/beer-food-mem
  22. Harold Jarman. He was a winger, so if City signed him it would have meant dropping Alan Skirton or Gerry Sharpe. I didn't realise HJ is Rovers third highest all time scorer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Jarman
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