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Everything posted by 22A

  1. Dear Rovers; here's how to make some much needed money. Reach, but then fail in the Play offs. That will generate attendance & TV income. Then looking at League 2, next season four out of FGR, Cheltenham, Swindon, Newport, Exeter & Plymouth could be in league 1 which would mean more loala(ish) derbies giving larger than average gates and less travelling to undertake when away. Finally; accept this is our level and save money by no longer trying to compete with the big boys across town.
  2. Ok, I'll be magnanimous. 2-0 down at HT but winning 4-2 is good by any team's standards. As a result they are in the top six of their div. Right that's that done. Remember Rovers (and their dwindling bunch of followers), you've given us plenty of laughs in the past and doubtless will do so again. Make the most of now, because you (an so do we) know it ain't gonna last.
  3. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15386/bristol-rovers-leyton-orient-official 2 league games in our last seven matches. This must be a bit like supporting Liverpool or Man City. I hope we keep winning in this tournament for the sake of the prize money. Would be nice to give some young lads and normal rotation players some minutes and get a few wins. Looking at the teams that are left and the ones that went through last night there’s no reason we can’t go all the way. Having said that, I hope we win each game in front of a crowd of about 50 people.
  4. Surely it should be head line news when an opposition manager declares Bristol Rovers beat us fair & square.
  5. At least the gas attendance was better than Macclesfield. Their players are on strike due to not being paid. The first team watched from the stand as the youth team lost heavily to Kingstonian. The fans showed solidarity with the players and less than one thousand turned up.
  6. Too true! https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBGB803GB803&sxsrf=ACYBGNTToKjcdzN9ZY5JEu-ox2VB5kHZZQ:1573303764508&q=bromley+football+club&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizhIegld3lAhXuTxUIHXGtAWgQiR56BAgFEAw&biw=1366&bih=657
  7. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15199/gas-bolton-thread?page=6 Really glad I’m unable to go as this would make me much worse. We have been poor at home in the games I’ve been to, I missed 2. We are just not a good side and have been hiding this up with JCH getting us out of the dung.
  8. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/15199/gas-bolton-thread?page=7 Good God this awful this evening. Don't know where goals are coming from. Why on earth has Smith been dropped? Sorry but GC had a chance to play different players up front today and has royally Fcked it!!! I suspect we’re not the worst, just mediocre. Enough in the tank to scrape enough wins against the worst but not good enough to get the consistency to reach mid table or higher.
  9. That's would be the only and i repeat only, positive from them in the same division as us; everyone could see how poor their support is compared to ours.
  10. BR ran a soccer special for that game. A 12 coach train, it started at Avonmouth and called at all stations to Ashton Gate. Fans of both teams travelled together with no trouble. City v Rovers was the last tie to be called when the draw was made.
  11. You mean they'll pay someone to take Rovers off their hands?
  12. Have Rovers ever had anything to do with A Cheever?
  13. FW are not bottom of the Highland league. They were higher, but have fallen back to 16th. The bottom place is held by Lossiemouth. 16 9 1 0 8 9 32 -23 3 17 10 1 0 9 4 32 -28 3
  14. A lot of them seen doubtful about any stadium still; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/14794/fruit-market-consortium-thread-developments?page=167
  15. Or, imagine the gas do get promoted this season and City don't. Next year how embarrassing when their gates are a third, or less, than those at AG for the same opponents.
  16. OK, the Rovers' results have improved and they are now near the play offs, so well done. Remember history repeats itself. Will this season pan out as the 1999/2000 did? After 45 games gas were in the play off places and would only miss out if they lost the final game; home to already relegated Cardiff and Millwall managed also to win. You've guessed it Rovers 0 - Cardiff 1 and Millwall 1 - Oxford 0. To compound matters, the following season Rovers were relegated and have remained below City ever since.
  17. Page 20 of today's "Metro"; a Leeds fan applied to become Spurs manager in 1999. His only experience is the game Football Manager. Spurs wrote back with a rejection letter. He now has a collection of 68 rejection letters and wants to complete a set of all 92 EFL & Prem clubs. Due to his experience, would he get a rejection from the gas?
  18. Will the EFL introduce a "fit & proper person" requirement for Managers? I can think of several who'd fail!
  19. Aldershot went the same way in 1992; On 31 July, 1990, the club was actually wound up in the High Court, where the administrator described them as "hopelessly insolvent" with debts of £495,000 (comparatively trivial by today's standards) but were given a reprieve when 19 year-old property developer, Spencer Trethewy, bought the club for £200,000 and Aldershot were able to start the new season. It soon became apparent that Trethewy did not have the funds to keep the club running and he was removed in November 1990. (Trethewy later served a two-year sentence for fraud.) Aldershot struggled on to the end of the season (finishing next to last). With the club continuing to struggle at the bottom of the league and debts spiraling out of control, the directors finally admitted defeat and on 25 March, 1992, Aldershot FC was wound up in the High Court for the second time. As a result they became the first club since Accrington Stanley to resign from the League during the course of a season. Ironically their shirt sponsor had gone bankrupt a couple of months earlier and the team played out their remaining fixtures in unsponsored shirts.
  20. That's the luxury, covered area.
  21. I've been watching BBC North West tonight. Fans of about a dozen or more clubs turned up at Gigg Lane today to help prepare the stadium for Saturday's game. Dale has now announced three more interested buyers of the club; one had been owner of Gateshead FC.
  22. Time's up, 2 less relegation places to worry about That sums up Rovers as a club and the mentality and expectations of their fans.
  23. From notes I made at the time; in September 1980, Alan Dicks was dismissed after 13 years service. He had been the longest serving manager in the country, but the next 14 years would see eight managers at Ashton Gate. Also at this time, the Chairman offered an open door to the Rovers' board if they wished to discuss a merger as fans were staying away from two sinking ships, but nothing came of it.
  24. Lunch time news today; Bury are now selling tickets for Saturday's game v Doncaster! ?
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