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Everything posted by 22A

  1. The exact level surely shows financial prudence? Were they really about to overtake us?
  2. How can that be? They are coming for us you know,
  3. Team talk delivered! On BBC East Midlands news they interviewed some Derby fans. The loudest declared:- "Having lost their last few games, Bristol City are there for the taking".
  4. Building a new supermarket for Sainsbury's perhaps?
  5. Come on, admit it. What you mean is SL to buy the Mem, kick out the existing (and undesirable) tenants and move in the U23 side, any non first team rugby games, plus the Women's team.
  6. Just think; if after both legs an ET, the scores are tied between us and Man C, it will go to penalties. If we win the shoot out, gasheads will claim we were lucky and it was ONLY pens. If Man C go through, they'll rejoice at City being thrashed.
  7. Now Rovers have a habit of going out of cup competitions in the early stage(s). They also complain about a lack of proper training facilities......... After Newport County beat Leeds today, I saw an interview with their Manager. He explained how their training centre had a fire earlier this week, but a cup run will finance a new training ground. There you go gas; you "only" need to win a few games and you're sorted!
  8. This seems like a bloke playing championship manager for real. Get a lowly club, improve in all areas season by season, develop the stadium. Develop the commercial side (it couldn't be worse) and progress slowly until you are naturally able to actually buy and afford those elite players. Let's hope he doesn't get bored and swap clubs!
  9. Reality strikes! http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11387/bodins-replacement How can you replace a player like BBB?we ain't got the money or the ambition to attract players. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11387/bodins-replacement?page=2 Why would Kennedy Leave pompey and join us? they are a big club who are looking to be back in Championship soon. We are a club who sold our best striker to the Shi* and now sold our best midfielder for peanuts Reported £400k to a mid table championship side. And by bodins comments he couldnt wait to get out!
  10. They're in blue & white; is this the first gas trip to Europe?
  11. Not quite true. Their dream is for City to drop to THEIR level.
  12. True, but one of their poster on gaschat reckons they'll then pick up new fans attracted by the underdog tag. he didn't explain why those new fans haven't turned up yet.
  13. Are Rovers the only team with a congested fixture list?
  14. As I've posted before; as a football fan I do not want any club to die. However as a City fan, I'll be content with Rovers becoming a mid table Western League side. PERMANENTLY!
  15. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11301/doncaster-score-predictions Our last meeting against Doncaster was a 1 nil loss at the Mem in March 2008 when Paul Trollope was our manager in the 07/08 season.
  16. Their "ever loyal" fans are speaking up and some are facing reality. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11315/rovers-donny-official-thread-sponsored?page=3 Sad days for BRFC.We are in decline both on and off the field.See you at Walsall.We won't be any worse than we were there last year.Can't see us making enough changes in Jan to arrest the mediocrity on the pitch.Can't see any announcement either regarding a new stadium.Think I'll emigrate or it will be visiting Conference grounds again at this rate. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11315/rovers-donny-official-thread-sponsored?page=4 Awful - can’t keep dragging myself up for it atm - feel so flat and disillusioned- think I need a break from it even tho I have a ST - Good luck gas you need it! http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/11315/rovers-donny-official-thread-sponsored?page=5 Difficult to know where we go from here, it's not that a few changes to the team from the current squad will make much difference, the players have just lost their way and their confidence to play football has gone. The team needs fresh blood but no one is going to release anyone in January at prices our owners are likely to pay. The squad when playing to their potential is good enough to stay up but it only seems to click for a game or two then it back to square one. The let-downs of the pitch have played their part and whilst DC puts a brave face on it, he knows he's battling against the odds and so do the players. It's likely that BB will be off in January at a knock down price so we won't have money to replace him let alone improve the squad. Loans are hit and miss, you might strike lucky but loans not best option for a relegation battle. Just to think I was fool enough to believe 'em when they said new stadium, top class training facilities and a top 6 budget...all has proved to be lies. It's hard to dig deep in such circumstances but I'll keep supporting them but do now hope the Al Qadis sell up as there is clearly no future with them or Hamer as Chair. If it's a low budget future then at least we need owners with a vision and plan for the way forward who can work with a manager who knows the position. Trouble is who would pay the £12 milion loan back to them.
  17. Hang on; one of the tabloids stated that City are after a PNE player. Perhaps it's all a ruse and City will actually sign Bodin!
  18. May 1982 City's last game before dropping into Div 4 was home to Chester with an attendance of 3,200. City v York October 1983. Over 10,000 turned up at AG for a midweek Div 4 game. Last day of that season City had to send some of their own Stewards to Chester to help marshal the large crowd of travelling City fans.
  19. "would a girl half your age snog you". How old are you? if you're 20 do you really want to be seen kissing a ten year old. If you are thirty, why the interest in a 15 year old? If you are forty or older; dream on mate!
  20. Yet that stadium obviously appeals to some. Remember when England was bidding to host the World Cup? MK was placed in the South West group of grounds that would be considered as match venues. At a guess IF England had bribed more, sorry had been selected to host the World Cup, MK being in the South West would have been preferred to AG (perhaps cuz it's closer to London)
  21. For me Bristol rovers are at a crossraod, one way will either allow us to progress to a sustainable club, or the other to our eventual extinction. I say this because we are, as much as people hate to admit it massively effected by our friends across the river. I talk in terms of future potential generations of fans. At the moment we are tinpot...yes I said it, but we do offset that by only being one league behind, plus if we had plans to build a new stadium, regardless of our league position we would capture the hearts of Bristol’s youth by having the underdog appeal. If we were in the championship but still at the Mem we would match their level thus also attracting future fans. Even if they got promoted to the prem and we stayed in league 1 but still had the prospect of a new state of the art ground, we would still recruit support.
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