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Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

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Everything posted by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

  1. Sadly I think Oldham will end our unbeaten start to the season. 2-1 Latics, hope I'm wrong.
  2. 15 games still unbeaten, I think we beat Carlisle on this weekend last year for our first win of the season. I don't know how we played today although the BBC match stats suggest Barnsley had the better of the play so to still be unbeaten is fantastic. Keep it going boys!
  3. I was a bit gutted with a draw against Bradford tonight even though it increased our lead at the top but then I remembered that around this time last year we lost at home to Brentford and we had O'Driscoll bouncing around like a pilled up weirdo behind the scenes. It reminds me how ******* brilliant this season has been so far. Well done to all involved, long may it continue. Very proud of this club and its supporters.
  4. Had we even won a match this time last year? I'm sure Carlisle was the end of Oct. This is great!
  5. ******* brilliant! Well done City and well done to the 3800 who went....superb.
  6. Be honest mate, even if that was the headline most on here, probably you included, would still be outraged. As I've previously said, I can't go now but in the grand scheme of things I understand why BCFC and NCFC took the decision, even if it was late. As long as we ******* stay up I won't allow myself to be too damaged by all this.
  7. IMO it has felt like we've been in a relegation dogfight since last September. The sort of game you describe is exactly the sort of game I've actually been looking forward to
  8. We could be 1 point above the relegation zone going into this match...hardly meaningless. Why don't we campaign for a points deduction as well? Edit: re reading your quote I appreciate now that you may not be referring to the NC match as a 'meaningless fixture'. Apologies, however....what would be a meaningless fixture?
  9. I'm not overly happy about this switch as I've now missed the chance to get Friday off work, I've missed enough games through work commitments this season as it is, however, people saying the Notts County fans have been screwed over and why haven't they had an apology? ask Notts County Football Club who agreed to the change of date.I can understand City fans wanting answers from the City board for themselves but Notts County FC are just as guilty.
  10. The Notts County fans can blame Notts County Football Club, they were fully involved in the decision.
  11. In fairness to you, you've always voiced a pro AV opinion on here and elsewhere. I'm not anti UWE Stadium, I certainly don't begrudge Rovers getting a new ground....as long as City also progress off the pitch then I'm happy. As I said Rovers went through the correct channels, the law is on their side along with the Royal British Legion so for that I say fair play, I don't see it as desecration of a War Memorial because the Memorial will remain with the blessing of organisations that really matter ie RBL. IMO in an ideal world, the site wouldve remained as a sports venue of some description (even as something like a velodrome) but unfortunately the only people prepared to stump up the cash for the Mem were Sainsburys. You could argue that Lansdown himself could've bought the Mem although in reality, from his own business perspective, that's massively unrealistic as it makes more sense for the Rugby and the Football to be under one roof. I'm not naive enough to think that Rovers should be held back in their ambitions until someone comes along with a huge amount of cash to fund a sports venue. Difficult to see what else Rovers could've done under the circumstances. What some Gasheads need to understand is that not everyone who voices concerns about selling a War Memorial are 'anti Rovers' or jealous of Rovers getting a new ground. On the subject of the new ground, whilst I'm not overly impressed with the appearance (I'm obviously biased and I don't expect my opinion to shared by most neutral football fans), I can understand why Rovers want it so badly. I've noticed on Facebook a fair few Gasheads making grand predictions about how the balance of power in Bristol football is changing...City will be left behind etc etc. the thing is, talk is cheap and the pressure is on you, especially as it appears that we will also have a much improved ground plus revenue from the Rugby. You get a new ground, we get our home of 100+ years brought into the 21st Century. No envy here because I genuinely wouldn't swap AG for a carbon copy UWE Stadium, no matter how much some of your fellow fans would love to believe otherwise. Older Gasheads would no doubt feel the same attachment to Eastville. Let the games begin.
  12. No one kicked up a fuss because the purpose of the venue remained the same (sporting activity), also the ground was never sold to Amtrak and thus was never developed into something else by that company so you have no idea how people would've reacted at the time. I've put these points to you in the past when you used the same argument but you didn't respond, obviously you're a busy man. Ultimately Rovers and Sainsburys have gone through the courts and have broken no laws in regards to selling the Mem so what's now done is done. If there ever was a legal document stating that the ground could only be used for sporting activities then the Rugby Club are possibly most guilty if it has been lost. I will always think a sports venue is the best Memorial for sportsmen however the Royal British Legion have given the Memorial Garden their blessing so that's a pretty big thumbs up in anything to do with these matters. We're all entitled to our own opinions obviously. Rovers will have their new ground, our spiritual home is going to be redeveloped into an impressive sporting venue. I imagine that for the first time in a long time most football fans in Bristol are excited about the future for our clubs. No offence but I think ours looks much better, you will disagree...that's the nature of football fans.
  13. I thought they have to appeal to the same judge, isn't that a massive waste of time?
  14. Ha, nice try Pepsi. Yeah we are huge, obviously. Seriously though, I've heard several Gasheads use the term 'sleeping giant' in relation to Rovers over the last few days, plus if you get beat by anyone in L2 my Gas colleagues always moan about losing to 'tinpot ' clubs the following Monday. Its your lot who genuinely believe your a massive club. Btw, out of interest, how many did you pack into the Mem last night? I know you guys like to keep an eye on attendances and given recent events you must have had a bumper turn out last night to show Higgs and co that you appreciate all they've done and get behind the team.
  15. Why should it be made up Pepsi? Not everyone has the same over inflated opinion of Bristol Rovers as you and most of your fellow fans. 13 years since we were last in the same division, if you want respect you've got to earn it...not give it large about everything that's absolutely definitely going to happen in the future...maybe.
  16. Obviously no offence to Gasheads like yourself or NailseaCookie who has always said he thinks AV should happen and not just on OTIB. I think the thing that most City fans are actually jealous of is not the ground but the fact that Rovers have beaten the NIMBYs. I would love to see the liars who have stifled our plans to be shown up for what they are. Rovers battle was against TRASH not BCFC. I accept Gasheads are happy that they will get their new ground first but in all fairness Rovers had a 30 year head start. We've got our own battle to keep us occupied. As long as nothing happens to derail the AG redevelopment I genuinely believe that the future is bright for City, not just Rovers. I'm not going to say I'm happy Rovers have a new ground but I will say I don't begrudge them getting it. Most City fans I know feel the same way. On a different note, I can't think of any other examples where the new ground vs redevelopmed ground pros and cons argument could be played out in real life with 2 clubs in the same city at roughly the same time.
  17. Ignoring the Memorial issue (sorry but I believe a Memorial for sportsman should be in a sports venue irrespective of how great DancinDanny thinks it's going to be), I'm not particularly bothered that they have their new ground in the same way that I wasn't particularly bothered by it this time last year. Until the board of BCFC come out and officially say that AV is dead in the water then I won't write off that option. I think we are lucky that our worst case scenario appears to be staying in our spiritual home in an impressive redeveloped AG with much improved facilities. People will argue about which option will be better for the club in the long run but as others have mentioned, redeveloping AG will not close the doors for a new stadium at some stage in the future. Hopefully any future applications will be assisted by recent changes in the law. In the Lansdowns we have owners who are willing to invest in the clubs facilities, for me that's a very good thing, I cannot foresee that the current, tired looking (no matter how much I love it) Ashton Gate will not dragged into the 21st Century and personally I love the initial plans that have been on show. I noticed last night that some retard calling himself 'Tote End' (where the **** is that?) started a thread saying that we are now panicking because they've got their new ground. Well, you carry on piling the pressure on yourselves Gasheads because #1 it isn't built yet and #2 you aren't anywhere near the Prem yet. Don't forget that you aren't the only club in Bristol improving your facilities. Nice to see so many City fans wishing Rovers well in this victory against the NIMBYs, even if ****wits like Tote End and his mates choose to ignore it. I personally think that we also have plenty to look forward to in the coming years. Gasheads should concentrate on their future, their BoD have pulled off a master stroke with this new development. Intresting times on the horizon.
  18. Made you lot stamp your little feet in rage though didn't it?
  19. I can't talk for anyone else on here but I personally don't give a toss about 'Bristol Football' or both clubs competing at the highest level. I only want Bristol City to do well. Does that make me a bad supporter?
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