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Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

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Everything posted by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

  1. You won’t. The first few pages achieved the goal HG wanted, Sag after Sag telling each other how disgusting we were for sitting back and letting a disabled man get his face smashed in. Then the heat started turning up once it was posted on here and some Gasheads actually started to question HGs version of events. In the end the thread was deleted.
  2. Most Gasheads on Social Media are the same. As soon as you confront them with facts that show them up as liars they either block you or change the subject. No reason to think that Slagchat would be any different to Facebook or Twitter. The truth hurts. According to Henbury Gas a disabled man was beaten so badly in the Dolman Stand (over a seat) he had teeth knocked out. Despite the likelihood of blood and thousands of witnesses, the club, The Police, The Stewards, CCTV Operators and 20k fans turned a blind eye. I know it sounds a bit unlikely but, y’ know, it’s not like Gasheads to make stuff up is it? As I’ve said before, I can believe the bloke exsists, I can believe a disagreement over seats took place, I can believe any confrontation would cause anyone who’s particularly vulnerable from coming back. It’s the ABH bit I find hard to believe. The sad thing is, this guy apparently didn’t want a fuss...Henbury Gas posting what he did on Slagchat in a pathetic attempt at point scoring has meant that a year on its still being talked about. Well done bonehead
  3. Yeah and yet they still racked up 7 pages in a couple of days last week about how ‘hilarious’ it is that we’ve sold 3 players for a combined total of around £20million. Imagine how big their thread would be if we did something really embarrassing like dropping out of the entire League for example?...
  4. Oh dear, looks like this dick head has been triggered again by OTIB Good, that’s why this thread is so fun. Hi Oldslag quite happy to copy your post on here. I couldn’t give a shit who is better supported than us, you’re the ones that bang on about crowds, waving your tiny nobs around and slagging off clubs like Shrewsbury in a pathetic attempt to make yourselves feel big. We deal in facts on here which can make for uncomfortable reading if you’re a Saghead, especially when it proves you aren’t as great as you think you are...far from it in fact. Come back anytime asshole, thanks for reading.
  5. Oldslag showing some of that humble, down to Earth attitude that they tell us makes Gasheads loved and admired throughout the football World. Look at him boasting about their poxy 8k home crowds as if that’s something to be proud of, laughable. What those boneheads forget is that Rovers have got a catchment area of over 250k. They should be filling their tiny stadium every week, especially as they’re apparently so ******* loyal... How many people live in Shrewsbury? 60k? Shrews are better supported.
  6. To be fair, I think that was clearly supposed to be a joke.
  7. 6 pages in a couple of days devoted to the hilarity of us selling 3 players for around £20million....it’s as if no other club ever sells anyone? Obviously what the dummies are ignoring is that we have over a month to replace them before the season starts (signed Webster already for £5m) and an owner with a record of investing in the playing side as well as the stadium...unlike Wally, who seems to do neither. ....they were either sat in front of their tellys watching it with their Sag kids, stamping their feet in rage when Matty Taylor set up Korey for our winner, or...sat in their cars at the Mem watching ‘Home Alone’ on a makeshift cinema screen. Mind the gap.
  8. ....Over on Slagchat. Desperately trying to convince themselves that we are as amateur as them. They think selling your top scorer for £10M with 2 months of the transfer window left is the same as losing your top scorer for peanuts, mid season, to your bigger cross city rivals 1 day before the end of the transfer window. We may have lost Bobby to Cardiff but we haven’t had our pants pulled down in public like they did with Taylor. They also seem to enjoy the fact that quite a few of our fans see Cardiff as bigger rivals than Rovers. They really are proud to be shit. Backward, tinpot idiots.
  9. Apparent thats the way they want their club to do business though. Obviously they’ve changed their tune ever since it became apparent that Wally wasn’t as mega rich as they told us he was. Funny that.
  10. Yep. Its not like we’ve just had our pants pulled down in front of the footballing nation by losing our star strike to our cross city rivals for absolute peanuts.
  11. They’ve got a ******* nerve criticising our kits.
  12. The dick who started that thread suggests we have no real identity. I hear this quite often from them. I don’t even know what they mean by it? They have changed the design of their ridiculous kit in the past and they’ve even ditched ‘da famous quarterz’ at one point. * We play in red and white, that’s our colours irrespective of how it appears on the kit. * We have played in our spiritual home for over a century. * We have never left Bristol. * Our anthem couldn’t be more West Country if we tried. As a football club from Bristol I think it’s clear who we are and where we are from. Meanwhile, over at the Gas: * They have left Bristol in the past. * They lost their spiritual home and had to steal someone else’s ground to return to Bristol. * They relied on us to give them their nickname. * They nicked their crappy American anthem (that has nothing to do with Bristol) from Plymouth Argyle. But they have got a quirky kit...so that’s obviously the only thing that matters in creating identity. Idiots.
  13. Utterly ridiculous. 33 clubs outside the Prem had a better average away support than the Sags last season (include ourselves, as usual). How the **** is that “famously good”? Idiots.
  14. The guy on the left looks like he’s just taken a broken plastic seat to the back of his swede. The guy on the right looks like he’s just launched the broke plastic seat that hit the guy on the left. Both are accusing each other of being a ‘shit-ed’.
  15. One of them reckons Matty will get shit from us for going on this holiday. Eh??Don’t know why ‘Newmarketgas’ or the OP on that thread sound so smug? The fact they get on so well just shows that, unlike the fans, Rovers players don’t care that he ditched them for us....to be fair the rest of them would do the same if they could
  16. No it didn’t. Read it again. I said I didn’t believe the Henbury Gas spiced up version which involved teeth getting knocked out and everyone turning a blind eye. Considering he confided in Henbury Gas who immediately blabbed about it on an open forum (adding some extras for point scoring purposes) you might want to advise your friend that some people can’t be trusted.
  17. Scared of something that actually happened or scared of what Henbury Gas claimed would happen if he, a vulnerable man, kept visiting AG on his own after the loss of his father? You have to remember that according to Gasheads we spend the entire match spitting at each other and starting fights, not like those loveable Sags who are well know for being the most welcoming, friendly fans on the Planet. It all becomes clear...
  18. HG’s version of events was that the victim got into a disagreement with someone over a seat. If he’d left it at that I’d have believed it. Some people have disabilities that are not obvious just by looking at them however any confrontation can be very distressing. This could easily have happened. Henbury Gas then went on to claim that this guy you know was “duffed up” (his words) and had teeth knocked out, no one stepped in to help him and no one from the thousands of people in the area reported it to the stewards, club or Police. Apparently we all just stood by and let him get his head kicked in. As a result of the incident your mate (who’s “not all there” according to Henbury Gas) refused to leave the house. If you didn’t know what Henbury Gas was saying, why did you claim it wasn’t bullshit?
  19. To be fair, I think it’s only the few dozen regular contributors to this thread plus the five or six members of Slagchat who actually know anything about this story. No doubt it would be different if HG was telling his exaggerated stories in the Sun or on their favourite program, Points West. The club have confirmed no reports of a serious assault at the match in question, same with the Police and nothing on CCTV. That’s all anyone needs to know. Sad Sags trying to score points by making things up.
  20. I said at the time on this thread (feel free to go back and check) that I could believe a disagreement over seats took place. It happens at every ground. There’s been plenty of stories on Slagchat about Gasheads being nobs towards other Gasheads at matches over ridiculous things so they aren’t any better. What I don’t believe is that this bloke had teeth knocked out in front of 20k witnesses and everyone turned a blind eye. I think that bit was spiced up to make our fans look particularly bad for the benefit of the gullible ******* morons on their forum. Another lie for them to spread. That’s what I object to. Henbury Gas even changed his story about the incident before the thread was deleted. So what happened then, you’re saying it isn’t bullshit so he did have his teeth knocked out did he? Also, if this guy is well known, petrified of confrontation and doesn’t want to make a scene, don’t you think Henbury Gas is a bit of a bastard for posting the story on a public forum for what was obviously point scoring purposes? I’d have thought it would’ve been easier for him or anyone else who knows the victim to make an anonymous phonecall to the club suggesting they check their cctv. There’s no way I’d want to let someone get away with knocking out a mates teeth, especially if the friend is vulnerable, refusing to leave his house (as claimed by HG) and grieving the loss of his father at the time. You didn’t think about doing that then?
  21. Something like that, absolutely hilarious. I don't know what was worse, that gaff or the fact the kid ended up watching their Sunday League cloggers whilst stood on a pile of programmes surrounded by trash and bird shit. Speaking of which....
  22. This is a level of 'tinpot' that clubs in the Conference South would be embarrassed about. Another one accuses US of being an "absolute joke of a club" Deluded clown.
  23. Which pub are they going to sponsored by this season?
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