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Posts posted by Sleepy1968

  1. 28 minutes ago, CheddarReds said:

    I hope your employers don't share you mindset if you ever have to have prolonged time off work for health reasons

    Some employer's policies are that if you have x non-holiday days off in 12 months - it's a disiplinary matter. Three separate absences in 12 months - disciplinary matter.

    Edit: thinking about it, no sure 12 month time frame matters;

  2. 1 minute ago, TonyTonyTony said:

    Christ this is like being in a management meeting.


    Don't expect anything else from an administrator. He's probably got more tactical nouse than was shown by those in charge on Saturday though ...

  3. Just now, Finley_Smith10 said:

    A whole lot of nothing this interview 

    It'd a bit difficult for the CEO to comment too much on footballing matters. It's all about the money, money, money. What I got so far: we aren't going to waste money on idiotic signings.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Midlands Robin said:

    Just found out what happened. One of the blokes who works on security at the RHPC is a chap called Piers. Well, his lad, Nigel makes a quality homemade Perry using a specific brand of pear.

    This led to one staff member at the training ground being overheard telling another:

    "Nigel, Piers son, Press conference this afternoon"

    Easy mistake to make.

    Stand down OTIB.

    Not bad, not bad. @Curr Avon is going to have to up his game.

  5. 3 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    There was definitely some genuine needle between Twentyman and Ashton. 

    It'll be much more amicable with Gould but I'm sure he won't shy away from asking the tough questions that need to be asked. 

    If he wasn't being paid to speak to him I doubt GT would have given MA the time of day.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, marmite said:

    Can you post the facts on here please as soon as you have them and can everybody else shut up. Over to you Robbo, we're all ears.

    Facts are expressly prohibited from this thread. It's an unwritten, but well respected rule.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 26 minutes ago, DaveInSA said:

    this is exciting innit ?

    nobody knowing much about anything. the new BCFC documentary series


    What will happen is Bristol Post read this thread - live blog that NP has gone, more at 5. Jon Lansdown retweets BP headline. Rich Gould thinks its a DM for him and is last seen reorganising the chairs in the press room ...

    • Like 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, Dullmoan Tone said:

    But the style of football??

    Would you sit through 6 months of packed defences just to possibly stay up?

    Please tell me what style of football we have at the moment.

  9. 22 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

    i think the vet said it was sweat glands when our dillan was doing that, funny as .... to watch,even funnier imagining jl doing it

    ... in the park opposite The Gate, trying to justyify it to an outraged dogwalker (you know, one of the ones who used to dogwalk in the fields over Ashton Vale), saying, in an already high pitched but rising, faltering, tone "... irritated a$$hole ..."

  10. 17 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    Pissed off, please, not pissed.

    We're in the West Country, not West Virginia.

    Seriously though, these sort of late losses must utterly crush the self-belief of these players.  They think it's coming as much as we do.

    I don't think the current management team can shake off that mindset from our squad and the lack of confidence feeds losses which feeds further lack of confidence. It's a classic vicious circle.

    If Pearson is to stay, he needs help from someone new. Urgently. 

    Time for Benny?

    • Haha 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Shuffle said:

    We have such a low bar where Bakinson is concerned that when he has a reasonable half, some become all upbeat about his ability. Second half was the performances we are use to for Tyreeq & the booking was embarrassing as it showed up his complete lack of pace. I hope I’m wrong & I eat my words but for his height, does he dominant in the air ? I’d love to see him race Martin as it would be close. I don’t see him flying into tackles & to the opposite I’ve seen him pull out of challenges.  On the plus side he can pick a pass & looks to play forward but mobility is going to be his biggest challenge.

    Personally, he would be no where near my starting 11 but appreciate options are low.

    That's exactly it in a nutshell. The bar is so low, and I'm looking for something vaguely positive to take from Tuesday.

    • Like 1
  12. 54 minutes ago, JonDolman said:

    I certainly agree with Pearson about Bakinson. I don't know if he is now fitter or maybe just worked on his defensive game in training. But for 60 minutes he was very impressive.

    Obviously some great bits of play in possession which we know he can do. But also defending some examples of him tracking runners well. Blocked a shot well too. Brings height to the midfield as he wins headers, particularly against Barnsley where we won quite a few in that crowded part of the pitch.

    Very promising. Hope he can build on that. Was a bit worried Nige might look to move him on. Who knows he still might, but Tyreeq has real quality that is worth keeping here imo. The defensive stuff is probably quite basic for some but its the one thing he has to improve on, and it looks like he is. So could be like a new signing if he becomes one we can trust to play regularly from the start. 

    Obviously after James went off everything changed and need him to be back as soon as possible.

    It's still very early to get too carried away by Bakinson of course, but it is a positive. Not like there's too many of them at the moment!

    I thought Bakinson did most of our good things on Tuesday. Attacking wise I think he'd look really good in a decent side. Defensively, err .... After 60 minutes, ... err. Ty, get your shooting boots on for Saturday. If not you then who? (I know, no-one.)

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