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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. This is something off google maps? Probabl;y months old (look at the lush vegetation!) and not a reliable indication of what is there now - although I doubt anything has changed. If I'm walking that way in the morning I'll see if I can spot any more recent signage.
  2. Love that they might be comeing back where they belong. Hope Burnley stay up at their expense!
  3. Whether this is a sign of things to come, I don't know. Either way if you can attract up to a few thousand extra home sales for the last few games you maximise your exposure and potentially increase season card sales for next season. Plus you can base sales to potential sponsors on higher figures. 'Reach over 20,000 city fans ' It helps immensely that we're playing some decent football, and actually might be able to attract some of the stay aways back for next year. Win-win.
  4. Very respectful comments. Always liked Robins especially since his loan period here.
  5. God, I'd wiped him from my memory. Thanks for bringing that back.
  6. CIA voice analysis: id: VGH7873E32/01 source audio: rb_call_in_22022022_5.wav [13,434 kb] date: 22/02/2022 voice check for: Gay, Ian checking ... still checking ... be patient ... Voice analysis result: 43% probability that voice is that of Gay, Ian. Proceed with caution.
  7. when I saw the highlights I was slightly less critical of HNM's initial mistake, and surprised Williams don't win the tackle straight after. And I'd like 10,000 words from HNM on why he should be giving Hamer a practical lesson on gravitational effects. He can use French if he prefers.
  8. We'll need to remind the youngsters of the words to "We all agree, Roger Malone is a banker". Done. I quite liked old Roger. At least his heart was in the right place.
  9. My eighty something year old mother isan't a violent person, except when Philip Schofield appears on the screen. Then she prclaims how much she wants to punch him in the face.
  10. I was in the enclosure for the Fulham game - I tried spotting myself when they scanned over my area of terrace, but then I remembered I'd have been under 5'5" at 13, so probably hidden by other fans Bloke on the sponsored walk must be in his 80's be now - is he still around? What about the 4 and a half year old who sent his 60p pocket money in? Found it difficult to keep it together when they closed with 'one for the bristol city'.
  11. Pretty straightforward like our manager. Doesn't take supporters for mugs and won't dress anything up.
  12. They are F'd all ways to Sunday if they go down.
  13. One things for sure, we need to use this game as a way to erase the memory of the embarrassing second half display at their place. I'd suggest Alex Scott targets getting Hamer booked early doors.
  14. Well, the dribble was dangerous. I guess Joe got lucky that there was a pass on at the end. By that time I'd given birth to a family of kittens.
  15. It was - they must sent them on again.
  16. @barney999 the live cast finished about 5 minutes ago. I suppose it depends on what @headhunter has to do to it before it gets published, and what else he's doing today (which I assume will not involve flying a kite).
  17. A bit of a disingenuous comment. We were playing the in form team in the division. They were going to get good chances, and we had to be completely committed to get anything out the game and we were. Bentley was always going to have to play well. What next, got lucky because we have Seymeneo up front?
  18. I'll defend the first part of your post, but even for an 'indifferent' performance the bloke has managed to get an assist and goal. That sort of thing can happen when you're a class player. Anyway, I did chuckle at the low valuation you put on Antoine: there will be plenty of Prem clubs willing to spunk £15M+ on his services if he continues in performing around current levels until the end of the season. And if they got him for that, they'd have a real bargain.
  19. Hopefully the Media Team will produce a youtube video about the Ashton Gate 8 commemorations, and include it in that.
  20. I was quite surprised that the 5 year old who couldn't pursuade HNM to part with his shirt didn't get rugby tackled by a steward as he made his way back to the Lower Dolman.
  21. I'm sure I remember something in the Bristol Evening Post. I thought they deduced it was 39 yarder. Whenever this goal gets mentioned, I remember my brother's mate (we'll call him Wayne H) had jumped down behind the Boys Enclosure to recover something his older broether had thrown down there, so missed "the goal". As it was one of the first dozen or so City goals I think I saw, I had no idea of how special it was at the time.
  22. Other surprises may included - keeping a clean sheet - winning by more than a single goal - playing any member of the Ashton Gate Eight that turns up tomorrow
  23. Well, pressumably the minimum place any self-respecting/deluded (delete as appropriate) WBA fan expects to be is top of the Championship, so, er ....
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