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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. It was -24C if you factor in the wind chill. Moved there on purpose by the US (so they can upset teams form warm climates more). Can you imagine watching that? Absolutely no thought for the fans.
  2. I dipped in and out - the quality of the play seemed low - but the ref was excellent, Keith Stroud and Gavin Ward could learn a thing or two from him.
  3. Thanks @old_eastender - saved to my youtube watch later list. Was 'We all agree Roger Moore is a ******' a feature of mid seventies terrace songs?
  4. Something that won't be featuring in this year's winter olympics.
  5. I travelled regularly on coach one for a few years in the early to mid nineties. I used to sit directly behind Beryl most of the time and she used to give us all the latest gossip. You certainly knew who her favourite players were (and weren't). When I first started the steward was a chap called Steve. He had a falling out with Beryl one game, and after that the Stewarding was done by a young lady (sorry I can't remember her name). I remember an old chap called Reg who used to travel to games with the first team back in the 1950s. I expect a few of the older coach one regulars from my time have passed on now (obviously Beryl, RIP) , as have two of the friends I used to go with (brothers Dave and Ian Cottle, RIP, both passing at early ages). Coach one regulars were a bit special (and clearly still are if this thread is to be believeed ), but don't diss them too much, they are probably more Bristol City than you (and me)!
  6. Pretty much as expected. It would be hilarious if LJ ended up there, but I don't see it happening. Must have a replacement in mind
  7. I just read that Covid tested positive for her a couple of days ago. Not sure if that's a good thing or not ...
  8. I'm extremely biased, and I only see what I want. It's the only time I watched it back, and it looked like a tackle from behind and to me it looked like the Preston player took Cam Pring first. I'm not going to watch it back again in case I have to contradict myself
  9. For those of us disgusted ( ) with the state of the Lansdown Stand Roof Truss, I noticed yesterday that the were a couple of "exterior cleaning" company vans in Marina Dolman way. Hoses were attached to the water mains and extended up over the Lansdown Stand roof. I couldn't tell whether they were cleaning the Roof Truss or just the main roof (or both) because the hoses just disappeared over the top of the stand, and being a couple of inches under six feet tall, it wasn;'t possible for me to see what was going on beyond. When I walked through today (they were still working on the Lansdown Stand) I noticed that a man on a large fruit picker had been hosing down the South Stand roof truss. So probably the Lansdown Stand Roof Truss is also getting cleaned.
  10. Thanks for posting that - it is a clear foul. I want to see the xG for that equaliser - if you're going to get done with the last kick of the game, it may as well be by one of the best finishes you'll see for a while. And shame on those blaming Cam Pring - we should have been out of sight before half time.
  11. I've been assuming our RobinsTV commentators were volunteers.
  12. I think this is an impossible question to answer. It's all about context. For me the 0-0 draw with Fulham after we had been saved is the most important game/result in our history, simply because a lot of us didn't think we'd survive to play the match.
  13. As it stands he doesn't have enough of an all round game to be in demand., especially at £20k+ pw wages. He'll be on those wages for another season and a half, then he'll be lucky to be on £4K pw somewhere at the bottom of the Championship, or more probably League One.
  14. One-nil down, two-one up, we knocked Rovers out the cup ...
  15. Pressumably part of the reason for doing that would be to get as much of your body in front of the defender to help shield the ball? Sounds plausible to me anyway ...
  16. 'Johnson said "I'm absolutely shocked. We were in a strong position in the league and whilst the manner of the defeat was disappointing, I thought we were unlucky to lose by 6 at Bolton. I'm going to take a few days break in Guernsey and then maybe I'll jet off to Bermuda for a couple of weeks with the family. I'll be leaving my phone off, so I'll deal with all the job offers when I get back."'
  17. Does it count if he's on the catering staff at the training ground, or part of the cleaning crew?
  18. They seem to have thought all they needed to do was to turn up. Guess they hadn't really considered Hugnill in their planning. I still expect them to win after getting the proverbial rocket at half time.
  19. Loved how the Forest defender didn't step across there. Sort of thing COD would do. (edit: If he was a defender ...)
  20. Reminds me a bit of a fruit salad chew. 1/2p back in the day.
  21. Most probably, nearly all. Very low rate of reporting (no doubt hindered further by spiking), and as you said, a very low conviction rate. Combine the two ...
  22. We'd have been flagged and penalised for the boot Doesn't make me feel better about our result yesterday, but you've got love a doomed team sticking one on Brum. Hopefully Forest will spank Cardiff later. (Another game I'd ordinarily want both teams to lose )
  23. Still time for them to resign membership and really stick it to the EFL.
  24. Can they both lose? I still can't forgive us not relegating Brum on the last day of the season three or four seasons back.
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