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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. I've been watching city since 77/78 and I remember a body being carried out on a stretcher at least once, possibly twice, before 1980. There was also the unfortunate incident with the drummer during the pre match v Forest in the Littlewoods cup semi final 88/89.
  2. Anything that happened before you were born (or can at least rememeber) is vintage isn't it? Unfortunately that means anyone under about 25 won't even remember the pre prem days, and unless they are into history won't give a monkeys about real football. Maybe people were having these kind of discussions when they introduced the Second division or made the regional Third divisions into the Third and Fourth division ...
  3. I imagine our afternoon games happening during the early hour in oz, Do you get to catch many games 'live' e.g. streaming video/audio or text alerts? If not, is that the first thing you catch up with, apart from maybe having an urgent tinkle, when you wake up on a Sunday morning?
  4. In my 45ish years of supporting City I've taken two breaks - about 4-5 seasons total football missed. Sometimes enough is enough. If you need a break take it - you'll know when you want to come back.
  5. I made essentially the same post as @RedRock - great minds and all that.
  6. i think you mean streamamg, but yeah they have a sort of hopeless, incompetent and just couldn't care less way of doing things (or not doing things)
  7. I case anyone cares (maybe they don't) - the field next to the Bears Training Ground is currently being dug up (ongoing for a couple of months) - maybe there is some kind of expansion going on.
  8. I understand Chris Honor booked Dan an appointment for Specsavers at half time.
  9. I don't think we played well v Stoke. We put effort in but we weren't great. But I'll take the win. I thought we were better v Blackburn even with them dominating second half possession. And I thought both performances were much better than what we produced v The Blades though.
  10. I understand that Tony Dinning played (if that's the right word) in carpet slippers.
  11. at least this only spoils part of the weekend.
  12. I'm pretty sure if the current squad play with his heart and determination for the rest of the season we'll be fine.
  13. The only Tommy Docherty chant I know starts "Doc, Doc, Docherty, who the ... ". Late 70s vintage.
  14. how are the remaining four stands fairing?
  15. luxury player = doesn't pull weight = can't be trusted = joe williams would give a shoeing to if he was fit
  16. That doesn't sound particulary legal.
  17. When you've got to go, you've got to go.
  18. As long as we're leading by enough goals for chants not to backfire on us, I think a couple of rounds of 'Deano's chinos' would be awesome. Perhaps s82 can do the 'Deano's' and the Dolman/Rest of South Stand can do 'Chino's'. It would be doubly amazing if he happened to be wearing them.
  19. Ha ha yeah, we're on the same page. I can't help it winding me up. I'm sat there thinking 'email using email, email using email.'
  20. Surely it was down to not being able to hear the teams announced over the tannoy?
  21. I'd think any contract of employment would be written on the basis that anything you are involved in or learn about viz your employment would be internal/secret, or confidential, unless otherwise agreed. Being free from the contract of employment wouldn't give you any rights to disclose anything you learned whilst under it. Probably settlement agreements serve to enforce this by the way of simple immediate financial penalty - not that this would necessarily be the end of matters. So all but the terminally stupid probably know its in their interests to keep their mouths shut at least until the memoirs are written and no one give much of a damn about things.
  22. Yep. Go there and score some goals and give NP a problem.
  23. He's not going to say much about it though is he. I'd be amazed if we got much more than "It was a difficult period. I'd like to have been given more time. Wish them well for the rest of the season, after Wednesday night obviously." (A "Ha, ha. Tweet your questions for Dean on twitter.." from Geoff Twentyman, who still hasn't realised the redundancy of the latter part of his tweeting instructions...)
  24. I'm higher up in the Dolman so the reverse pitchside ads dont bother me too much, however the exit lights are horrendously bright and make the Lansdown stand look like a christmas tree. They could be half as bright. Do they not realise that peoples eyes adjust to the lower light conditions (OR THEY I F THEY WERE ALLOWED TO.) See how shouting hurts. Same thing with them super trouper lights.
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