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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. So did I! As long as he's still posting here and making the occassional appearance on OSIB then I'm happy.
  2. I think city have a year option on his contract don't they, not sure when that would need to be taken up by, but as it's never going happen, I was thinking the same thing. From what I've heard from him recently, he seems to have grown up a bit and got the message. We'll see how he performs on Wednesday if picked.
  3. If this COD keeps turning up he'll have a seat on the bus.
  4. Wow, that's well remembered. I haven't heard Paul Stevens name mentioned for so many years.
  5. The Fulham 0-0 games sticks in my mind as does a 4-2 (? win v Wimdledon in the 4th when I believe we took out their goalie, and another game in the 4th v York - I think Alan Hay was playing for them - it was a night game I think we got 10,000 (well, it was a big gate considering our plight) and a 1-0 win.
  6. I've always thought his little laugh is a tell. You know "I've just ran through the real answer in my head, and I can't even begin to give that version to you. Here's the diplomatic version ..."
  7. The more I think about it, the more obvious it becomes that no one was overlooking the village green angle when they faield to fence off the ashton value land.
  8. Defenders hate players that are willing to run at/past them. He'll at least keep the opposition on their toes. Oh sh1t, I'm begining to look forward to the weekend.
  9. I laughed at this, but I used to come home from games in tears.
  10. I can't remember when it was widley reported that Cloughie was an alcoholic, but it certainly made some of actions and personality more understandale. Always remember him as the manager everyone loved to hate, but secretly wished he was in charge of their club (with at least one obvious exception). A bit like Colin now, apart from the world class talent and success.
  11. I was there - as it was at the Trent End did not get a good view of it. It was a 'no blame' OG if I remember - just a bit unlucky (as we were in the second leg). I think its 'partly' on youtube as I'm not sure it was entirely captured by the cameras. Best wishes to JP and family.
  12. I'm sure I remember something from the late 1970s, but my brain refuses to process anything earlier than "The Manageress";
  13. Maybe Delia's conducting a bake-off to see who gets the job, and Frank's macarons came up a little bit short.
  14. I love it when you see a team on tv and think "you know what I could play for these lot" dispite being the wrong side of 50 with a dodgy knee and having not kicked a football since last turning out for your House team in 1984.
  15. From a personal point of view - yep great. But its bloody suicide. (he says as the fourth goes in ...)
  16. More headaches. If we had a good recruitment team I'd be much happier - they'd already have identified a list of replacements. As it stands, I can see this being the recruitment tool of choice:
  17. What happened/happens there then? Asking for a friend.
  18. Health first boss - come back when you feel ready. All the best to you and yours.
  19. He doesn't want it (*) - so it will never happen. (*) either a GT or a Podcast interview from a year or two ago.
  20. Some employer's policies are that if you have x non-holiday days off in 12 months - it's a disiplinary matter. Three separate absences in 12 months - disciplinary matter. Edit: thinking about it, no sure 12 month time frame matters;
  21. Don't expect anything else from an administrator. He's probably got more tactical nouse than was shown by those in charge on Saturday though ...
  22. It'd a bit difficult for the CEO to comment too much on footballing matters. It's all about the money, money, money. What I got so far: we aren't going to waste money on idiotic signings.
  23. Sleepy1968


    Not bad, not bad. @Curr Avon is going to have to up his game.
  24. If he wasn't being paid to speak to him I doubt GT would have given MA the time of day.
  25. Sleepy1968


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