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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. Sleepy1968


    The crafty beggers.
  2. Sleepy1968


    What will happen is Bristol Post read this thread - live blog that NP has gone, more at 5. Jon Lansdown retweets BP headline. Rich Gould thinks its a DM for him and is last seen reorganising the chairs in the press room ...
  3. Sleepy1968


    Usually the way isn't it?
  4. Sleepy1968


    Lock up your daughters, lock up you wife, lock up your mother, lock up your grandmother ...
  5. Sleepy1968


    Please tell me what style of football we have at the moment.
  6. You know they're miked up so would have been talking to each other.
  7. ... in the park opposite The Gate, trying to justyify it to an outraged dogwalker (you know, one of the ones who used to dogwalk in the fields over Ashton Vale), saying, in an already high pitched but rising, faltering, tone "... irritated a$$hole ..."
  8. Well, lets just say Scotty may be looking for a new career.
  9. I just loved the way they attacked us with 10 men - always with at least one spare man - and how we had noone to pass to half the time. When you didn't think it could get any worse, City always manage to exceed expectations. Abject.
  10. Yeah, there was a 30% swing on the second from the ref down to not giving us the first one. I was screaming for a pen for both anyway.
  11. I thought he'd been our best offensive player so far today. Not a huge brag I know.
  12. I think he's been doing this for a good while. Certainly was for last season's away game v Forest.
  13. What no charts? What was your xS?
  14. If I'm signed off ill, I'm not logging on to work either!
  15. That's exactly it in a nutshell. The bar is so low, and I'm looking for something vaguely positive to take from Tuesday.
  16. I thought Bakinson did most of our good things on Tuesday. Attacking wise I think he'd look really good in a decent side. Defensively, err .... After 60 minutes, ... err. Ty, get your shooting boots on for Saturday. If not you then who? (I know, no-one.)
  17. I was wondering why I couldn't see Hampshire reds posts! Obviously I got bored a while before you two. Welcome to the club.
  18. Whilst I don't think that was true all the time, I do remember walking back from school on more than one occasion to see the players playing 5 a side in trainers in the car park, so yes this definitely did happen.
  19. We aren't talking about the general population though. To obtain real wealth in Russia, China or Saudi Arabia, almost certainly means a direct connection to a corrupt and/or authoritarian, human rights abusing regime. Maybe some Russian money might be legitimate. Regarding your Leicester comment - that investment came from Thailand. Why worry anyway, I'm welcoming this investment to free up my Saturday's
  20. You're right. Football only works if you include Big John in that line up.
  21. I'd never set foot in the ground out of principle if our owners/investment came from those places, so bring it on.
  22. "we've had a shot". Did we? I was too busy reading OTIB to notice. Inept, incepid, indifferent, but not inthenet. Relegation fodder.
  23. No manager he's played under has ever trusted or rated him highly enough to start him regulary. An ego signing by Mark Ashton, and one of the reasons we can't afford to sign a quality forward. I'm pretty sure we couldn't give Kasey Palmer away at the moment, but if we could I think we would.
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