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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. They absolutely should be. It seems like a prima facie case of sex discrimination.
  2. Am I the only person still not rating Yannick Bolasie then? I thought Palace got lucky that Everton paniced enough to splurge on him. I suppose if you get on the PL merry-go-round all the numbers start to look silly.
  3. Yep and you're right she'll be on to bigger and better things next season. Her days of getting no service at all, and chasing hopeless balls will be over in about 45 minutes.
  4. And it could be 4 or 5. I've watched the last 4 games and their standard is extremely poor. At least they try hard. What a way to round off the season for Bristol 'football'.
  5. Crikey, you won't find me sitting on any of them.
  6. I wonder if the BCST&T will be running a zoom watch-along for the blackpool game.
  7. I don't feel good about it, but I'll probably be setting aside some more of my city refunds to pay for a couple of Gas streams from now until the end of the season (through the opposition sign ins of course), provided we aren't playing - unless it's a game that could get them relegated). Yesterday one of the Sunderland commentary duo said "the main stand looks like a horse racing stand". And in the second half pointed out there was "a woman with a dog who'd sneaked in".
  8. Seems to be going to plan as far as I can see.
  9. Rovers fan Ash on RB just now: "I'm looking forward to next season Geoff. There are a few grounds in League Two I haven't visited"
  10. I couldn't stomach the dodgy internet streams which kept buffering every 30 seconds so I've gone and invested a tenner (via Sunderland, hopefully only a small percentage of that makes it back to the gas). Have to agree with the posts - Sunderland seem to be playing down to Rovers level. Either that or the League One standard is terrible. I'll take a boring 0-0 in the second half.
  11. I'm almost considering purchasing an ifollow stream so I don't miss any of the action. And I'm looking forward to the radio bristol post match calls already.
  12. Sounds like a psychotic victorian surgeon to me.
  13. I kind of hoping thugLife (tm) loses it in the dressing room
  14. It finished that way. I don't think 10-0 would've flattered Chelsea. City had a shot in the first half - it was difficult to tell whether it was on target. I think that was it.
  15. The WSL set up is too variable. It's like having Prem quality teams competing with League 2 teams. The League 2 teams are doing well not to get battered 6-0. I think the City Women will be closer to Chelsea than we were to Watford. And it won't cost a tenner to watch. Rumours that Brian Tinnion will be making a cameo in the colour commentator's role are unfounded.
  16. Right. Game v Chelsea from Twerton is live at 3pm. It'll be a better watch than yesterday. I don't expect anything other than a bit of a shoeing, but they'll put up more effort than the men did yesterday, and probably look like they know what they're trying to do. Up the City. https://faplayer.thefa.com/live/all
  17. South. In fact, if they start from the North pole, they could all go South in different directions. Win, win.
  18. Defender had a chance to clear (from what I could manage to see of the invisible ball). Their Keeper like coming out.
  19. It only took me about 20 years to erase that image from my memory. So thanks for bringing it back.
  20. They got some of the ground handed to them by Milwall fans. And by "handed to" I mean "thrown at".
  21. They've voted for no relegation to the National League - but this is subject to EFL approval which I hope they don't get. No relegation - then no promotion I say.
  22. Yep, grant anyone with an active season card a robins tv subscription. Ramp up the delivery platform to cope with the numbers - remember the debacle that was the game v Derby in the US? The City steam couldn't cope, but the Debry one could. Maybe give the away team the multi-angle feed. I'll take this over not seeing it live. Still seems way off though.
  23. I agree. There's absolutely no reason for not concluding the season provided it becomes safe to do so - even if this is behind closed doors. Worry about the format and timing of the next season when this one is over. Of course it may be a very long time before anything approaching normality resumes & we can watch football again at the Gate.
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