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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. That's interesting, and par for the course as far as the chinese goverrnment are concerned. Were you hospitalised with flu-like or pneumonia symptoms where the cause was unclear? Were these symptoms cleared up by antibiotics? It seems like you are a prime candidate to get the fist antibody test to rule this in/out. It will definately give them a better picture of the spread of the virus.
  2. I just heard Ben Garner on the radio. No idea why he thinks he's going to be making 'big changes' in the summer unless he doesn't mean to the team...
  3. there's only gonna be two winners there ...
  4. Here's a selection of clubs and where they restarted: Chester - 8th tier Newport - 9th tier The real Wimbledon :) - 9th tier Aldershot - 9th tier So they might end up in the North West Counties Football League I've always had a soft spot for Bolton since they were our opponents in my first City game (1977/78 4-1 city) and were the 1986 Freight Rover Trophy runners up (can't remember who won that one). Be sad to see them go, and what a slow painful death if it does happen.
  5. It's all a bit odd. If they aren't being paid you'd assume they could walk, so maybe they have been paid? A quick google found these links: https://www.inbrief.co.uk/football-law/footballers-not-paid-wages/ https://www.inbrief.co.uk/football-law/football-player-breaking-contracts/ but it's still not made thing clearer for me.
  6. I remember our defenders on the half-way line raise their arms in the air - oh, we've scored then have we......
  7. Being first home game of the season they will have to attack us, so hopefully will leave plenty of space for us to exploit. We should have a pacey mobile line up so as long as we are resolute at the back, I think we will have chances to win the game. It can't be much more of a damp squib than last season *. (*Disclaimer: Only watched on tv, so feel to contradict me if you were there.)
  8. Sounds like we're struggling to defend crosses without Flint.
  9. I share your disappointment but I expected him to rest Kelly given that he's played 2x90mins in the break, and because JB is still the incumbent. It gives us options later in the game, and from the start on Monday.
  10. I'm not going to get too optimistic until the official team sheet is in: I think OTIB is almost in universal agreement that Korey Smith should start CM with Bailey Wright at RB and Mags in the centre. Very few home tickets left (probably under 400) which is a great achievement. Well done everybody (that actually turns up!).
  11. I thought he was going to pat us on the head. Most of what he said made sense, but he it a bit of a patronising shight.
  12. Okay, belated thanks (and the other posters that put me right).
  13. No Taylor or Woodrow. Maybe Taylor is on his way. Nice to see Fammy and Engvall on the bench.
  14. This sounds like the performance I thought we'd get against Wolves.
  15. If you're talking talksport mine was about 2-3 minutes behind radio bristol.
  16. Really this works? I thought you needed an overseas bank account/address as well.
  17. I didn't realise the Gas had relaid their pitch over Christmas. Well done groundsman.
  18. It was a shambles of the highest magnitude with three or four horrible errors that could have led directly to a goal before Eliasson put a huge cherry on top of the cake. But fair play, he didn't let it affect his game.
  19. Agreed & agreed. We tried hard, and rode our luck a bit - Pack could quite easily have gone before being fouled for the Bogle red. Magger's was definitely very nervy throughout, and it got a bit difficult to watch near the end that's for sure. We were using our squad to near its full extent, and it showed sometimes. Whatever anyone says about them, Cardiff are good at what they do (thank god we don't have to watch them every week :), so I'm cutting us massive amounts of slack. PS Nice to see half the team hugging Tomlin at the end, presumably congratulating him for missing with those free kicks and failing to deliver a far post ball when we left their player free.
  20. We've had two league games, lets not get carried away either way. we definately need to take our chances and manage games better. I don't know what other striking options we have for Tuesday, but we definately need a finisher. How close Taylor is to fitness? Short term I'm more concerned that we get Flint dealt with because if he's not going to make the squad and no-ones offering £5 million, we seem to have managed to put ourselves in a can't win position with him.
  21. Already parked slightly closer to the ground, or bottlenecked at templemeads? No doubt a few will be parashooting on to the pitch at the last minute.
  22. Nice to see that at least some of the Rovers squad have summer jobs already. Fair play.
  23. Me neither. I can hardly take it when we have a 2 goal advantage going into the last minute of added time. I was just pointing out that it if the next two games go seriously wrong we'll still probably have a get out of jail card on final day. Plus lots of police overtime available.
  24. I'm glad it's gone this way - if Bham don't win their next two games regardless of how we do, we can finish above them if we beat them on the last day of the season.
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