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Everything posted by Sleepy1968

  1. Bryant & May to get a game ahead of Benson & Hedges?
  2. I got the impression from what's gone on that we (so sorry, 'they') just want someone who will follow Tins instructions without question. He'll be the one taking flack for BT's proxy management. None of his original ideas will be coming with him. They'll be the product of the man with the umbrella at Swansea.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67268518 TLDR: Sheffield Wednesday owner Dejphon Chansiri has asked fans to raise £2m in the coming days to help the club pay an outstanding debt to HM Revenue and Customs and cover wages. The Thai businessman said: "If 20,000 people gave £100 then it's £2m, and it'd be clear - so we can finish it. Aren't they also the club that wanted fans to buy 10 year season tickets 'cash only'. Wonder what @visting owl thinks of all this? There might be 2 sets of fans having a go at their owners Saturday
  4. The first I heard of it was earlier in this thread. So (just based on his 20 minute cameo today admittedly) I hope we'll be hearing a bit more about Marlee in the coming weeks.
  5. That's a very good mock up 10/10 for creativity, but even I'm not dumb enough to get Rick Rolled. Try again.
  6. Thought Marlee Francois looked decent when he came on today. Is this 'doghouse' stuff something that we should be concerned about? Cus I was thinking he definately looked better in his 20 minutes than most of them.
  7. You can cast a vote by logging onto My Rewards but they're limiting the choices to players who have had a mom this month. So no Andy King. Here it is in case anyone wants it https://myrewards.bristol-sport.co.uk/games/polls That seems a bit stupid - what if a player's been 2nd best in all the games, so say best overall.
  8. Maybe I've been watching too much 48 hours / FBI files on YouTube, but I'm thinking - poisoned husband; - @Fordy62 needs to investigate how her last 3 husbands died (but good luck with that 'cus she would have had them all cremated); - someone needs to give her new millionaire fiance a heads up;
  9. Glad it's not just me. He can't communicate very well. (Not saying I'd be any better, and hopefully none of their audio of me from 25+ years ago still exists). Thought @headhunter was decent, though I expect he triggered a few on here with his 'rolling one year contract' mantra .
  10. It's all about the spin. They can only control that if it's the media team (aka damage limitation incorporated) asking the questions.
  11. I don't involve myself in X, but hopefully he's being called out on the replies.
  12. But, but, but. I don't really think they're stupid enough to double down on yesterday's batshit crazy statement, but you never know
  13. He's professional enough to keep to the terms of any NDA whilst at the same time managing to drop massive 'read between the lines' depth charges. Should be interesting.
  14. As long as its not a debriefing ...
  15. You might not realise that all those nice puff pieces by old Henry are paid for editorial content. They don't just write it themselves.
  16. that description. Someone needs to use it on Sound of the City tonight. Then refer to Steve Lansdown as Captain Crayon's dad. It the small things that get you through.
  17. Thanks Pete. Say what you like about Sky Sports, but you're right, that was absolutely bang on summary by Ron Walker.
  18. I think Lansdown 'suggesting' we sign David James was what did it.
  19. Didnt SL say something like he didn't care if we got relegated, LJ was still the man for him.
  20. To be fair to Ian, they'll probably try to do worse.
  21. Dave, I did like your Jon Lansdown bit. You were spot on, and it's the only thing that's made me laugh since hearing the news.
  22. You've signed up in the last hour to wind people up. Colour us impressed.
  23. You need to schedule an appointment with your analyst. He might be able to get to the bottom of it.
  24. He might have to pay to get on. I doubt they'll be short of potential contributors. Unless it's anyone from the club of course.
  25. Their two owners are probably more straightforward to deal with than our two. And that's saying something.
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