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Grey Fox

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Everything posted by Grey Fox

  1. Get rid of the lot of them, bunch of bottlers
  2. Rather not, 3pm Saturday please. Allows morning family time, lunchtime beer and home in time for dinner. As to away games, time to get there including beers
  3. I’ve had enough, I’ve supported City since 1966, , but I’m not going to let this bunch of pampered overpaid cowards spoil my weekend anymore, Goodbye
  4. Correct, this bunch of soft cowards are not worth supporting,
  5. Grey Fox


    Two full backs, right and left and at least one strong ball winning midfielder, minimum.
  6. Of course, in League One next season Pring and Tanner will be fine, if that is the plan. And yes, I am seriously pi….Ed off
  7. In reality none of our full backs are good enough for Championship football, Pring and Tanner have potential, but not for two games a week, DaSilva and the bloody useless Simpson are just not good enough. If we have any ambition, as a club, to avoid relegation we must bring in experienced replacements for RB and LB positions In January
  8. None of them, squad simply not good enough, and a number of them don’t look that bothered
  9. Quite simply the current squad are not Championship standard, especially in midfield, Our only hope of staying up is for Williams to actually remain fit for more than ten minutes and bring in at least two quality midfielders and replacement experienced full backs In January. If we don,t, League One next season.
  10. Ipswich away, the season we made the play off final , that match with Hull. Wife moaned I was driving too much and I should go by train. Train to London broke down, and the train to Ipswich stopped at every single station on the way. Arrived too late for the pub, missed the first 10 minutes of the game, and we lost 6-0. Train back was just as slow. Last time I listened to the Mrs.
  11. Arsenal 0 Bristol City 1 First match in the top division, City fans every where, a fantastic performance, great win , and totally smashed by the end of the night ?
  12. Not as far as I know, I looked it up last year and had no problem viewing. The Charlton fans site seems to suggest a “ taking the knee” debate turned very Millwall and the site admin closed it. Don’t know if this is true, but seems possible.
  13. Anyone notice that the Millwall forum ( north stand) is down and has been for a while? May be a technical fault, or have they been misbehaving again ?
  14. If you want to do The Shard for free, go to the bar, it’s on about the 36th floor but the views are amazing, have a pee whilst up there, quite surreal. Drinks are hotel prices, but worth having one just for the view.
  15. The old school Millwall aren’t really a problem, you can have a laugh with them, it is the stupid little chavs that can get annoying. Compared to the 70’s/ early 80’s it’s more like the pussy cats basket than the lions den ?
  16. Sounds fun, I still like the buzz of London Bridge and the market
  17. On the way in, fine, on the way out after a last minute City winner, would be a very different experience ?
  18. Well I’m going, get to London Bridge, lots of good pubs/ restaurants, then one stop to South Bermondsey and your own walkway in to the away end. What’s not to like ?. The police even give you an escort out ?
  19. Good luck to our girls tomorrow
  20. The reality is woman’s football at this stage of its development is not a “ business proposition “, but for a club like City it is an opportunity to provide a platform to grow the game in the South West. Rather than invest in top players from who knows where I believe City would be better off to allow the team to be relegated to a level that they can compete in, and use what resources we have to produce our own players from local girls. We will never match Man City / Chelsea etc in this league but we can help grow the sport in the SW and in time begin to climb the women’s pyramid whilst providing professional standard access / facilities to the girls of our area.
  21. Sorry, but from the highlights that was not a professional performance, have seen better in my local park. Either they get to a professional standard , or withdraw from the league. They were an embarrassment to the club.
  22. The NHS have just taken over Brighton’s ground, The Amex, to use as an emergency hospital. If other areas throughout the UK use local football stadia, can not see this season finishing. Ashton Gate with it’s modern meeting/ function rooms and concourses might be an option in Bristol?
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