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Rob k

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Everything posted by Rob k

  1. Hahaha I'm in Cornwall for the weekend!!! Thank **** in not there by the sounds of it! N
  2. Hahaha baker saying we're seeing a master class How about you say it like it is for a change instead of not wanting to upset your mates. 3 ******* mistakes is what it is.
  3. At least he's doing better than SOD.........
  4. Flint & parish in should do better shocker!!!!
  5. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    We're getting off topic, Sam Baldock himself agrees with what I've been saying so that's good enough for me, Time to leave this thread now as we're not going to agree but for once it's been good to debate without it resorting to to much abuse!!
  6. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Fair play you must have a decent boss if all they want is commitment and effort - mine demands that but if I did not produce results I would get flack and rightly so.
  7. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Spot on, if your paid a certain amount then you have to earn your bunce, it's no different in any profession.
  8. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    No not his fault, however, I bet he's being paid to be a 1m striker .
  9. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Agreed, was horrible to watch.
  10. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    It's not that Baldock misses chances, it's 'the' chances he's missed'n
  11. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    You surley have seen the same games as me, the ones where SB has missed very easy chances he should have scored??
  12. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Edit - been a decent thread so far so not rising to you.
  13. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    ******* hell, nobody is disputing that his goals return is bad, what were saying is if he takes his easy chances the games will be different, I guarantee if you spoke to SB he would more than likely agree he should be on more goals with the chances he's had. The defence is an issue but for a completely different thread, just because they have been awful it should not excuse the chances SB has missed and I'm unsure why you would try and use the defence as a justification for this? Let me be clear here, I like SB, he's hard working and seems a decent level headed bloke, I just think he should be putting away more of the chances he's had.
  14. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    If Baldock takes his chances today it's a different game altogether - as it could have been on Wednesday v Watford.
  15. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Right....Are you actually Sam Baldock?
  16. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    It could be more........
  17. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    If I could be bothered I would go back through player!! However I can't so for that reason I will stop quoting that number until it's proven.
  18. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    It was on here the other day it was 20 missed 1 on 1s.
  19. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Which emphasises the point in a way. As BA has more goals.
  20. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Has he scored any goals he had no right to? (Like JET has for example) Not for me, so with the 22 missed 1 on 1s I believe he should be on more and City should be higher in the league.
  21. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Your right he shouldn't have to score a hat trick for us to win but that's a completely different subject.
  22. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    This is such an invalid argument I'm afraid....You refuse to recognise the 22 missed 1 on2s this season.
  23. Rob k

    Baldock Today

    Valid point about the defence, for me it's purely down to the chances he's missed, these are not what I consider to be half chances hence why I believe he probably should be the country's top scorer right now.
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