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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. Forest fan grabbed the monkeys paw and wished ‘just put us ahead of Derby’...
  2. It’s always quieter on home games as many regulars, well, go to the match.
  3. Meh. Battled, most likely a game we lose last year against a Preston side that created the clearer chances, but we might have nicked it too. Fair result, but one home goal in three matches not ever going to get many points.
  4. I feel like I have watched this film before a good many times over the last 12 months.
  5. Half time, and lucky to be level in the end. I thought we had worked them out, but in the last ten they worked us out and were well on top.
  6. We started very slowly but grown in to it and maybe just edging it now I think. Very tight and very little in it really.
  7. Agree with everything…although it was our second win away in a row (Reading).
  8. If you take the five games so far, apart from anything else they have been pretty much decent games to watch. Yep, breaks went against us v Swansea, went our way today. We are not the finished article yet and we are going to win a few and lose a few, but even given that, it’s a team that, well, looks like a team, battles and plays some decent stuff. Win or lose, it’s fun again. And on days like today it’s more than that. Falling in love again..
  9. Played five, won 2, drew 1, lost 2. Given where we started will take that every day of the week. And every little things, gonna be all right. (be nice to win one at AG mind)
  10. Loved that. Not enjoyed a win so much for ages. We are going to be ok.
  11. We seem to need to score three to win. We have scored three…
  12. Not much in it really, worked hard, looked decent enough and maybe on the balance of play slightly fortunate to be a goal up, opposite of Swansea really. looking like what we are, a solid enough mid table team that will win some lose some. Given where we are, will be delighted with that.
  13. Could well relate to this Times article from last November? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/premier-league-player-arrested-for-rape-and-false-imprisonment-rddtddg9k I know this may feel pedantic, but ‘charged with four counts of rape’ is correct. You can not be charged with ‘alleged rape’, although like all defendants he must be considered innocent until proven guilty (if that is the outcome).
  14. FT. Second half maybe deserved something from the game, but again bad defence and that’s that. The wait goes on.
  15. Not so fussed about the chances we create. Much more of a worry for me is how dysfunctional we are in defence. We are conceding poor poor goals.
  16. If we had conceded the goal we just scored...I was logging out for a week...
  17. The hope was...better manager...pile of players back from injury...we would be ok or at least better. Give it ten games. Some signs of improvement v Blackpool, just back to ground zero here. Already worrying.
  18. I just don’t think many fans appreciate how much at our level Covid has screwed so many clubs. Ours is also somewhat self inflicted, but we are far from the only club this season that are having to make do and mend.
  19. Half cup full…we got a point at home, for the first time in a while…
  20. Work in progress innit. Did more than enough to win, played at times some half decent stuff, should have won. Mind you, not sure we will have many worse teams than Blackpool at AG. Ho hum.
  21. Played more football than the second half of last season put together, and deserve to be ahead. At the moment restricting Blackpool to bugger all. Cannot fault Palmers commitment, but really not a fan of his sliding tackle which has come to be a trademark. Going to be a card every time he mistimed it.
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