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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. I do think some of the crititism of Sammy if a function partly of just how close most of our games are. It will always be the case of looking at the one that got away. We win 2-1 todayand his misses get less of a spotlight than his two goals. Should he score more for the great chances he gets. Yes. Would any replacement we could conceivably get get those chances in the first place? Much more of an open question, but most likely not. As for JET clearly from reports a bad one today. It cannot just be goals - would we take starting each game with ten players all game if we started every other one, one up? Does need to be more consistent, but one of the few players you feel you enjoy watching when on form. Sammy got two today. Sure he could have got more. The reason we did not win, was letting two in, however, in my view.
  2. Ummm...still to small a sample I guess, but nine points from last five. Its just so tight at the bottom. For us more than most it has been tight margins. 12 draws and 8 losses by an odd goal. Feb will tell us whether we are going to be fine, or deep in the brown stuff. The rest of this month, points are a bonus.
  3. Everyone will have to play them eventuallly. Drawing to many games, but rather fancy our season will turn more on the Feb fixtures than the Jan ones. No reason not fo feel confident looking at that run of games. I hope.
  4. Obviously wanted a win, but MK were in pretty good form, sounds like a decent match, and um, have you looked at the table? Hardly certainly down yet?
  5. Sounds like a hard earned point in the end. Random fact of the day - we won half the points won away in our league today. Home form to see us over the line - I hope! Fancied us to win at 3.00. At 3.01 would happily have taken the draw.
  6. I think gd shows just how tight most of our games have been. Hopefully we will start seeing some confidence return. THe games I have seen we have been competitive, but no more than that. If we can push on a little now, it would be nice to watch a game without unduly worrying about the bottom of the table. Fingers crossed.
  7. Well, some Brighton fans not entirely chuffed! http://www.northstandchat.com/showthread.php?272741-The-11-players-on-the-pitch-Nothing-Dead-Mimimum-effort
  8. On the basis of the stats alone, looks like we were unlucky not to nick it - and last time a team did not have a single shot against us? Win would have been great. Brighton are a decent side, and pretty much played us off the park in the reverse, so clear signs of progress. As has been said, beat Boro and its been a good week. 3 unbeaten. Runs have to start somewhere!
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